Category Archives: Interview with a Pornstar

Interview with a Porn Star (#59) — Pradah G.

Prada G

I Shoot Porn: Where are you supposed to be right now?

Pradah G: I’m supposed to be at school.

ISP: What kind of school?

PG: High school.

ISP: You’re a senior?

PG: I think I’m a junior, actually. My school goes by credits, and I think that’s about where I’m at.

ISP: But let’s establish today’s date, as well as your date of birth.

PG: Today is April 10th, 2009, and I was born March 3rd, 1991.

ISP: That makes you how old today?

PG: I’m 18 today.

ISP: Tell me what you can remember about President Bill Clinton.

PG: I don’t remember anything. I was too young.

ISP: Tell me what you can remember about 9-11.

PG: Um…I don’t remember anything. I just remember people dying and it was a sad time for our country.

ISP: Do you remember where you were on that terrible day?

PG: No.

ISP: Do you think you’re old enough to be performing in adult movies?

PG: Barely, yes.

ISP: I don’t mean according to your age.

PG: You mean am I good enough at sex to be doing it on camera?

ISP: No…do you think you’re mentally prepared for what may come from performing sex acts on camera?

PG: Yea. I’m strong, and I love to have sex…so…there’s really too much that can happen that would make me sad.

ISP: Do you talk to your parents at all?

PG: Yes, I talk to my mom.

ISP: Where’s your dad?

PG: I don’t know.

ISP: Do you ever meet him?

PG: Not that I remember.

ISP: Does your mom know you’re making dirty movies?

PG: No.

ISP: What does she think you’re doing?

PG: She thinks I’m at school.

ISP: Why do you want to be a porn star?

PG: I love to be fantasized about. I want people to want me, even though I don’t want them back.

ISP: What’s the craziest sex you’ve ever had?

PG: I had sex in front of my mom.

ISP: What a second. What do you mean? She was in the next room?

PG: I mean my mom was sitting next to me on the bed. Me and my boyfriend were under the covers, and she was near us looking at the computer. I was grossed out by it.

ISP: Um, wow. I’m speechless. How do you feel about skipping school today to blow an anonymous white cock through a glory hole?

PG: Um, I feel very slutty. Very dirty. I feel like I need a hot-ass bath.

ISP: What’s the difference between a hot bath and a hot-ass bath?

PG: A hot bath is for after regular sex. A hot-ass bath is when you’ve done something so dirty and disgusting you can’t accept yourself. I do not love myself right now…not til I’m out of that hot-ass bath.

ISP: For a barely-legal you’re kinda witty.

PG: Um, thank you. I try. I’m not going to school for nothing.

ISP: Do you mySpace? Or is that kinda done?

PG: Yea, I have a mySpace! I’m on the computer all day long. I found my boyfriend there!

ISP: Uh-huh. Anyway, how’s your deep-throating skillz?

PG: They’re fairly brand new…actually, I have no deepthroat skillz.

ISP: Want me to teach you?

PG: I bet you’d like that!

Prada G

Interview with a Porn Star (#58) — Ashli Orion

Ashli Orion interview

I Shoot Porn: Let’s talk about what happened in your college class the other day.

Ashli Orion: In my child development class, we were talking about twins, and how twins are created in the uterus. So I raised my hand and asked my professor if it was possible for fraternal twins to be from different fathers. And the whole class looked at me like I was a whorish freak. So my Professor said something like, “I wouldn’t know a girl to be slutty enough actually to have that happen.” I’m thinking to myself, I just took three cream pies last night from three different dudes…why wouldn’t that be possible?

ISP: Is that the craziest thing you’ve done off-camera?

AO: Um, lemme see. I let a guy pierce my nipples while we were fucking. I got DP’d at a frat party at my college. I love public sex, so I have sex all over the place. Once I did it on top of one of the oil derricks in Long Beach.

ISP: You got into an oil derrick?

AO: Yep! We climbed over a gate and got up the mountain and climbed some stairs that were totally shaky, cause they were getting repaired. We actually fucked on that thing…that thing. What do you call it? The thing were workmen work on?

ISP: Scaffolding?

AO: That’s it! We fucked on the scaffolding so hard were were afraid it was going to break and the cops would show up.

ISP: So what’s your damage?

AO: My dad had a black box — one of those things that let you get every channel on cable. So, after midnight, I could watch The Spice Channel! Thank you dad for having illegal cable with all those dirty movies!

ISP: So you’re a perv — or is this all for a paycheck?

AO: I’m just a pervert. No one molested me, but I kinda wanted it. No! Don’t write that! Seriously.

ISP: OK, I won’t.

AO: But I did like my dad’s friends.

ISP: Ever blow one of them?

AO: No. I was too shy. I was a secret pervert.

ISP: Elaborate.

AO: Um, let’s see…I would make sure my panties were accidentally showing when my dad’s friends were around. I’ve put water balloons in my shirt when I was really young. I did tap dance, and I liked to dance on stage for all the dads in the audience, and it’s funny, cause once you get older, you realize, OH! That’s why I liked it! I was horny, and I didn’t even know it!

ISP: What’s a deal breaker for you?

AO: For sex? Like, during sex?

ISP: Yea, exactly. You’re about to get it on with someone, and they do something to just make you walk out.

AO: I’m pretty much open to anything except shit. I love eating ass, as long as it’s clean…cause I keep mine clean.

ISP: What if you were eating ass and the dude blasted a fart in your face?

