I Shoot Porn: You’re my 50th interview! What do you think about that?
Leah Livingston: They’re fun, huh?
ISP: My readers love them. Do you love Cher?
LL: Um, some of Cher’s music I like.
ISP: Gypsies Tramps & Thieves?
LL: Huh? I liked her when she sang “I Got You Babe” with Sonny.
ISP: Why is it that gay guys love Cher so much?
LL: I wonder if a gay guy would fuck Cher? I mean it would be like, “I know you’re gay, but would you fuck Cher? I mean would you put it in her ass? Or could you take pussy for one day?”
Gia Paloma, Make-up Artist: I wonder where the guy would cum? Like, would he blow it inside her to make little Cher babies? He wouldn’t cum in her face due to respect. Maybe her tits?
LL: I bet he’d come in her mouth and then Cher would french kiss him.
ISP: You mean snowball him?
LL: Yes!
ISP: Have you ever snowballed a dude before?
LL: Um, no.
Gia: Would you snowball a guy is if he asked?
LL: Um, yea. I would do it if he wanted me to.
Gia: Would you date him afterward? Or would you not date him simply because he wanted you to snowball him?
LL: No, I don’t think I would date him. Mainly because I’d always worry that when he was hanging out with his guy friends all they’d do is snowball each other.
ISP: Gia, have you ever snowballed your dude?
Gia: Yes.
ISP: And you ended up marrying him.
Gia: Yes. In fact, one time he came in my mouth, I spit it on the floor, and then I pulled him by the hair and made him lick it up.
LL: Wow. You’re dirty! Kinky!
ISP: There’s something terribly wrong with Gia Paloma. Anyways, how did you get into porno, Leah?
LL: Um, my friend was stripping with me. Jordana James. It was back in Illinois called PT’s Sports Cabaret. She told me all about it. She took my pictures, sent them to her agency, and two weeks later I was in!
ISP: Your first scene?
LL: Jordana, me, and Tom Byron. Blast Off! We were on the box cover!
ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s asked you to do?
LL: Fuck a guy through a hole.
ISP: You loved our trip out to the gloryhole!
LL: Yea. I thought it was more funny than anything. But it fulfilled a fantasy.
ISP: Are you a naughty girl in real life?
LL: I’m very promiscuous. And one thing I haven’t done that I want to is have sex with a virgin. That way I can fuck him silly and he’ll never look at another girl the same.
ISP: I’m a virgin.
LL: Oh, really?
ISP: I’ve never done it before.
LL: Well then let’s go!
ISP: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
LL: A foursome. Me and one of my best friends and we found two guys at a bar and we took them home and fucked them.
Gia: Do you think your friend would have snowballed one of the dudes if they’d had asked her?
LL: Yes. She’s a very dirty girl.
Gia: Do you think she would have dated him after?
LL: She has a lot more trust in people. She probably would have thought it was an extra special bonding moment…so yea, she would have.
ISP: What can’t I book you for?
LL: Anal.
ISP: How come?
LL: Because my ass is…well, my ass was virgin territory. But just recently I let a guy stick 1/2 his cock in it, and I wanted to cry. I told him to take it out. It hurts. Sex is supposed to be pleasureable.
ISP: When did you first start getting freaky?
LL: I started blowing guys when I was 14. There was one drunken night I ended up giving head to three guys in one night.
Gia: Did you snowball any of them?
LL: Nope. But I did tell each of them it was my first time doing it…all three times.
ISP: Do you go for older guys?
LL: Yea, always have.
ISP: That’s a common porno girl personality trait. Why do you think that’s so?
LL: Cause they’re more mature and know how to fuck.
Gia: My answer is much less sexy. I think it’s all about getting validation from an authoritative figure. It’s all about being wanted by someone in a position of authority. A lot of these girls ever felt like they did well in school, or at home, or wherever.
LL: I agree! I had sex with my boss once, and he was married!
ISP: Do I have a shot, Leah? Cause I know I don’t have a shot with Gia.
Gia: Hell no you don’t. Besides, after having a baby, it would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
LL: Yes! Billy has a shot.
ISP: So would you say I have a great shot…or a good one. Or hardly any one at all?
LL: I’d say if you asked me to have sex with you right now I would do it.
Gia: Is that cause he’s hot…or cause he’s your boss?
LL: A little of both.
ISP: Gia and Leah, I’m adding $50 bucks to both your checks today for any and all compliments directed my way, and Leah…we need to have a private meeting in my office. I need to go over today’s scene with you. Specifically the correct way to perform The Doggy Position while the camera is rolling.

I would love to see leah in person shoot a movie with shane ,jack napier,,and lex steele.. I have faith in her she would fuck them all silly she is so hot and to watch that show in person would be priceless. leah you rock!!!!!!
Leigh livingston is my favourite pornstar!