Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Deep Thoughts by Bill Watson.

Jenni Lee Ass Eating Movies

What makes a man fart in the face of a cop? And what makes that cop arrest the farter on battery charges?

What really makes a US Senator “suspend” his bid for the White House? And what really makes that Senator choose an imbecile as his running mate?

I’m fairly confident I know what makes a bunch of frat boys vomit milk off a bridge. But did they know it would cause a car wreck? Ah, my alma mater — Go Sun Devils!

What makes a man buy a beer for his 4 year old son, and then encourage his son to share it with his little brother…who’s 2? And what was the state of Wisconsin thinking for not calling in CPS?

What makes a man die of alcohol consumption? Maybe a bad marriage, or being lonely…or maybe the fact that Chris Jericho is now WWE Champ. What makes him keep his 80-year-old mother in the freezer? (The cops found her after they found him). He needed her Social Security payments to continue, so why fill out a silly death certificate?

What makes a girl paint her face like a whore and commit to eating man ass on camera? And what kind of a person would actually film such atrocities?

What makes a man take off his pants before heading out to the Dunkin’ Doughnuts and expose his wiener to the poor doughnut lady? And what’s his preferred tasty treat? Apple Fritters? Chocolate Olde Fashions? Or just the doughnut holes?

What was God thinking when he made the spotted hyena, which was described by Bloomberg News: “(B)oth the male and female have penises. The female, it turns out, has a scrotal sack, too. For reproductive purposes, the male transfers his sperm through the female’s penis, which doubles as her clitoris.”

Doesn’t that sound hot?

No Way Am I Gay!

Speaking of God, how about the New Orleans pastor who stole his congregation’s hurricane relief funds? Pretty typical Christian behavior, huh?

While I’m on a roll with whacky Christians, some poor foolio felt he was the Anti-Christ and walked into a church in Rome and stabbed the poor priest repeatedly.

The funny thing is, if he really wanted to meet The Anti-Christ, all he’d have to do is spend a day in my porno studio.

Any day would do.

Milk n’ Cookies.

Milk n Cookies

Moving is such a pain in the ass. And I know you know this already, but still…can I say it again?

Moving sucks balls. Big ol’ donkey balls.

It doesn’t just end when you drop the last box in to wherever it is you’re moving into. I know you know this already, too.

I’ve been in my new digs now almost 3 months, and I’m still unpacking shit.

And where the fuck did I get it all?

For me, it’s mostly books and records…mostly. A lot of unopened mail, too. So much unopened mail I know there’s something wrong with me.

Well, there’s lots wrong with me, and not wanting to open mail cracks the Top 10 List of What’s Wrong with Billy Watson; hence, I have a box full of unopened mail that’s probably 6 months old. It’s got those dust bunnies floating all around inside, and I bet this unopened letter from the IRS is something I should have opened when I got it back in March.

Oh, and do I really need 3 copies of Don DeLillo’s Underworld?

And 2 copies of Issac Hayes Live At The Sahara Tahoe?

What good is a full run of McSweeney’s…many in duplicate? Perhaps someday I will eBay them.

I’ve grown somewhat embarrassed of my “Black Americana” stuff. Well, let’s be honest. I’m really embarrassed of it. Sure, having a 1/2 full tube of original Darkie Toothpaste or an Aunt Jemima steel bank might have been cool at one point, but I’m over it.

I think I’m gonna sell everything I don’t really need anymore. Or else pull out all the stuff I have more than one of and haul it into Amoeba, or a good used book store…or fuck it. Maybe I’ll just pack some boxes and drop them off at Goodwill. It’s right down the street, and I’m sure someone will really appreciate a VHS copy of the Go-Go’s, backstage in, like, 1984, doing naughty things. Or were they talking about doing naughty things? I really don’t know, cause I haven’t watched this stoopid thing since 1992, when I got it, and even then I watched it once and tossed it into a closet.

The Go-Go’s!