AO: I’d probably laugh and smack his ass and then burp in his face.

ISP: Do you have an eating disorder?

AO: No! (Laughs). I eat too much cause I smoke too much weed!

ISP: How do you prefer the marijuana to be delivered into your lungs?

AO: I usually smoke out of my bong. But I like smoking blunts while getting fucked, too.

ISP: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?

AO: I wanted to be an actress, a singer, a movie director, and a teacher, and a writer, and an artist. I wanted to do everything, and that’s pretty much what I do now.

ISP: What did you want to be when you were 20 years old?

AO: I decided to do porn, cause I started one year ago, and I’m 21 now.

ISP: How did you get in?

AO: I researched a lot off Google and I lurked Sexy Jobs. That’s how I found LA Direct’s website. It looked the most professional to me, so I sent them my pictures. That’s not a very exciting story, is it?

ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?

AO: Put on my clothes.

ISP: Gotta mySpace?


ISP: What’s one thing I can’t book you for?

AO: Poo things. But that’s illegal. And I already said I don’t like poop.

ISP: Would you do a horse?

AO: No…wait. I would blow a horse it the money was right…and the horse was happy.

ISP: Let’s talk about your dating life…your private, dating life.

AO: That’s boring. I’m a masturbater. I get cock every day at work and then I go home and use my magic wand and think about the cock I just got.

ISP: How would you react to a fan saying you’re full of shit? Cause lately, my readers have been calling the porn girls out for lying. Example — Andi Anderson said she’d blow a horse, too, and my readers called her out on it…but she was serious.

AO: You know, people tell me they don’t believe me all the time. But I have a crazy life, and that’s how I like to live it. I’m a thrill seeker.

ISP: Would you find it thrilling to blow me really quick?

AO: I already did. That’s how I got my job today, remember?

Ashli Orion interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#56) — Sarah Vandella

Sarah Vandella interview

I Shoot Porn: You just worked the glory hole at The Champagne Room. Now we’re back to my studio to make more smut. What’s your take on the glory hole?

Sarah Vandella: I love glory holes! To me, they’re the dirtiest act I can imagine. It’s so taboo. You don’t know who’s on the other side of that hole, so the anonymity of it makes it so hot. It’s something I would jerk to if I was watching porn! When I was a kid, I was very into masturbation. The first visual I ever masturbated to was a picture of Jay Leno! Can you believe that? I had a newspaper clipping of Jay!

ISP: Why Jay Leno?

SV: Something about his chin really turned me on. When I was a kid, I wore braces, and at I had to wear head gear. I used to lay on my belly to masturbate, and I was rubbing one out to Jay’s pic, and I’m about to cum, and I knew I was either gonna cum — or break my head gear. Sure enough, it broke, so the next morning I had to make up a lie to my mom about how I broke my head gear. I remember the orgasm effect, though…even though I was young! It broke my headgear!

ISP: Let’s talk about your whorish ways.

SV: Well, I pretty much got started escorting about a year out of college, and, you know, out of school I worked regular jobs, and I hated it. So I decided to use my looks — and my sexuality — to make some money. I remember looking in the Yellow Pages for local strip clubs! I was so naive! Plus I was shy, and I had low self-esteem, so I really wasn’t promiscuous. I just didn’t think I was sexy, or that I could turn men on. But I got up the courage to go to try out. The club was a total peep show, like the one I just shot in with you, and we did “extras” there.

ISP: Extras?

SV: We did blow jobs for $200. A hand job went for $80. The guys always wore condoms.

ISP: Was there any sex in The Champagne Room?

SV: At first, no. The owner was very careful. He didn’t want to go to jail. He knew the club was already pushing it. Anyways, I worked there a month, and I knew there were legal brothels in Nevada, so the next thing you know I was at Sherry’s Ranch in Nevada.

ISP: So you love your work.

SV: I loved it! I got a little taste, and I wanted more! The girls at the Strip Joint didn’t understand it when I left for Sherry’s, but it was all about loving sex.

ISP: So how did you segue that into porn?

SV: It’s not like I always wanted to be a porn star. But I did always want to be a whore. As a kid, I didn’t want to be Jenna Jameson, it was all about expressing myself sexually. Some of the girls at the brothel did scenes, and I decided to call some of the agents in LA, and, over a six month time frame, I asked all sorts of questions. And I thought about it. I kept escorting, and one day I just felt ready. So I came to LA, shot for Naughty America, and finally fell into my current agent. I’ve been doing it now for about a year.

ISP: What went through your head as you were signing your very first model release?

SV: Oh, god! I was so nervous. I just felt dumb. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where to look. I didn’t want to sound like someone else. It took a little while for me to be comfortable on camera, and to know how to open up for the camera, and how to really work it! But the first two weeks I didn’t have a clue.

ISP: If I opened your fridge right now, what am I gonna find?

SV: I don’t have a fridge. That’s not a good question for me, cause I travel so much. I have three rental cars, but I don’t have a fridge.

ISP: Were you popular in high school?

SV: No, not at all. I was a total dork. I played sports and kept to myself.

ISP: What sports did you play?

SV: Soccer.

ISP: Were you a problem child growing up?

SV: Yes. Very much. I was a bad kid. I just never fit in, and I was always made fun of. In school I was rebellious. I would always talk back to teachers because I was bullied all the time. I felt the kids didn’t have to right to talk shit about me, and even the teachers were idiots.

ISP: What’s your sex life like off camera, and when you’re not escorting?

