I Shoot Porn: How did you get your porno name, and how do I pronounce it?
Ahryan Astyn: I had a friend with the name Orion, so I changed it up a little…and you say “Ah” instead of “Orion”. Astyn comes from the car — Astin Martins. In my head, Ahryan Astyn goes together.
ISP: How did you find your way into this crazy biz?
AA: An ex-friend. She was my best friend. She’s in porn. We met through a mutual friend. Actually, I met a few people in the industry, and I got an agent, and here I am.
ISP: Were you a sex worker before porn?
AA: Yea, I was a stripper…but I’d like to say an Independent Contractor…or an Adult Entertainer. How about Exotic Dancer?
ISP: What’s the difference between stripper mentality and porn actress mentality?
AA: For me, it’s not different. It’s not my life. Anyway, strippers are sneaky. Porn girls just let it all out.
ISP: What’s the most money you ever made stripping in one night?
AA: $3500 in two hours from the same customer. He didn’t want me to dance. All he wanted to do was sit and talk. He wanted to know all about me, and why I was a stripper, and how I was too good to be a stripper. The whole time he’d hand me $100 bills.
ISP: Did he ask you to marry him?
AA: He wanted to date me and stuff, but no proposal.
ISP: Who was your first scene with?
AA: Vivid. “Brand New Faces” with Nick Manning.
ISP: Did he holler “DROPPIN’ LOADS BITCHES!” when he blasted?
AA: He was so funny. And he was fun to work with.
Gia The Make-up Artist: What about his balls? Did they bother you? Cause they’re big, saggy, and floppy.
AA: No, his balls didn’t bother me.
Gia The Make-up Artist: When guys would sit with you and talk while you were stripping, but they didn’t want a dance…how did you get paid?
AA: We’d go to the VIP Room. They’d pay to get in, and they’d get a few songs, and then after the songs were over I’d ask them if they wanted to stay.
ISP: Did you ever give your good customers any kind of deals?
AA: The security guards kept count of the songs, so I couldn’t give a deal. But I never tried to cheat them, either.
ISP: Did you ever give a Happy Ending in the Champagne Room?
AA: NOT ONCE! Never, ever, ever did I ever do anything like that.
Gia The Make-up Artist: You sound certain about that.
AA: I didn’t have to! Plus, all these guys wanted was someone to confide in. Unhappy marragies. Cheating on the wife. Wife doesn’t want to have sex anymore. That sort of thing.
ISP: What can’t I book you for?
AA: Interracial. Anal. DP. I’ll only do one guy at a time. I’ll do two girls. I’m just trying to spread it all out. I’m pacing myself. I’m trying to last longer than a year. And it’s all something to look forward to.
ISP: What’s in your fridge right now?
AA: Water, orange juice, yogurt, carrots, milk. Sting cheese. I love string cheese! I hated it when I was a kid, but I love it now. Oh! And Big Sticks in my freezer! I love Big Sticks!
ISP: Big sticks?
AA: You’re never heard of Big Sticks? Ice cream!! I have two boxes of Big Sticks.
ISP: In your private life are you a freak?
AA: This sounds sad, but I have no sex life outside of work. I’m not dating anyone. I’d like to date someone, but I’m not…and, believe it or not, I’m not the kind of girl to just go pick up some random person at a bar.
Gia The Make-up Artist: When you’re in porn, you don’t have sex outside of work!
AA: Yea, I’m getting it at work, so I’m good.
ISP: Would you quit doing boy/girl scenes if you met a dude and he asked you to stop?
AA: No, I wouldn’t. If he was marriage material, I could see how it would bug him, and I might think about, but no. Not for just a boyfriend. He knew what I did getting into the relationship, and if we were together for, like, a year…I would consider it then. I’ve always been more of a one-guy girl than sharing.
ISP: What do you see yourself doing after porn?
AA: A nurse in a children’s hospital. It’s sad and depressing, but if there’s any way I can bring happiness to them, I’d love to.
ISP: You mySpace?
AA: Yea, just search my name to find me.
[I do, and two “Ahryans” come up. I point this out].
AA: What! Someone has stolen my name! That’s so crazy!!
[Here’s the real Ahryan Astyn myspace…and here’s the fake one].
ISP: Um, wow. Imagine that. Someone on the internet that’s full of shit.

Is this typical porn girl logic, or is this Ahyran really not the sharpest knife in the drawer? I know, you’re gonna say I’m hatin’ again, but dig this: she, like all porn girls, has a limited shelf life. After they have done some solo girl, then girl/girl, then girl/idiot, then one thing after another until they have shot seven scenes with dogs belonging to black guys who all cum inside her ears, she is used up: not because she can’t walk and cries all the time (even if this is also the case), but because the jerk off army doesn’t want to see her do it again. The monster requires fresh meat at all times. She says here, she wants to spread it out (with no irony, either!), to “last in the biz”, meaning she wants to make the same amount of porn as she would ultimately make and the same amount of money, but instead of making all the money at once and going on to the next thing, (goodness knows what that is, but it apparently would be bringing some happiness into some sick child’s life (as if! after her face and everything else is spread all over the net doing german shephards, no one is going to let her NEAR their children. Especially if they are sick!) she wants to make it all REALLY SLOWLY!!!. You know, like making sure it all is as painful and drawn out as possible.
Now I know there is stupid and being a porn girl, but “this one here” (notice my thumb gesture) is stupid even for a porn girl.
Or, is it just me?
did I mention she also has a face like a tranny? OK Now I’m hatin’…peace
I’m pretty sure the other profile was made by the folks at the Bang Bros. Network.
who dis white girl? no interracial? she’s out of porn already? well since all small dick white boys want to see IR she must be forced out or porn right? no? must now go to jules jordan and bitch on his board about IR who is doing IR