I’m banging this blog out when there’s a knock at the door. Since no one knows where I live, it’s certainly a mystery as to why anyone’s knocking at my door at 10.30 on a Saturday morning…but it’s the post man! And he’s got a package for me!

There’s nothing better than real mail….even if it’s more stuff to deal with!

That’s right — just as I’m bitching and moaning about all my stupid stuff, here’s the mailman…handing me more stupid stuff. This time it’s a record I found off the internet by a super obscure 70’s glam rock band called Milk n’ Cookies.

Here’s a band no one’s ever heard of that was in the middle of the whole CBGB’s punk rock scene circa ’75, and, from sitting back to listen to side 1 before banging out this paragraph, I’d say it makes sense no one’s ever heard of them. It’s not that they suck in as much as there’s nothing really special at all. In fact, the record kinda sounds like something The Bay City Rollers would have made if they were hanging out at CBGB’s with The Ramones and Television instead of living in Edinburgh, cutting their pants short and getting all kooky with the tartan.

Writing about Milk n’ Cookies makes me wanna go out to Amoeba and spend more money on records. Matthew Sweet’s got a new record out that’s supposed to be as good as “Girlfriend”, and a friend in Portland is texting me to check out a band called “Battles”.

And, while I’m at it, I still really haven’t explored the used bookstores in Los Angeles.

Oh yea…there’s also a great flea market at Fairfax High.

More books.

More records.

More stuff…cause, eventually, I’ll figure out a place to put it all.

Edgar Allen Poe Beat His Meat, too.

What porn would Edgar Allen Poe beat to?

My morning routine is a simple one.

After I wake up and walk Maggie, I pour myself a cup of iced coffee and a bowl of cereal (high-fiber Cherrio knock-offs courtesy of Trader Joe’s, sprinkled with fresh strawberries and blueberries and some yummy dextrose and maltodextrin and sucralose (AKA Splenda)) and then I plop myself down in front of my iMac and read my e-mails, check my sales for Manojob and The Dick Suckers and No Way Am I Gay, and then I see what creep has mySpaced me, and then I read CNN, The New York Times, The LA Times, The BBC, The Christian Science Monitor (the only fairly accurate news reporting agency today) and then, for a good laugh, I skim through The Arizona Republic — my hometown newspaper — just cause it’s so just fucking awful.

(Sometimes I skip all this and meet Adrianna Nicole at LA’s finest coffeehouse).

So the other day The NY Times has a story about this cat named Ed Petit who argues Poe should be exhumed in Baltimore and his remains moved to Philadelphia, where he wrote all The Big Ones: “‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue,’ ‘The Masque of the Red Death,’ ‘The Tell-Tale Heart,’ ‘The Black Cat,’ and ‘The Gold-Bug’”.

Yep…all penned in Philly, where the cheese steaks are extra-extra yum, and you can get a full case of Little Nips right at your table, all covered in ice.

Since man has been beating his meat since his was Cave Man, this whole thing made me wonder what porn would make Poe’s Freak Flag Fly.

I’m thinking Meatholes. And Piss Mops. Any porn where the girl ends up crying.

Poe would go nuts over Max Hardcore!

And he’d be very bummed, too, since most of the particularly nasty Meat Hole scenes were pulled from the site…as well as the entire Piss Mops site.

Poe might have been good male talent, too; his parents were actors (ie attention whores), mom died when he was young, and dad took off.

Addictions to attention and parental abandonment: if it weren’t for all this fun, 80% of your porn actors / actresses wouldn’t be.

Or, be not.

Scholars are certain Poe was bi-polar, too; chalk up another great indicator to Porno Stardom!

Wonder if he was packing?

And take a look at the poor guy. If I’ve ever seen a Wall Flower at the middle-school dance, it’s Poe; hence, Meatholes and Piss Mops and Max Hardcore’s stuff woulda kept Poe holed up in his house for a long, long time.

Who would you rather get paid to bang — EA Poe or Dirty Harry? (Take a long look at Dirty Harry suckling Sindy Lange’s teet before you answer).

Where am I taking this?