SV: For the past two years, I haven’t gotten any dick! Not unless there’s a camera around. I never get laid if I’m not working! Guys never ask me out. They don’t like me. I don’t know if they think I’m super bitch or what!

ISP: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done without a camera rolling or getting paid?

SV: (Thinks for a second). OK! This is a true story. I hit on my massage therapist a couple years ago. He totally freaked, but not in a bad way. He had a girlfriend at the time, but he was in the middle of a transition, so to speak. He was so shy! He started sweating! It was so cute! I was making him nervous. I asked him to suck dick and to fuck. He was so nervous and flustered and he said, “listen, you’re hot, but I’ve got a girlfriend!” So, I flashed him. I couldn’t help myself. He freaked out and we didn’t do anything.

ISP: That’s not really a crazy story!

SV: I know! It’s not! I’m sorry. Oh wait — here’s one. When I was 12, and I just got my first period, I was very curious about sex and dick sucking. So, I decided to go up to a random stranger and ask to blow him. And I didn’t even ask for money! What was I going to do with money at 12?

ISP: Um, how old was he?

SV: He was in his 30’s. It was almost pedophilia. I mean he wasn’t old…but he was an adult. I blew him in the bushes, and he was coaching me on what to do. Then I started getting scared, so I left. I left him in the bushed with his pants around his ankles. I remember him saying where are you going? when I walked away. I was also a huge flasher when I was a kid.

ISP: OK — that’s crazy! And I’m pretty sure when a 12 year old blows an older man, they call it pedophilia. Anyways…on to other things — your bacon: well done n’ crispy or soft n’ chewy?

SV: Well done and crispy! Gonna cook me some bacon?

ISP: Orange chicken or Moo Goo Gai Pan?

SV: I’ll take the second one. What is it?

ISP: The Beatles or Brittney?

SV: Oh! The Beatles!! Are you crazy?! I play the guitar. I had a Fender Jagstang, which was a combo Mustang and Jaguar. Curt Kobain designed it for Fender when he was still alive. It was a 16th birthday present from my dad.

ISP: Are you close to your parents?

SV: Yes, I am. They’re still married. They know everything about me. When I started dancing, I told them. When I started escorting, I told them.

ISP: What was their reaction?

SV: Well, you have to understand…it started with dancing, so by the time I was doing porn, they knew everything. It was never a shock to them. I knew from the day I started dancing I was going to make a career out of the adult industry, and they support me with that decision. Most girls do this on the DL. This is my favorite job, and it’s my career, and I’m proud of it.

ISP: Your thoughts on the butt hole?

SV: I love it! I have a little freckle on mine. It winks. I just started doing anal in my private life, and I like it. The first time I did it up the butt it went right in, and I liked it! I don’t know if I can handle big guys, yet, but one day. My aspiration is to do a DP.

ISP: Do you myspace?

SV: I have a myspace. Be my friend!

ISP: If I’m your friend, does that mean I get a BJ?

SV: Of course! What are friends for?

Sarah Vandella interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#55) — Andi Anderson

Andi Anderson interview

I Shoot Porn: Remember the first time we met on my set? In hardly no time at all we were doing it. And you let me blast in your butt! How come you let me cream pie your ass?

Andi Anderson: I do what I want. Cause I was in the mood. I felt like it. The time was right. I thought it would be a good ice breaker, too.

ISP: Do you often use anal sex as an ice breaker?

AA: Hmm. Do I? No. Just has to be the right mood.

The Minion: Should anal sex replace the handshake?

AA: If it’s the right guy, and the right time, and the right mood!

ISP: Wanna talk about the time you blew me in the parking lot outside of of Cheese Cake Factory after dinner?

AA: That was so hot. I love doing dirty things in public. I’m an exhibitionist.

ISP: I don’t like talking about my sex life, cause it makes me sound like a braggart.

AA: No it doesn’t.

ISP: Do you have a lot of sex with strangers?

AA: Nope. I like it to be the same person. It makes things better that way.

ISP: Were you a slut growing up?

AA: Starting my junior year in high school. But before that I was always fucking horny. But I was too much of a goodie-goodie to be a slut.

ISP: What was the catalyst to slutdom?

AA: I was in AP classes. I was in band, and I was working hard to get band scholarships. And academic ones, too. I wanted eventually go to med school. Then, I went to Hawaii. I got really tan, and I got blonde highlights, and all of a sudden, when I came back to school, I had all sorts of attention! I loved the attention, so I thought fuck school! I’ll just be a slut!

ISP: What instrument did you play?

AA: Piano since kindergarten. Then Alto Sax and clarinet.

ISP: Do you like John Coltrane?

AA: Who’s that?

ISP: What’s the sluttiest thing you ever did in high school?

AA: How much time do you have? I had sex on a snow board trip on the back of the bus. I had sex in the football locker room. I had sex on the school dance floor.

ISP: Ever do a gang bang in high school?

AA: Not in high school but right after. Like 2 weeks after graduation. I did four guys, but that’s not really a gang bang.

ISP: How do you define a gang bang?

AA: 12 or more. Isn’t that true?

ISP: I don’t know the strict definition of a gang bang. I’m not sure Noah Webster ever covered that term. Tell me about the 4 guy thing.

AA: Actually, I liked to take guys’ virginity in high school. Made me feel very much in control. I’d be the first girl to have sex with them. I’m a big control freak. Anyways, the second a dude told me he was a virgin, I’d do him.

