I Shoot Porn: Remember the first time we met on my set? In hardly no time at all we were doing it. And you let me blast in your butt! How come you let me cream pie your ass?
Andi Anderson: I do what I want. Cause I was in the mood. I felt like it. The time was right. I thought it would be a good ice breaker, too.
ISP: Do you often use anal sex as an ice breaker?
AA: Hmm. Do I? No. Just has to be the right mood.
The Minion: Should anal sex replace the handshake?
AA: If it’s the right guy, and the right time, and the right mood!
ISP: Wanna talk about the time you blew me in the parking lot outside of of Cheese Cake Factory after dinner?
AA: That was so hot. I love doing dirty things in public. I’m an exhibitionist.
ISP: I don’t like talking about my sex life, cause it makes me sound like a braggart.
AA: No it doesn’t.
ISP: Do you have a lot of sex with strangers?
AA: Nope. I like it to be the same person. It makes things better that way.
ISP: Were you a slut growing up?
AA: Starting my junior year in high school. But before that I was always fucking horny. But I was too much of a goodie-goodie to be a slut.
ISP: What was the catalyst to slutdom?
AA: I was in AP classes. I was in band, and I was working hard to get band scholarships. And academic ones, too. I wanted eventually go to med school. Then, I went to Hawaii. I got really tan, and I got blonde highlights, and all of a sudden, when I came back to school, I had all sorts of attention! I loved the attention, so I thought fuck school! I’ll just be a slut!
ISP: What instrument did you play?
AA: Piano since kindergarten. Then Alto Sax and clarinet.
ISP: Do you like John Coltrane?
AA: Who’s that?
ISP: What’s the sluttiest thing you ever did in high school?
AA: How much time do you have? I had sex on a snow board trip on the back of the bus. I had sex in the football locker room. I had sex on the school dance floor.
ISP: Ever do a gang bang in high school?
AA: Not in high school but right after. Like 2 weeks after graduation. I did four guys, but that’s not really a gang bang.
ISP: How do you define a gang bang?
AA: 12 or more. Isn’t that true?
ISP: I don’t know the strict definition of a gang bang. I’m not sure Noah Webster ever covered that term. Tell me about the 4 guy thing.
AA: Actually, I liked to take guys’ virginity in high school. Made me feel very much in control. I’d be the first girl to have sex with them. I’m a big control freak. Anyways, the second a dude told me he was a virgin, I’d do him.
ISP: Did you keep count of your virgins?
AA: I didn’t. I don’t keep count. I don’t recall how many guys I had sex with in high school.
ISP: How did you find your way into porn?
AA: SexyJobs. I was bored going to school and working really hard. You know what did it? I was dating this guy from the gym, and he invited me to Disney Land with his family, and I said no, cause I had to work. I was really serious about my job, and I was really uptight. So when he left without me, I got pissed, and I thought to myself what am I doing with my life? I’m stuck in an office working really hard and going to college. I joined Sexy Jobs and Terry and Jen from Seymour Butt’s talent agency called me and next thing you know I was at Erotica 2006, and the following Monday I was in Breakin’ ‘Em In #11 for Vince Vouyer. It was my first scene, and it was an anal scene.
ISP: Were you doing anal in your private life at that point in time?
AA: Yea, but only with one person.
ISP: What can’t I book you for?
AA: Nothing. There’s nothing I won’t do.
ISP: So I can book you for blowing a horse?
AA: Yes.
ISP: Can I book you for a 100 man bukakke?
AA: I actually do want to do that.
ISP: Would you do The Minion?
AA: Yes.
ISP: Would you blow a bum on the side of the road?
AA: Yea. As long as his wiener is clean. I’d have to see it first.
ISP: Pee movie?
AA: Yes.
ISP: Poop?
AA: Yea, just don’t poop near my mouth. Do you know how many times I’ve shit my pants from doing anal? And any girl who says she hasn’t is lying.
ISP: Where’s the whackiest place you dumped your drawers?
AA: El Torito’s parking lot.
The Minion: Before or after the buffet?
AA: I had to throw away a really expensive pair of Guess jeans cause of that.
ISP: Where did you throw ’em?
AA: In the parking lot. Out my car window. And then I drove away.
ISP: Are you ever afraid to fart cause you might poo yourself?
AA: No. If it happens, oh well!
ISP: I love this interview.
AA: Me too.
ISP: Let’s finish up here really quick, cause we gotta go shoot your Eat Some Ass movie. Anything you want to end on?
AA: I wanna move back home and finish college. I want to get my degree. I wanna be an RN. I want a normal job soon, back home, hopefully in a hospital. Then I’d come down and shoot a scene every once in a while just so I can get some cock. Get laid.