I have no idea.

Oh! I guess someone in Philly offered up exhuming John Wilkes Booth instead of Poe. I’m sure it’s a joke, but I like the idea.

And if you weren’t paying attention in History class, JWB whacked Abe Lincoln — Sic semper tyrannis!

I have no idea what kind of porn Booth would enjoy, but since he was nutso enough to whack a President, I’m thinking Poe and Booth were kindred spirits…Booth just had bigger balls.

Cause, let’s face it — most writers are fakers…nothing more.

Kim Jong II — He Dead.

Kim Jong Southpark picture

OK — how creepy is it that Kim Jong’s been dead for a couple years now, and the North Korean government is marching lil’ Kim Jong body doubles around in an attempt to fool everyone?

It’s even better that since he’s died, world leaders willing to meet with “Kim Jong” have been cutting deals with an impostor.

I guess Kim Jong always worried about getting whacked, so he hired some dudes that looked like him (don’t all North Koreans look alike anyway?!) and, in some cases, had the body doubles undergo plastic surgery in order to better resemble His Highness.

And just when people think he’s really dead, the North Korean government marches one of their Kim Jongs on stage to quell the masses.

I’ve always wanted a body double, and now I think I’m gonna hire one and march him around much the same way. Thank you for your inspiration, Kim Jong II!

Just think! I could just stay home while “Billy” shoots for Blacks on Blondes and Manojob and Eat Some Ass and The Dick Suckers. Better yet, no more traffic hassles or crowded places to deal with…just send “Billy” out to take care of all my silly errands!

And it’s perfect for those risky gloryhole scenes, too. No more worries about getting busted by the cops — that’s “Billy’s” problem now!!

Rumors abound, too, about Kim’s very favorite movies…which happen to be (surprise!) dirty ones. So, in addition to his complete “Desperate Housewives” library and his collection of 20,000+ mainstream (Western) movies, Kim’s got a whole bunch o’ porn, too.

I wonder how that worked when he was alive? When I jerked to porn, I was kinda embarrassed when I went to the video store and handed the clerk all the stuff that made my Freak Flag fly. What did Kim do? As his Secretary of Defense to order the dirty movies in his name? Was there a person who didn’t exist in his cabinet, and all the porn was bought in his name?

Oh — now that he’s dead, I should say Kim Jong had a huge porn collection. I wonder if The Powers To Be let Kim’s body doubles jerk to porn?

Some Things I Love in My Life, Lately.


Lunchables: My very favorite snack at the moment is super white trash, super dumb…and super yum! They’re so easy! Just peel the plastic top off, and you get your cheese, your meat, and your crackers…in three separate little containers! MMmm-mmm good! I’m actually fond of the Turkey / Cheddar combo, but the only picture I could find was the Ham / Cheddar choice. They’re not perfect, though: your cheddar cheese option is placed in the packaging kinda sideways (in order to make it all fit nicely), so you gotta pull the hunk of pre-sliced cheese out of the package and turn it the right way in order to peel them off. Well, when you do that, they don’t fit into the original packaging anymore, so just make sure wherever you set them down is clean.

Silver Lake: This tidbit of info from the Silver Lake web site: “The Silver Lake area is located just five miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles and just east of Griffith Park. The district gets its name from the Department of Water and Power’s Silver Lake Reservoir, which was named after Herman Silver, a member of Los Angeles’s first Board of Water commissioners. The Department of Water and Power established these reservoirs in the early 1900s as part of the city-wide system of water storage & delivery that today has only 10 open reservoirs remaining.”

The reason I like Silver Lake? It’s exactly 2.1 miles around, which makes for a great power walk with Maggie, and I’m starting to jog it, too…on a daily basis! Well, almost…but I’ve dropped a few LB’s, which means soon, you’ll be able to do your laundry on my wash board abs.

Uh huh.