ISP: Did you keep count of your virgins?

AA: I didn’t. I don’t keep count. I don’t recall how many guys I had sex with in high school.

ISP: How did you find your way into porn?

AA: SexyJobs. I was bored going to school and working really hard. You know what did it? I was dating this guy from the gym, and he invited me to Disney Land with his family, and I said no, cause I had to work. I was really serious about my job, and I was really uptight. So when he left without me, I got pissed, and I thought to myself what am I doing with my life? I’m stuck in an office working really hard and going to college. I joined Sexy Jobs and Terry and Jen from Seymour Butt’s talent agency called me and next thing you know I was at Erotica 2006, and the following Monday I was in Breakin’ ‘Em In #11 for Vince Vouyer. It was my first scene, and it was an anal scene.

ISP: Were you doing anal in your private life at that point in time?

AA: Yea, but only with one person.

ISP: What can’t I book you for?

AA: Nothing. There’s nothing I won’t do.

ISP: So I can book you for blowing a horse?

AA: Yes.

ISP: Can I book you for a 100 man bukakke?

AA: I actually do want to do that.

ISP: Would you do The Minion?

AA: Yes.

ISP: Would you blow a bum on the side of the road?

AA: Yea. As long as his wiener is clean. I’d have to see it first.

ISP: Pee movie?

AA: Yes.

ISP: Poop?

AA: Yea, just don’t poop near my mouth. Do you know how many times I’ve shit my pants from doing anal? And any girl who says she hasn’t is lying.

ISP: Where’s the whackiest place you dumped your drawers?

AA: El Torito’s parking lot.

The Minion: Before or after the buffet?

AA: I had to throw away a really expensive pair of Guess jeans cause of that.

ISP: Where did you throw ’em?

AA: In the parking lot. Out my car window. And then I drove away.

ISP: Are you ever afraid to fart cause you might poo yourself?

AA: No. If it happens, oh well!

ISP: I love this interview.

AA: Me too.

ISP: Let’s finish up here really quick, cause we gotta go shoot your Eat Some Ass movie. Anything you want to end on?

AA: I wanna move back home and finish college. I want to get my degree. I wanna be an RN. I want a normal job soon, back home, hopefully in a hospital. Then I’d come down and shoot a scene every once in a while just so I can get some cock. Get laid.

ISP: Anything else?

AA: Let’s go eat some ass.

Andi Anderson interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#54) — Alice Bell

Alice Bell interview

I flew home to do my part in making sure Barak Obama becomes our next Fearless Leader, and sometime that afternoon I got a call from The Minion — my PA — and he’s telling me he’s got a “surprise” for me waiting in my e-mail box. Well, not only was it this interview, but it appears The Minion has come out-of-pocket and shot a scene for the world’s greatest handjob site —!

His kindness leaves me speechless.

Now if I can just get him to stop negotiating for hundred dollar blow jobs.


The Minion: Why isn’t Billy Watson interviewing you today?

Alice Bell: Um, he’s out of town right now, so it’s a surprise shoot for him.

TM: When did we set up your Manojob shoot?

AB: Two hours ago, he he.

TM: What did we talk about on the ride here?

AB: We spoke about how the shot is going to go. That this is a surprise shoot and what the pay would be. We also listened to the Howard Stern show.

TM: Do you remember what was on Stern?

AB: This hot girl was on the phone from Buffalo, and she went down on one of her hot female friends.

TM: Did that get you excited?

AB: To be honest, a little. But to be honest I get excited over little things.

TM: Did you get wet?

AB: I’m always wet so it doesn’t take much for me to get wet.

TM: How’d you get into porn?

AB: Through myspace. My agent sent me a message through it in March of this year. It’s been in the back of my mind. I came out here in October and did it. I needed the money.

TM: What did you do before porn?

AB: I was a leasing agent in Texas.

TM: What’s that?

AB: I leased out apartments. It was pretty hectic.

TM: What’s the craziest shit you do?

AB: I really haven’t done anything crazy. Before I got out here I slept with only 4 people. I’ve already done gangbangs, interracial, 3somes, and even made out privately with some girls.

TM: So porn has made you a cock hound?

AB: Yeah, hahaha!

TM: How did you get your name?

AB: One of my favorite movies is Alice in Wonderland. My favorite name is Alice and Bell was a last name that wasn’t taken.

TM: Are you voting tomorrow?

AB: No.

TM: Why not?

AB: I don’t have my voter’s registration card with me.

TM: Do you blow random dudes?

AB: Yeah, why not?

TM: Why do you do that?

AB: I’m young. I probably won’t have a chance to do this in 5 -10 years.

TM: Answer honestly, would u blow me off camera?

AB: I see this is strictly business.

TM: But you said you blow random guys!

AB: Random guys for money. That’s what’s porn’s all about right?

TM: How about $100?

AB: Done!

TM: I win!!

Alice Bell interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#53) — Emy Reyes

Emy Reyes interview

I Shoot Porn: Happy Halloween! What are you gonna be tonight?

Emy Reyes: Little Bo Peep. Something like that.

ISP: Did you lose your sheep?

ER: Uh huh!

ISP: Why did you come to America?

ER: I was 13 when I left Honduras to come to the US — for a better future. I went to high school here, graduated, got a real job as an insurance agent, but one day one of my friends introduced me to the adult industry.

ISP: So, a better future included a career in porn?

