Spring Thomas

Spring Thomas

For a while, we shot nothing but softcore. No crazy black dudes on set. No waiting for wood. No waiting on pops.

It was really nice, looking back on it, and easily my favorite work with Spring Thomas. We’d make a few hours out of it, like figure out where we were gonna shoot, then shoot, then grab a bite to eat or just hang out afterwards.

Take a look at the beach shot at my secret little cove in Malibu. What a great place to shoot! It’s secluded, and it’s rocky enough to keep pesky gawkers away, but it’s close enough to be there in about 10 minutes from public parking. One other person was there that day, and as he watched Spring prance around naked on the beach, he told me he once dated a famous Playboy Playmate. I dunno about that, but I do know about the whale Spring and I watched as we were heading back to the parking lot. We were up crossing the rocks, and not too far from the beach, a whale was basking in the sun.

My friend had a porno house in Northridge for about 3 weeks. He lost it cause he didn’t keep a low profile, and when you do that sort of thing – even in Porno Land – the cops will shut it down. And that’s exactly what happened to him, but not before I shot some sets at his pad, my favorite of which where these back yard shots. I had one of those gold discs pro photographers use, and even though I’m far from being a pro, I gave it a whirl. I think she looks amazing.

I wonder if she’s gonna hate these pictures, too.

Spring’s slowed down a bit lately, but who can blame her? There’s still plenty of unseen footage for her site, so that’s a good thing.

It just would be nice to see her again.

Spring Thomas

Super Fun e-mails (and more Riley Mason…cause really, who can get enough Riley?)

Mano Job Riley Mason

Dane writes:


So I’m writing you again as a professional porn man for your input. I was watching Voyeur’s “The Gauntlet 2” the other day and in the charming extras section there was an interview with Ms. Riley Mason. She let it slip in there that she did… dun Dun DUN… escorting (AKA prostitution). It came up because Voyeur and Ms. Mason were having a chat about what a whore is and Riley thought it was someone who had sex for money, and she did, and Voyeur thought it was someone who would sleep with anyone anywhere (which Riley seemed to admit to, which was hot, but not the point).

So my question to Mr. Billy Watson is thus… what do YOU think a whore is? Do you see a difference between prostitution and pornograhpy? Is Riley Mason a whore, a whore, or a whore?

Also, totally unrelated: hire Lexi Belle and Gwen Diamond as soon as possible.

Your faithful reader,

Heya Dane!

Take a look at the very first pic I took of the lovely Miss Mason. It was in the make-up chair, maybe just an hour before James Deen pummled her silly for one of her very first scenes ever – a Riley Mason spunkmouth. And after that, it was a Riley Mason Jizz On My Glasses …one of the worst facial obliterations I’ve had the pleasure to partake in.

But you really didn’t ask about that, did you Dane?

Whenever you need to know what a word means, your default place to go is the trusty dictionary…a place, I’m sure, you hated to go while you were in school. Shit, all kids hate to consult the dictionary. Why do that when your teacher – who’s standing right in front of you – can do the same thing, and much more quickly, too?

According to dictionary.com, a whore is “a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money”. Now, I really wanted to see how dictionary.com measures up to the mother-of-all-single-volume dictionaries – Webster’s Second Edition. (Note: I can’t afford the 32 volume “OED” – Oxford English Dictionary).

Webster’s says a whore is “a woman who practices unlawful sexual commerce, esp. one who prostitutes her body for hire; a harlot”.

This, of course, is completely different than how the judge in California v. Freeman decided. See, there was this dude named Freeman, and he did pretty much the same thing I do, and the state nailed him on a pandering charge. This was just another attempt by the Right Wingers to shut down my business. Pandering is, for the most part, finding someone to have sex with someone else, which is how a pimp functions with his whore. In the state where I live, pandering is a class 6 felony. In California pandering is a felony, too…I think. Might be a misdemeanor, but a naughty, naughty one. I’m not sure. I’m not a lawyer.

Are you following me here Dane? Or am I rambling?

Cause here’s one of your answers: Riley Mason is not a whore. She’s an adult motion picture actress, and she’s protected by law to appear in movies in which she’s compensated to engage in non-obscene sexual acts with other people as long as said motion pictures are produced soley in the state of California.


You can always count on me for fancy jargon…just don’t ask me to define obscene.

But I still really haven’t answered you, have I Dane? You asked what I think. And what I think is the Judge in the Freeman ruling was a very, very smart person, and it doesn’t really matter what I think; it matters more how the courts ruled…cause not-too-long ago shooting an adult movie was a very risky thing that could have cost you a lot, and now it doesn’t. As long as you do it in California.

And Riley Mason is one of my very favorite whores ever. Which doesn’t make her a slut, cause a slut just fucks a whole bunch of people for free.

Whores are smart business people.

Sluts are dummies.

And as long as the camera is rolling, we’re all just fine, thank you very much.

Your pal – Billy

PS: I’ve been trying to hire Lexi Belle, but with no luck. I’ll ask around about Gwen Diamond…just for you.

Riley Mason

Barbie’s New Boobies


I’m starting to crush on Barbie Cummings.

The first time I shot her was for Spunkmouth, and I think it was 3 or 4 months ago. I even interviewed her that day.

Then, of course, I blogged about her the other day…when we had our little slumber party.

Now she’s sending me cell phone pics of her new boobies. That’s right: 34D’s were not enough for Miss Cummings…she wanted more.

Much more.

So she doubled them up. 400-and-something-CC’s to 800+ CC’s…of pure mammary love.

Big Fat Mammary Love.

