The first time I met Gianna was on a Spring Thomas set, and it was at least two years ago.
Tonight she was shooting at my pal Nicky’s studio, and I wanted to show her my new place, so after she wrapped with Nicky, she came over to my place for a soda pop…and to talk shop.
First thing I told her was, “you know, it’s funny Gianna, cause I just got some fan mail about you the other day, and I blogged it.”
This made Gianna happy. All porn stars love their fans. I showed her the fan mail, and we chatted a little more.
Turns out Gianna wants her own website, and she wants to own it. The whole thing. And this is great, cause I see so many of these girls practically give their money away…but not Gianna. She’s an owner, and she’s gonna have a great site – very soon. Maybe even by AVN’s.
Gianna liked my new pad – especially the shower. “You know,” she said, “I’d love to have you shoot me in there. Like, right now. Are you up for it?”
What a silly question, Gianna.
Silly, silly girl.
It’s days like these – shooting pictures of Gianna taking a shower at my place – that make me wonder how I got so lucky in this life.