ER: No. (Laughs). It just happened. A friend named Sasha did two scenes. I went with her for one of those scenes. She encouraged me to try it, and a week later, I did.

ISP: What was your first scene?

ER: Pictures only. For Naughty Neighbors. It’s a magazine. I got the cover!

ISP: What was your first full-blown sex scene?

ER: Red Light District. Just Over 18. I got the box cover for that!

ISP: What was going through your head walking on a porno set for the first time?

ER: I was excited and curious. I was happy to be there! I love sex, and I always have. It was a turn on to see other people fuck, and for me to fuck a stranger. It was so hot. I got to fuck Alex Gonz. He’s good! He was very respectful to me.

ISP: How many scenes have you shot?

ER: 25 — maybe less.

ISP: What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on camera?

ER: One of my fantasies just came true. I got to fuck 5 girls at once! All hot girls, too!

ISP: What’s the craziest thing you’ve done off camera?

ER: I’ve fucked in a movie theater. Like, a real movie theater. I like to fuck everywhere! Even in a cop car.

ISP: Wait a sec…first, the theater. Then we’ll move on to The Piggy. Was it a packed house?

ER: kinda full, yea. A lady got up and said “get a room!” and she left the theater.

ISP: What movie was it?

ER: It was one of those movies that makes fun of scary movies, or superhero movies. I forget. I think it was called “Superhero Movie”.

ISP: Did they send an usher in to break up the filthy behavior?

ER: Yea, a guy with a flashlight came in, but we were already done. The guy I fucked was really fast.

ISP: Where did he blow?

ER: He shot all over my ass and back. I was sitting on him and he pulled out and it went everywhere.

ISP: Nice. I’m sure the people seated near by were appreciative.

ER: The lady left. The other wild one was in a cop car. I got pulled over for a DUI. I was a little tipsy. It was a Friday, and a cop pulled me over and I was wearing a really slutty dress. He made me get out of the vehicle, and it was kinda awkward at first. He gave me a sobriety test, and I passed it. So he had me blow into the machine, and I didn’t pass that. He said he was going to arrest me, and he put the plastic cuffs on him. Cops turn me on! I’ve dated like 4 of them. So I flirted with him. I asked him how old he was and all that, cause I was drunk, and I dunno…I asked him if I kissed him would he let me go? And after that, it just happened. It was really hot and really quick. The back seat was so dirty! It kinda stunk. Anyways, he was quick, and after it happened he gave me his number, and now we’re fuck buddies. And he saves me from my tickets.

ISP: I think you’re telling a lie.

ER: No way! Cops are crooked. Especially the ones in Miami. Cops make passes at me all the time. And I like to say things like “oh officer! I’ve been a bad girl! Arrest me!”

ISP: What kind of insurance did you sell?

ER: Commercial auto, personal auto, workman’s comp, a bunch of things.

ISP: What do you want to do after porn?

ER: I want to have my own insurance business. I’m in the process of doing it. I’m getting my California insurance license.

ISP: You’re the girl that’s wholesome on the outside and naughty on the inside, huh?

ER: How do you know?

ISP: I’m a genius. Now, what can’t I book you for?

ER: I don’t do anal or interracial. No bondage, either. It’s too creepy for me.

ISP: Do you watch your own scenes?

ER: I don’t have time. I prefer to make it happen. I like the action!

ISP: You got a site?

ER: Uh huh! It’s the Emy Reyes fan site! You can see me for free!

ISP: Can I have a little action?

ER: How much you gonna pay me? Ain’t nothing free!

ISP: I’ll pay you with kindness.

ER: You don’t even have lunch here for me! I’m starving!

ISP: I can feed you some jizz.

ER: Jizz? What’s that? I want chicken and rice, some frijoles, a pupusa and some plantains.

ISP: You don’t know what jizz is? It’s cum. I want to feed you my cum.

ER: I assumed that. You’re nasty!

ISP: Not all the time, my love. Not all the time.

Emy Reyes interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#52) — Carolyn Reese

Carolyn Reese interview

I Shoot Porn: You were on time today! That’s almost uncanny for porno whores. What’s up with that?

Carolyn Reese: Sometimes I’m a little bit late, but time is money, right? Besides, I don’t want to hold up the whole shoot.

ISP: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?

CR: When I was 10 — believe it or not I was just talking about that — I always wanted to be in “nudie” magazines.

ISP: How did you know about stroke mags when you were 10?

CR: My sister’s husband had them in the bathroom, right in the rack next to the toilet, and I would spend hours looking at them — Playboy and Hustler. I was a pervert from a young age!

ISP: What did you want to be when you were 20 years old?

CR: A make-up artist.

ISP: Why aren’t you doing that now?

CR: Cause I decided to be in porn. I used to do make-up and hair for mainstream, actually.

ISP: And the porno circus is more alluring than mainstream?

CR: Yes! I can’t have sex on film in mainstream!

ISP: You could have sex whenever you wanted. You’re hot.

CR: Thank you! But I like to do it in front of a camera. I also like to do it for money. I like to feel like a big whore.

ISP: What’s up with that?

CR: I’m an exhibitionist.

ISP: I meant the whore issue.

CR: Um, I’ve always had it. I’m a really sweet, down-to-Earth girl next store, but I like to feel like a dirty slut, cause it gets me off. I’m a lady on the street and a freak in the sheets.

ISP: When did you first charge someone for sex?

CR: Well, it was for the camera, and it was for Voyuer Media. It was with James Deen.