Bill Maher: He’s a bachelor. He’s not an atheist, but pert near…and he sure does a good job arguing against religion; these two things we have in common. But no one tackles politics better than Bill. I watch his show to death, and the poor women in my life have suffered through Saturday nights in front of HBO and “Real Time”. (No wonder I’m single). I hear he loves black chicks, but I can’t confirm that. I also hear he’s a stone cold freak in the sack, but I can’t confirm that, either. But hey, when you’re friends with porn stars, you wouldn’t believe the shit you hear about celebs and what makes their freak flags fly. I think Bill’s my very favorite dude right now, but No Way Am I Gay.

Big Star Small World: I’ve gushed about Big Star more than once. If you still haven’t figured them out, here’s a quick intro: this kid named Alex Chilton was in a band called “The Box Tops” in the late 60’s, and the reason I refer to him as a kid is cause he was really just a kid. As a teen living in Memphis, Chilton wrote a song called “The Letter”, and it took The Box Tops to #1 in the charts. Then, Big Star…and relative obscurity. Certainly no more #1’s. In its short life, Big Star released three records, and all of them are masterpieces…well, certainly the first two. Flash forward to the late 90’s, and a small record label decided to do a Big Star tribute record, and they got acts like The Gin Blossoms and Matthew Sweet and Wilco to record their favorite Big Star songs. But before they can release it, the label goes belly-up, and the record languished for another decade (or so) until another label licensed the material and released it. Wilco’s version of “Thirteen” might be as good as the original; same goes for Whiskeytown’s cover of “Give Me Another Chance”. I was never a huge fan of The Gin Blossoms — even though we lived in the same neighborhood in Tempe, Arizona — but they fucking nailed “Back of a Car”. Fucking nailed it. If you don’t immediately go to iTunes and grab this, then you’re simply a fag. Which isn’t really a bad thing to be, right? No Way…

Aurora Snow: I think I’ve told you this, but I quit beating my meat to porn about the same time I starting shooting it. Fun, huh? What a way to cure “porn addiction” — just start making it! Not that I was addicted to porn; fuck, I don’t even believe in “porn addiction”. I believe behaviors that take us away from whatever it is that’s making us miserable (like a wife that won’t give it up anymore). Before I continue the digression, the reason I bring this all up is Aurora Snow was one of the last girls I ever pleasured myself to. (Is it OK to end a sentence with “to”?) Anyways, Aurora just spent the last 3 or 4 days in my studio, and she’s simply awesome. We took a trip to a brand new gloryhole, and she did another scene for Blacks on Blondes (the free movies were shot at Dogfart’s secret mansion 6 years ago, when she was still a teen), and she’s the latest update on Manojob, and we shot a couple top-secret projects, too. Aurora’s been in the game for 8 years now — 2 more than me — and she still really likes it.

I like Aurora.

A lot.

Ernest Borgnine: He’s 91 years old. He won an Oscar for Best Actor in 1955 for playing the lead in “Marty”. He just did a book signing at Book Soup, one of my very favorite bookstores. He’s a young, spry, 91 — and he says the way he stays that way is by beating off a whole bunch.

I’m fucking serious.

I Shoot Porn’s brand new look! : My blog is almost 3 years old. I’m closing in on 600 entries. While the writing might be stale at times, there’s no reason for the look to be stale, too. Time for a make over! Lemme know what you think.

Aurora Snow

Porn Vending Machines? Or, The Watson Box.

Porn Vending Machines

My pal Faceblaster was recently in Italy, and he sent me this pic of a vending machine full of smut.

Faceblaster earned his name by doing just that — blasting girls in the face; in fact, some of the largest loads I’ve ever had the pleasure of burning to tape came from The Man himself. If you don’t believe me, check out Jackie Joy after she cleaned Johnny Fender’s ass. Wasn’t it was bad enough that Jackie cleaned Mr. Fender’s bunghole with her tongue?

No sir!

After Fender unloaded a massive pop on her face, I had Faceblaster walk on set and finish off the job.

It was a mighty pop.

Her expression — priceless.

Anyways, Faceblaster was off in Italy somewhere when he stumbled upon (what I think) is a great idea: porn in a vending machine.

