I Shoot Porn: You were on time today! That’s almost uncanny for porno whores. What’s up with that?
Carolyn Reese: Sometimes I’m a little bit late, but time is money, right? Besides, I don’t want to hold up the whole shoot.
ISP: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
CR: When I was 10 — believe it or not I was just talking about that — I always wanted to be in “nudie” magazines.
ISP: How did you know about stroke mags when you were 10?
CR: My sister’s husband had them in the bathroom, right in the rack next to the toilet, and I would spend hours looking at them — Playboy and Hustler. I was a pervert from a young age!
ISP: What did you want to be when you were 20 years old?
CR: A make-up artist.
ISP: Why aren’t you doing that now?
CR: Cause I decided to be in porn. I used to do make-up and hair for mainstream, actually.
ISP: And the porno circus is more alluring than mainstream?
CR: Yes! I can’t have sex on film in mainstream!
ISP: You could have sex whenever you wanted. You’re hot.
CR: Thank you! But I like to do it in front of a camera. I also like to do it for money. I like to feel like a big whore.
ISP: What’s up with that?
CR: I’m an exhibitionist.
ISP: I meant the whore issue.
CR: Um, I’ve always had it. I’m a really sweet, down-to-Earth girl next store, but I like to feel like a dirty slut, cause it gets me off. I’m a lady on the street and a freak in the sheets.
ISP: When did you first charge someone for sex?
CR: Well, it was for the camera, and it was for Voyuer Media. It was with James Deen.
ISP: Girls love James Deen.
CR: I was like, Oh my God! I’ve landed!
ISP: What was so good about it? James Deen? The sex? Fucking on camera?
CR: All of it! The whole thing!
ISP: Did you have a “crazy” sex life before you got into the business?
CR: My boyfriend and I used to go to swinger parties, cause he liked to see me get fucked by big cocks. We used to go to San Bernadino, cause that’s where he found all the swinger parties. I would do a dude while he watched. He didn’t want to fuck. He just liked to watch. He was the same guy that was in ICU and we fucked there.
ISP: Excuse me?
CR: He OD’d on heroin. He winds up in ICU. I was visiting him, and his dick was rock hard.
ISP: How does your dick get hard in ICU after ODing on heroin?
CR: This was a guy who would watch porn in the morning before going off to work, just to relax. So, his dick gets hard, and I just hopped on it.
ISP: Not in the middle of ICU!
CR: Yes! We just went for it.
ISP: What did everyone do?
CR: I don’t know. I didn’t pay attention. We just fucked really quick and then I hopped off him. But his heart monitors went up, that’s for sure.
ISP: No nurses?
CR: No! Usually there’s one per patient, but not this time.
ISP: Do you prefer guys that are circumcised or uncircumcised?
CR: Um…you know what? I’ve had great cocks either way.
ISP: What can’t I book you for?
CR: I’m not doing anal — yet. Interracial. Or gang bangs.
ISP: But you’ve done anal off camera?
CR: Oh yea!
ISP: And black dudes off camera?
CR: I have once. Just cause my boyfriend wanted to watch me get rammed by a big black cock.
ISP: Was it really big and black?
CR: Yes!
ISP: And did you like it?
CR: Yes!
ISP: Then why not shoot for Blacks on Blondes?
CR: I’m not a racist. I just don’t want to get shot out too fast. I like bukakkes too, by the way. They’re so much fun!
ISP: When have you done a bukakke?
CR: I did a mini one for Jules Jordan.
ISP: Define mini.
CR: There was like 5 guys. I guess that’s more of a blow bang.
ISP: Or a cumbang!
CR: I want to do one with a lot of guys. It’s so nasty! I’d feel like such a slut!
ISP: Let’s get all political for just a sec, cause it’s that time of year. Barak or McCain?
CR: You really gonna ask me this one? Actually, I don’t want either of them, but if I had to choose, I’d vote Obama.
ISP: Have you found it difficult to date people who know what you do?
CR: I haven’t really dated anyone while in the business until just recently. He’s in the biz. So far, so good.
ISP: What do you think you’ll be doing when you’re 40?
CR: By then I’m going to have my sober living house open, I will be a writer, and I’ll have, maybe, a couple business. I’m not sure about kids, but if I do, it’ll happen before I’m 40.
ISP: I could start a whole new interview off the sober living house response.
CR: I’m in the program, and I want to give back. It’s a good business and a great way to give back.
ISP: Do you have any words of advice to the young people who are looking to jump into porno?
CR: I would say invest your money wisely and don’t let your boundaries get crossed.
ISP: Do you myspace?
CR: I sure do!

Good interview 😀 I’m glad to see that just about all of our questions got worked in.
I know you do these kind of impromptu and that might make audio and video difficult, but I’m still requesting it 🙂
Thanks again Billy.
Please send us a picture of your face when she said she had had sex with a man who had just O.D’d on heroin. And did he then immediately get up and drive her to a Glory Hole, where he ejaculated into the mouths of a long line of waiting strangers on the other side of the wall? Many of whom were also wacked out on heroin? I volunteer with drug addicts and one thing I can tell you for certain, NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE has LESS sex than people who use heroin. And I thought junkies were the best liars. This woman is the best!
hahaha she’s a liar she fuck no nigger dick, she like a bukkake? okay brobang dis bitch 10 black dicks for this dumb whitey. she can feel like such a whore or a whoreo cookie
Raf more chance of you doing 10 black dicks than Caroline Reese.
But thats cool cause interracial porn is gross, black dicks look like lumps of shit being pushed into white girls pussies… Yeuch.
I don’t even watch girls who have done interracial porn and once they do it I don’t buy their movies anymore. The latest girl to join that list who I used to buy her stuff but won’t any longer is Nicole Ray, you won’t be getting anymore of my money.
Makes for a small list of girls I buy DVDs of, but CR is one of them.
That’s because you’re a idiotic racist.
kayman learn to read properly before you make foolish statements. I’m neither idiotic or racist, but it turns out you’re a judgemental moron.
I didn’t say anything racist in my post, I just said that I didn’t like interracial porn and explained why that was.
If you are looking for racism here I suggest you look at Raf’s comment.
Mr Day if you are not a racist, then explain why u dont purchase interracial porn of girls who have done it, especially girls who did whites only and decided to do interracial, dont hide behind anything and just admit it, and whats so wrong abt doing interracial porn, whats wrong with a white girl doing interracial porn and refusing to buy her dvd. WHY MR DAY.
I hope Carolyn Reese never do IR on camera in any way and stays like that just like Taylor Rain. I’m not obsess with IR stuff as it turns me off big time.
Please Carolyn do an interracial gangbang. 10 black dudes all ramming Carolyn is what I want to see.
I find it funny that day gets attacked and called a racist when the only person to actually make racist remarks was Raf.Just cuz someone doesn’t buy/watch interracial doesn’t make them a “racist” it’s a genre and not everybody likes the same shit.Would people harass others for not watching MILF videos? I doubt it.I have seen interracial videos,some of the shit they do and say in those vids seem kinda racist towards whites..but nobody says shit about that…fyi,racism goes both ways so get over yourselves and don’t make false,retarded accusations to people cuz they don’t enjoy the same wank material as you do.lame.
Shut up…
I ❤you carolyn
she is the best