ISP: Girls love James Deen.

CR: I was like, Oh my God! I’ve landed!

ISP: What was so good about it? James Deen? The sex? Fucking on camera?

CR: All of it! The whole thing!

ISP: Did you have a “crazy” sex life before you got into the business?

CR: My boyfriend and I used to go to swinger parties, cause he liked to see me get fucked by big cocks. We used to go to San Bernadino, cause that’s where he found all the swinger parties. I would do a dude while he watched. He didn’t want to fuck. He just liked to watch. He was the same guy that was in ICU and we fucked there.

ISP: Excuse me?

CR: He OD’d on heroin. He winds up in ICU. I was visiting him, and his dick was rock hard.

ISP: How does your dick get hard in ICU after ODing on heroin?

CR: This was a guy who would watch porn in the morning before going off to work, just to relax. So, his dick gets hard, and I just hopped on it.

ISP: Not in the middle of ICU!

CR: Yes! We just went for it.

ISP: What did everyone do?

CR: I don’t know. I didn’t pay attention. We just fucked really quick and then I hopped off him. But his heart monitors went up, that’s for sure.

ISP: No nurses?

CR: No! Usually there’s one per patient, but not this time.

ISP: Do you prefer guys that are circumcised or uncircumcised?

CR: Um…you know what? I’ve had great cocks either way.

ISP: What can’t I book you for?

CR: I’m not doing anal — yet. Interracial. Or gang bangs.

ISP: But you’ve done anal off camera?

CR: Oh yea!

ISP: And black dudes off camera?

CR: I have once. Just cause my boyfriend wanted to watch me get rammed by a big black cock.

ISP: Was it really big and black?

CR: Yes!

ISP: And did you like it?

CR: Yes!

ISP: Then why not shoot for Blacks on Blondes?

CR: I’m not a racist. I just don’t want to get shot out too fast. I like bukakkes too, by the way. They’re so much fun!

ISP: When have you done a bukakke?

CR: I did a mini one for Jules Jordan.

ISP: Define mini.

CR: There was like 5 guys. I guess that’s more of a blow bang.

ISP: Or a cumbang!

CR: I want to do one with a lot of guys. It’s so nasty! I’d feel like such a slut!

ISP: Let’s get all political for just a sec, cause it’s that time of year. Barak or McCain?

CR: You really gonna ask me this one? Actually, I don’t want either of them, but if I had to choose, I’d vote Obama.

ISP: Have you found it difficult to date people who know what you do?

CR: I haven’t really dated anyone while in the business until just recently. He’s in the biz. So far, so good.

ISP: What do you think you’ll be doing when you’re 40?

CR: By then I’m going to have my sober living house open, I will be a writer, and I’ll have, maybe, a couple business. I’m not sure about kids, but if I do, it’ll happen before I’m 40.

ISP: I could start a whole new interview off the sober living house response.

CR: I’m in the program, and I want to give back. It’s a good business and a great way to give back.

ISP: Do you have any words of advice to the young people who are looking to jump into porno?

CR: I would say invest your money wisely and don’t let your boundaries get crossed.

ISP: Do you myspace?

CR: I sure do!

Carolyn Reese interview

Interview with a Porn Star (#51) — Ahryan Astyn

Ahryan Astyn

I Shoot Porn: How did you get your porno name, and how do I pronounce it?

Ahryan Astyn: I had a friend with the name Orion, so I changed it up a little…and you say “Ah” instead of “Orion”. Astyn comes from the car — Astin Martins. In my head, Ahryan Astyn goes together.

ISP: How did you find your way into this crazy biz?

AA: An ex-friend. She was my best friend. She’s in porn. We met through a mutual friend. Actually, I met a few people in the industry, and I got an agent, and here I am.

ISP: Were you a sex worker before porn?

AA: Yea, I was a stripper…but I’d like to say an Independent Contractor…or an Adult Entertainer. How about Exotic Dancer?

ISP: What’s the difference between stripper mentality and porn actress mentality?

AA: For me, it’s not different. It’s not my life. Anyway, strippers are sneaky. Porn girls just let it all out.

ISP: What’s the most money you ever made stripping in one night?

AA: $3500 in two hours from the same customer. He didn’t want me to dance. All he wanted to do was sit and talk. He wanted to know all about me, and why I was a stripper, and how I was too good to be a stripper. The whole time he’d hand me $100 bills.

ISP: Did he ask you to marry him?

AA: He wanted to date me and stuff, but no proposal.

ISP: Who was your first scene with?

AA: Vivid. “Brand New Faces” with Nick Manning.

ISP: Did he holler “DROPPIN’ LOADS BITCHES!” when he blasted?

AA: He was so funny. And he was fun to work with.

Gia The Make-up Artist: What about his balls? Did they bother you? Cause they’re big, saggy, and floppy.

AA: No, his balls didn’t bother me.

Gia The Make-up Artist: When guys would sit with you and talk while you were stripping, but they didn’t want a dance…how did you get paid?

AA: We’d go to the VIP Room. They’d pay to get in, and they’d get a few songs, and then after the songs were over I’d ask them if they wanted to stay.

ISP: Did you ever give your good customers any kind of deals?

AA: The security guards kept count of the songs, so I couldn’t give a deal. But I never tried to cheat them, either.

ISP: Did you ever give a Happy Ending in the Champagne Room?

AA: NOT ONCE! Never, ever, ever did I ever do anything like that.

Gia The Make-up Artist: You sound certain about that.