For 5 Euros it looks like you can buy your smut and never once encounter anyone — no nosy sales clerk…which mens no more being embarrassed about your gay porn habit, or the midget porn you love so dearly, or the cuckolding stuff you hold so close to your heart.

But not close enough to let another human being know about it.

Whatever makes your Freak Flag fly…right?

I was hanging out with Ruth Blackwell last spring and we were at a convenience store, and outside there was a Red Box. Same deal as Faceblaster’s picture he sent, but Red Box only contains mainstream flicks, but it was really very easy: drop a buck into the machine and get the flick!

That night we enjoyed No Country For Old Men.

So maybe have something called a “Porn Box” and have them somewhere only adults can be, and fill them full of smut to sell!

First place I’d stick ’em would be at strip joints. Every fuckin’ strip joint across our Mighty Fine Land. Stick ’em right in a dark corner…or near The Champagne Room.

Fuck it — plop ’em right in The Champagne Room; you can look at your new DVD while the stripper beats you off.

How about horse tracks? Casinos? Bars? Bingo parlors? Shuffle board courts?

The opportunities are endless.

Just imagine dropping, say, a 10 dollar bill into a machine, and it spits out an ass eating movie.

Or some handjob movies.

Or some dick sucking movies.

Or something really, really gay.

See! No one has to know that you like to watch men jack off!

Just do me a favor — if you take this idea and run with it, call it a “Watson Box” and make sure I get at least 20% of net sales.

In lieu of the 20% thing, I’d settle with 250K cash. Up front. Right now.

Thank you in advance.

Now carry on…

Jackie Joy

NME names the Top 100.

Reaction to NME top 100 list

I love lists.

I think I’ve mentioned this before. When I was a kid, and we’d go on family trips to Florida, I’d lay in the back of my dad’s van and read Wallace and Wallechinsky’s The Book of Lists. It’s funny, cause looking back, I realize reading that book was my earliest exercise in critical thinking. It was more than just flipping through weird lists of odd things. For me, it was wondering: why do people hate Nixon more than Hitler? What are the 10 words you can’t pronounce correctly? And can I pronounce them? Which world leaders were assassinated…and why? And why in the world does it take an elephant so long to have a baby, when it only takes a possum a few weeks to do it?

I was entertained for hours.

And when I was bored with the book, I’d beat my little sister up. Or sit on her face and fart.

Before they went out of business, Tower Records published a totally worthless magazine, but I always picked it up, cause the first few pages featured “Desert Island Discs”, which were nothing more than readers’ top 10 records they had to have if they were stuck on a deserted island. Silly, of course, cause a deserted island would never have a stereo system — let alone an electrical outlet for your record player — but the reader lists made for some might fun reading.

And, for me, the lists always boiled down to a reaction that went something like this: what a dumb ass! He ranked Tusk higher than The White Album!! Fucking faggot!!!

In 1987, Rolling Stone made their first top 100 ever list, and I remember Sgt. Peppers being #1, and Never Mind The Bollocks being #2, and that made sense to me…then they fucked almost everything up.

That Rolling Stone issue also had the famous photograph Bob Gruen snapped of The Pistols…the one where they were ticking straws in their ears at the diner table. Or maybe it was John Rotten sticking his straw into Sid’s ear. (I had to look at that picture one more time to remember it correctly, cause it’s been about that long since I last saw it…and guess what! You can buy a copy!)

Just recently NME published their top 100, and it’s simply god awful. And if you thought NME’s was bad, get a load of this.

Both are bad…to a degree, of course.

Cause lists like this are published to do nothing more than make you read them and think things like what a dumb ass! They ranked an Oasis record higher than Sgt. Peppers! Fucking faggots!! And where’s Jim Hendrix?! And there’s two Oasis records on their top 10?! The Stone Roses?! Are you kidding me? Meatloaf is #25?! Mike Oldfield before Bob Dylan?! The Velvets are where!? Shania Twain!? NO RAMONES!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!

