I Shoot Porn: Let’s talk about what happened in your college class the other day.
Ashli Orion: In my child development class, we were talking about twins, and how twins are created in the uterus. So I raised my hand and asked my professor if it was possible for fraternal twins to be from different fathers. And the whole class looked at me like I was a whorish freak. So my Professor said something like, “I wouldn’t know a girl to be slutty enough actually to have that happen.” I’m thinking to myself, I just took three cream pies last night from three different dudes…why wouldn’t that be possible?
ISP: Is that the craziest thing you’ve done off-camera?
AO: Um, lemme see. I let a guy pierce my nipples while we were fucking. I got DP’d at a frat party at my college. I love public sex, so I have sex all over the place. Once I did it on top of one of the oil derricks in Long Beach.
ISP: You got into an oil derrick?
AO: Yep! We climbed over a gate and got up the mountain and climbed some stairs that were totally shaky, cause they were getting repaired. We actually fucked on that thing…that thing. What do you call it? The thing were workmen work on?
ISP: Scaffolding?
AO: That’s it! We fucked on the scaffolding so hard were were afraid it was going to break and the cops would show up.
ISP: So what’s your damage?
AO: My dad had a black box — one of those things that let you get every channel on cable. So, after midnight, I could watch The Spice Channel! Thank you dad for having illegal cable with all those dirty movies!
ISP: So you’re a perv — or is this all for a paycheck?
AO: I’m just a pervert. No one molested me, but I kinda wanted it. No! Don’t write that! Seriously.
ISP: OK, I won’t.
AO: But I did like my dad’s friends.
ISP: Ever blow one of them?
AO: No. I was too shy. I was a secret pervert.
ISP: Elaborate.
AO: Um, let’s see…I would make sure my panties were accidentally showing when my dad’s friends were around. I’ve put water balloons in my shirt when I was really young. I did tap dance, and I liked to dance on stage for all the dads in the audience, and it’s funny, cause once you get older, you realize, OH! That’s why I liked it! I was horny, and I didn’t even know it!
ISP: What’s a deal breaker for you?
AO: For sex? Like, during sex?
ISP: Yea, exactly. You’re about to get it on with someone, and they do something to just make you walk out.
AO: I’m pretty much open to anything except shit. I love eating ass, as long as it’s clean…cause I keep mine clean.
ISP: What if you were eating ass and the dude blasted a fart in your face?
AO: I’d probably laugh and smack his ass and then burp in his face.
ISP: Do you have an eating disorder?
AO: No! (Laughs). I eat too much cause I smoke too much weed!
ISP: How do you prefer the marijuana to be delivered into your lungs?
AO: I usually smoke out of my bong. But I like smoking blunts while getting fucked, too.
ISP: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
AO: I wanted to be an actress, a singer, a movie director, and a teacher, and a writer, and an artist. I wanted to do everything, and that’s pretty much what I do now.
ISP: What did you want to be when you were 20 years old?
AO: I decided to do porn, cause I started one year ago, and I’m 21 now.
ISP: How did you get in?
AO: I researched a lot off Google and I lurked Sexy Jobs. That’s how I found LA Direct’s website. It looked the most professional to me, so I sent them my pictures. That’s not a very exciting story, is it?
ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?
AO: Put on my clothes.
ISP: Gotta mySpace?
ISP: What’s one thing I can’t book you for?
AO: Poo things. But that’s illegal. And I already said I don’t like poop.
ISP: Would you do a horse?
AO: No…wait. I would blow a horse it the money was right…and the horse was happy.
ISP: Let’s talk about your dating life…your private, dating life.
AO: That’s boring. I’m a masturbater. I get cock every day at work and then I go home and use my magic wand and think about the cock I just got.
ISP: How would you react to a fan saying you’re full of shit? Cause lately, my readers have been calling the porn girls out for lying. Example — Andi Anderson said she’d blow a horse, too, and my readers called her out on it…but she was serious.
AO: You know, people tell me they don’t believe me all the time. But I have a crazy life, and that’s how I like to live it. I’m a thrill seeker.
ISP: Would you find it thrilling to blow me really quick?
AO: I already did. That’s how I got my job today, remember?

I’m so excited to see ASHLI ORION