AA: I didn’t have to! Plus, all these guys wanted was someone to confide in. Unhappy marragies. Cheating on the wife. Wife doesn’t want to have sex anymore. That sort of thing.

ISP: What can’t I book you for?

AA: Interracial. Anal. DP. I’ll only do one guy at a time. I’ll do two girls. I’m just trying to spread it all out. I’m pacing myself. I’m trying to last longer than a year. And it’s all something to look forward to.

ISP: What’s in your fridge right now?

AA: Water, orange juice, yogurt, carrots, milk. Sting cheese. I love string cheese! I hated it when I was a kid, but I love it now. Oh! And Big Sticks in my freezer! I love Big Sticks!

ISP: Big sticks?

AA: You’re never heard of Big Sticks? Ice cream!! I have two boxes of Big Sticks.

ISP: In your private life are you a freak?

AA: This sounds sad, but I have no sex life outside of work. I’m not dating anyone. I’d like to date someone, but I’m not…and, believe it or not, I’m not the kind of girl to just go pick up some random person at a bar.

Gia The Make-up Artist: When you’re in porn, you don’t have sex outside of work!

AA: Yea, I’m getting it at work, so I’m good.

ISP: Would you quit doing boy/girl scenes if you met a dude and he asked you to stop?

AA: No, I wouldn’t. If he was marriage material, I could see how it would bug him, and I might think about, but no. Not for just a boyfriend. He knew what I did getting into the relationship, and if we were together for, like, a year…I would consider it then. I’ve always been more of a one-guy girl than sharing.

ISP: What do you see yourself doing after porn?

AA: A nurse in a children’s hospital. It’s sad and depressing, but if there’s any way I can bring happiness to them, I’d love to.

ISP: You mySpace?

AA: Yea, just search my name to find me.

[I do, and two “Ahryans” come up. I point this out].

AA: What! Someone has stolen my name! That’s so crazy!!

[Here’s the real Ahryan Astyn myspace…and here’s the fake one].

ISP: Um, wow. Imagine that. Someone on the internet that’s full of shit.

Ahryan Astyn

Interview with a Porn Star (#50) — Leah Livingston

Leah Livingston

I Shoot Porn: You’re my 50th interview! What do you think about that?

Leah Livingston: They’re fun, huh?

ISP: My readers love them. Do you love Cher?

LL: Um, some of Cher’s music I like.

ISP: Gypsies Tramps & Thieves?

LL: Huh? I liked her when she sang “I Got You Babe” with Sonny.

ISP: Why is it that gay guys love Cher so much?

LL: I wonder if a gay guy would fuck Cher? I mean it would be like, “I know you’re gay, but would you fuck Cher? I mean would you put it in her ass? Or could you take pussy for one day?”

Gia Paloma, Make-up Artist: I wonder where the guy would cum? Like, would he blow it inside her to make little Cher babies? He wouldn’t cum in her face due to respect. Maybe her tits?

LL: I bet he’d come in her mouth and then Cher would french kiss him.

ISP: You mean snowball him?

LL: Yes!

ISP: Have you ever snowballed a dude before?

LL: Um, no.

Gia: Would you snowball a guy is if he asked?

LL: Um, yea. I would do it if he wanted me to.

Gia: Would you date him afterward? Or would you not date him simply because he wanted you to snowball him?

LL: No, I don’t think I would date him. Mainly because I’d always worry that when he was hanging out with his guy friends all they’d do is snowball each other.

ISP: Gia, have you ever snowballed your dude?

Gia: Yes.

ISP: And you ended up marrying him.

Gia: Yes. In fact, one time he came in my mouth, I spit it on the floor, and then I pulled him by the hair and made him lick it up.

LL: Wow. You’re dirty! Kinky!

ISP: There’s something terribly wrong with Gia Paloma. Anyways, how did you get into porno, Leah?

LL: Um, my friend was stripping with me. Jordana James. It was back in Illinois called PT’s Sports Cabaret. She told me all about it. She took my pictures, sent them to her agency, and two weeks later I was in!

ISP: Your first scene?

LL: Jordana, me, and Tom Byron. Blast Off! We were on the box cover!

ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s asked you to do?

LL: Fuck a guy through a hole.

ISP: You loved our trip out to the gloryhole!

LL: Yea. I thought it was more funny than anything. But it fulfilled a fantasy.

ISP: Are you a naughty girl in real life?

LL: I’m very promiscuous. And one thing I haven’t done that I want to is have sex with a virgin. That way I can fuck him silly and he’ll never look at another girl the same.

ISP: I’m a virgin.

LL: Oh, really?

ISP: I’ve never done it before.

LL: Well then let’s go!

ISP: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

LL: A foursome. Me and one of my best friends and we found two guys at a bar and we took them home and fucked them.

Gia: Do you think your friend would have snowballed one of the dudes if they’d had asked her?

LL: Yes. She’s a very dirty girl.

Gia: Do you think she would have dated him after?

LL: She has a lot more trust in people. She probably would have thought it was an extra special bonding moment…so yea, she would have.

ISP: What can’t I book you for?

LL: Anal.

ISP: How come?

LL: Because my ass is…well, my ass was virgin territory. But just recently I let a guy stick 1/2 his cock in it, and I wanted to cry. I told him to take it out. It hurts. Sex is supposed to be pleasureable.

ISP: When did you first start getting freaky?

LL: I started blowing guys when I was 14. There was one drunken night I ended up giving head to three guys in one night.