I used to be kinda down on cosmetic surgery, and I still am…but not as much as I used to be. It’s important for people to feel good about themselves, especially in a society that does its absolute best to put people down at every opprotunity. So if Barbie doubles her tits and the end result is she loves herself twice as much as she did before, then that’s a good thing, and that’s all that matters to me.

When does it backfire? Well, if Barbie’s doing it to please someone else. And from what I know about her, she isn’t.

Now that I have all the polite talk out of the way, just take a look at those babies. Holy Christ. I wanna squirt them down, right now, with whatever baby-batter I have left in my ball sac after rubbing one out just a little while ago. I wanna grope those big ol’ fun bags, and then, after some melon munching, I want to just get lost in them completely, for at least the next day or so.

I wanna fuck those titties silly.

I wanna walk around KMart with Barbie, rushing to a Blue Light Special, her barefoot and giggling and in daisy duke shorts, with nothing but a wife-beater covering up those over-stuffed pleasure pillows. A white trash hoe-down, not cause Barbie’s white trash – not by any means – just cause I think it would be funny to see such a sight…as well as everyone else’s reaction.

Um, what else? A haiku?

Oh Barbie Cummings!
I bet your new tits are so
soft Fifi will bark!

How’s that for a little bit o’ poetry on your otherwise boring Friday?




The first time I met Gianna was on a Spring Thomas set, and it was at least two years ago.

Tonight she was shooting at my pal Nicky’s studio, and I wanted to show her my new place, so after she wrapped with Nicky, she came over to my place for a soda pop…and to talk shop.

First thing I told her was, “you know, it’s funny Gianna, cause I just got some fan mail about you the other day, and I blogged it.”

This made Gianna happy. All porn stars love their fans. I showed her the fan mail, and we chatted a little more.

Turns out Gianna wants her own website, and she wants to own it. The whole thing. And this is great, cause I see so many of these girls practically give their money away…but not Gianna. She’s an owner, and she’s gonna have a great site – very soon. Maybe even by AVN’s.

Gianna liked my new pad – especially the shower. “You know,” she said, “I’d love to have you shoot me in there. Like, right now. Are you up for it?”

What a silly question, Gianna.

Silly, silly girl.

It’s days like these – shooting pictures of Gianna taking a shower at my place – that make me wonder how I got so lucky in this life.

Allen Ginsberg’s Howl.


In 1987 I was a college student, and – like most kids in school – I was very confused about which way my life was headed. I came into my senior year with a GPA only a college jock could be proud of, too. Which was true, cause I was a jock, and I played that role very well. Problem was, my time was almost over. I had to declare a major, and my athletic counselor suggested history…cause it was “easiest”.

Her words.

I chose English. I liked to write, and I like to read – biographies on all the people I looked up to, mostly. So why not English Lit? Problem was, none of the books I read were curriculum, of course.

I had no idea about Beowulf, or Chaucer, or almost anything Shakespeare ever wrote – and I really still don’t; Milton and Dante and Blake were a mystery to me; I kinda liked the 19th century American writers – specifically Stephen Crane; I threw away Absalom, Absalom! in disgust – I mean literally…like, in the trash can; however, Hem and Steinbeck and Scotty Fitz were cool; and then, one day, I walked into a movie theater cause Mickey Rourke was playing a down-and-out poet, and I still liked Rourke enough back then to cough up 6 bucks and watch him act.

This was, of course, before “Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man”.

Rourke played Charles Bukowski; the movie was Barfly. After it ended, I walked out of that theater and immediately to the used bookstore across the street, where I scored a rather dog-eared copy of Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame.

A book that would alter my life for the next decade or so. Maybe even to this point.

From there, I found the Beats, and Kerouac, and Corso, and Old Billy Boy, and sure enough, Allen Ginsberg. Devoured a lot of it, although Burroughs maddened me, and Allen was too homoerotic most of the time for my tastes, and Corso kinda bored me, and sure, On The Road was great, but, to tell you the truth, I liked Visions of Gerard more.

Until I reread On The Road.

50 years ago today City Lights published Howl. It got Ferlinghetti into a lot of trouble. It was a dirty book, and some people don’t like dirty things, so they use all their might – political and otherwise – to control everyone around them…because that’s the kind of shitty people they are. The conservatives ruled then, and a Senator named Joe McCarthy was lying his ass off and ruining peoples’ lives in the name of battling The Enemy (then called “Communists”) in order to increase his power. Most Americans were afraid about almost everything, cause that’s the way the government wanted them to feel.

Funny how some things never change.

Anyways, reading Bukowski and The Beats made me turn back to Beowulf, and Chaucer and I reread them, and this time I liked them – and almost understood what they were saying. I still avoided almost anything Shakespeare ever wrote – as well as Milton and Dante.

But not Blake or Faulkner.

I haven’t read anything in almost four years…about the same time I’ve been making dirty movies. I did go out and buy Charles Frazier’s new book, and The Best American Comics for 2006 – the R. Crumb story about his brother Charles made that book worth every cent.

I haven’t scouted for used books in almost four years…about the same time I’ve been making dirty movies. I’ve scored some beauties, too, over the years…bought and sold them lots of times, my all-time favorite being a Ray Johnson book that had a piece of his art laid into the front page. Or maybe some of the Bukowski titles that had original paintings by him, tipped right into the book itself, too. Ed Abbey and Tim O’Brien and Thomas Pynchon and Toni Morrison and Flannery O’Connor and William T. Vollmann; Hem and Steinbeck and Scotty Fitz and old James Joyce in Paris, with Gertrude Stein making sure they were all OK.

And you scurvy fucks think I’m a dumb pervert…which is entirely untrue: I’m the smartest fucking pervert you’ll ever get to know.