ISP: Anything else?
AA: Let’s go eat some ass.

You should pursue this relationship.
I don’t buy this girls past at all. She would do any virgin in high school and she would do a horse? I don’t buy it at all. She sounds like she is just telling you the answers that guys want to hear. She has a horrible boob job, horrible collagen filled lips and if she lost twenty pounds, she would still need to lose another twenty. Give me Nikki Anne, Leighlani Red or Jenny Reeder any day of the week.
This was the wildest interview you’ve ever done I think. Bravo. Only bad part:
Ugh… egads.
I disagree, Freebird. Do any of the girls you’ve mentioned do anal? Are any of them real blondes? Andi is not overweight either. As for John Coltrane – never heard of him.
Heads up your asses, all of youse! Among the best fucks I ever had was with an 18 year old who had never heard of the Beatles. I was thirty at the time. Granted, she was a real blonde and her size D tits were real and her first anal experiences were with me, as was her first non self-induced orgasm. Now, what do you think the chances were, at that time, as I lay there after sex, just WISHING we could talk about when they pretended that Paul was dead?
Andi needs to go hunt down her surgeon and get her money back for that horrible boob job. That boob job is even worse than Barbie Cummings and I didn’t think that could ever be possible. The Minion has better looking tits than Andi. No wonder she spews all that made up shit about fucking virgins and being willing to blow horses and 100 men bukkake’s, its cause she has to make up for the fact that she has butchered boobs and ugly ass collagen filled lips. I am sure she would make a great stripper though, and she probably tells those poor saps waving those Andrew Jackson’s around exactly what they want to hear. Stick to the dark strip clubs at 3am Andi. Thats about where you rank in the big scheme of things.
Billy – you mention that when you met Andi you came in her butt. Is it common for porn directors to AIM test themselves? Why would a director go to the trouble of doing this if they only expect to be shooting, and not participating?
Jimbo — everyone should get tested on a regular basis in order to promote good health and welfare. 🙂
men she is fucking hot i wanna fuck her in her ass..
Anyhow this girl demonstratively pushing her limits by doing a2p in almost any scene.
that is approach I respect
I think Andi is gorgeous and I love watching her fuck black men. She has one of the prettiest faces in porn and her smooth creamy white ass gives me a hardon each time I see it. Keep fucking on film Andi,you’re terrific
her lips are great
ya’ll hatin cause u ain’t black
im irani. you have a nice ass. every night in my dream i see you i feel you.i like fuch your ass
I think she is the most beautiful actress I’ve ever seen.I’d really like u some day. seriously,may I ask how much u charge for a scene?
Whatever some say she is perfect ,not only the body but the way she acts
Shit her pants after doing anal? I have a hard time believing the bitch couldn’t make it to a bathroom that many times. Porn sets don’t have shitters?
really i want to fuch her
i cant wait any more time ineed her and 2 guys with me to duck and fuck her she has nice sexy assssssss
I went to high school with this girl, I had no idea…
omg i want this girl to shit on my dick while its in her ass. we can make a mess and then she can suck it off. then i can toungue her butthole she farted
I mean I love this chick she is fucken awsome and the one guy talken shit about her body ur just mad cuz you couldn’t get a chick like Andi
I totally agree with freebird,any guy that believes her shit talk probably takes it in the ass..just another dumb skank who tries to act smart.clearly has an extremely low iq as per 98% of the animal that is called the porn star.
Andi is a very spiritual girl.
She remembers me of my mother especially when she does a gangbang.
I used to pray together with Andi when she was in Vatican.
After I peed in her mouth and she shitted on my face.
i saw a video of her on brazzers where she literally shits during anal i mean her shit stuck to the dudes dick,poor guy
The only reason she does anal is because she’s a fatty and fat sluts do everything.
She is brilliant and her personality and likes are obviously included in her movies.
And well guys *looking up* if you fuck her or his butt, you may get a brownie, that´s life 😛
i relly need u my love
After a hard days work on simplexus I search me up some Andi Anderson so I can drain my chaotic longsword of its charges. It’s the best feeling ever yo. When my gf Katniss doesn’t put out (busy with the hunger games I guess) Andi Anderson will be there as always to make me blow like a hand cannon.
~ A M
you are so much butiful sexy girl im interesting to see your anal move
I know this is 2014 and Andi’s interview was in 2008 I hope she got her education and is doing porn every once in a while. I know the porn world out there doesn’t want to hear this but education is king, don’t give me wrong I love it when she does anal I love early movies her tits look better.
I Love U Andy. you are best in the world