Gia: Did you snowball any of them?

LL: Nope. But I did tell each of them it was my first time doing it…all three times.

ISP: Do you go for older guys?

LL: Yea, always have.

ISP: That’s a common porno girl personality trait. Why do you think that’s so?

LL: Cause they’re more mature and know how to fuck.

Gia: My answer is much less sexy. I think it’s all about getting validation from an authoritative figure. It’s all about being wanted by someone in a position of authority. A lot of these girls ever felt like they did well in school, or at home, or wherever.

LL: I agree! I had sex with my boss once, and he was married!

ISP: Do I have a shot, Leah? Cause I know I don’t have a shot with Gia.

Gia: Hell no you don’t. Besides, after having a baby, it would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

LL: Yes! Billy has a shot.

ISP: So would you say I have a great shot…or a good one. Or hardly any one at all?

LL: I’d say if you asked me to have sex with you right now I would do it.

Gia: Is that cause he’s hot…or cause he’s your boss?

LL: A little of both.

ISP: Gia and Leah, I’m adding $50 bucks to both your checks today for any and all compliments directed my way, and Leah…we need to have a private meeting in my office. I need to go over today’s scene with you. Specifically the correct way to perform The Doggy Position while the camera is rolling.

Leah Livingston

Interview with a Porn Star (#49) — Sinn Sage

Sinn Sage

I Shoot Porn: Let’s talk about your Satanic ways….cause — let’s face it — since we’re in porn, we’re all Satanists…right?

Sinn Sage: (Laughs) We’re all evil! I don’t adhere to any sort of label, and I don’t believe in God, or the Devil. But I’m defiantly intrigued by the ideas and concepts of Satanism, which isn’t worshiping the Devil. Just like I’m equally intrigued by Buddhism. I don’t consider myself a spiritual person.

ISP: What is it about Satanism that intrigues you?

SS: It begins with Atheism. And it’s based on worship of The Self, and enjoying life, and not feeling guilty about the pleasures that life has to offer. And giving respect to people because they deserve it…not because they’re an authoritative figure. I’m not a master of the subject, but I’ve done my research.

ISP: How come you don’t do boys in your movies?

SS: I feel differently towards men than women. When I have sex with a man, I want it to be based on some sort of attraction — whether it be mental or emotional stimulation. But, with women, I could have sex with 100 of them a day and not feel anything else about it…except happy. It’s just different. I don’t know. I just can’t do dick for the sake of dick.

ISP: But isn’t porn just a job?

SS: Not for me! I could do anything that’s a job…but this is something…I don’t know. With women, I can make a passionate, intense, quality performance. Good stuff that you’d want to see on camera. A performance I can be proud of. So it’s more than just a job. It’s something I feel strongly about. If I was doing boys, you’d see my disinterest.

ISP: Are you a lesbian?

SS: No! I wish.

ISP: Why?

SS: Because —

ISP: (I look down and notice Sinn has her hand down her pants). Are you playing with yourself?

SS: I’m scratching my pubes.

ISP: You’re not 100% shaved?

SS: Only the important parts…but I appreciate pubic hair. As far as relationships go, I feel the need to be with a man. I’m attracted to men, but more on an emotional level. Not so much physically. If a man stimulates my mind, it’s not important at all what he looks like to me.

ISP: How does Audrey Elson’s pussy taste?

SS: Pussy all tastes the same to me. It tastes like pussy. She’s great though! Now that I know her more, I wish I could work with her again. Demi The Demoness was a fun movie!

ISP: You strip, too?

SS: Yea, I’m a dancer.

ISP: Does stripping make you hate men?

SS: No! Absolutely not. I don’t know if you want to put this in the interview, but I’ve always kept journals, and since I was like 14 I knew I wanted to dance and appear in adult movies. Last night I was reading an entry from when I was 18 (Sinn’s almost 25 now) and I hadn’t started in the industry yet…but it was interesting to see the attitude I had towards the industry is the same as I do now…six years later.

ISP: Are you educated?

SS: I’m a pretty smart person. I graduated high school. I was in honors classes. Honors English. My parents were teachers. But I didn’t go to college.

ISP: So what’s your damage?

SS: I have none. My parents are still married. I was raised upper-middle class. I had pretty much what I wanted. I was depressed in high school, but to know I wanted to do this since 13 means this is who I am. I don’t feel bad about about it, and I don’t feel that I should. I just…I embraced my sexuality at a young age, and, eh…this is who I am. I’m an exhibitionist and a performer and a sexual person and there’s nothing wrong with it and I’m happy. I believe porn makes people happy, and I feel that way about stripping, too.

ISP: So I’m not exploiting you today?

SS: Oh, hell no. This is my decision. How am I being exploited by being fully aware of what I’m doing. I made the decision to come here and take my clothes off. I’m in control. I have the power. I realized the power I had in my sexuality, so if anyone is being degraded — or exploited — it’s the people who need to pay for it. If anything, the men who buy porn are being exploited, not the people who make money doing it.

ISP: Anything you wanna plug?

SS: My new site is Spank Sinn. It’s all about girl-girl erotic spanking. Not no much punishment as spanking. Can you also mention mySpace?

ISP: Would you be my friend?

SS: Yes! Of course!

ISP: Good. I dunno what I’d do without my mySpace pals. Oh…and I’ve been a very bad boy today. Would you spank me?

SS: If you had a vagina.

Sinn Sage