Before I give you NME’s list, I’ll give you mine, and I’ll expect yours when you comment on all this mess. All this mess will, of course, include my list. And while I’m at it, a few words on my list:

1. It changes all the time. Sometimes daily, sometimes monthly.

2. I have different lists for different occasions.
a) A list to try and impress a girl.
b) A list to piss off music snobs.
c) A list to piss off a drunk.
d) A “real” list, in which I employ a certain criterion to judge all art I choose to judge…which is to say everyone has an opinion on anything any artist creates, and the only sure-fire way to accurately judge something beyond your own tastes is to judge it on how said piece of art has influenced other great artists working within a particular field…which is to say Robert Johnson should be in a pop music top 10 list, just as Marcel Duchamp needs to be on everyone’s favorite artist’s list, as Andy Kaufman needs to be everyone’s top 10 comedian…right?

With that said, here’s my top 10 best records ever, as of right now, which is to say 10 am on Tuesday morning, July 29, as I sit in my little brother’s front room in Arizona, stressing over the amount of work I still have to do in order to get the rest of my shit to Los Angeles…and finally, this as a “D” list:

1. The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground and Nico.
2. The Stooges: Raw Power.
3. The Beatles: Revolver.
4. Miles Davis: Kind of Blue.
5. The Sex Pistols: Never Mind The Bullocks.
6. Meat Puppets: II.
7. Big Star: Big Star.
8. Van Morrison: Astral Weeks.
9. Nirvana: Nevermind.
10. Liz Phair: Exile in Guyville.

And here’s NME’s:

1. Oasis: Definitely Maybe 1994
2. The Beatles: The Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967
3. The Beatles: The Revolver 1966
4. Radiohead: OK Computer 1997
5. Oasis: (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? 1995
6. Nirvana: Nevermind 1991
7. The Stone Roses: The Stone Roses 1989
8. Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon 1973
9. The Smiths: The The Queen Is Dead 1986
10. Radiohead: The Bends 1995
11. U2: The Joshua Tree 1987
12. The Clash: The London Calling 1979
13. The Beatles: The The Beatles (White Album) 1968
14. The Beatles: The Abbey Road 1969
15. Libertines: The Up The Bracket 2002
16. The Sex Pistols: The Never Mind The Bollocks 1977
17. Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin IV 1971
18. David Bowie: The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust 1972
19. Queen: A Night At The Opera 1975
20. The Strokes: The Is This It 2001
21. The Killers: The Hot Fuss 2004
22. The Beach Boys: The Pet Sounds 1966
23. Jeff Buckley: Grace 1994
24. Manic Street Preachers: The Holy Bible 1994
25. Meat Loaf: Bat Out Of Hell 1977
26. Guns N’ Roses: Appetite For Destruction 1987
27. Kaiser Chiefs: Employment 2005
28. The Beatles: The Rubber Soul 1965
29. Fleetwood Mac: Rumours 1977
30. The Libertines: The Libertines 2004
31. Verve: The Urban Hymns 1997
32. Green Day: American Idiot 2004
33. Coldplay: A Rush Of Blood To The Head 2002
34. Blur: Parklife 1994
35. Michael Jackson: Thriller 1982
36. Pink Floyd: The Wall 1979
37: R.E.M.: Automatic For The People 1992
38. Franz Ferdinand: Franz Ferdinand 2004
39. Mike Oldfield: Tubular Bells 1973
40. U2: Achtung Baby 1991
41. Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here 1975
42. Rolling Stones: The Exile On Main Street 1972
43. Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water 1970
44. Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin II 1969
45. Blondie: Parallel Lines 1978
46. Dire Straits: Brothers In Arms 1985
47. Bob Dylan: Blood On The Tracks 1975
48. David Bowie: Hunky Dory 1971
49. Coldplay: X&Y 2005
50. The Who: Who’s Next 1971
51. Keane: Hopes And Fears 2004
52. Coldplay: Parachutes 2000
53. Abba: Arrival 1976
54. Pulp: Different Class 1995
55. The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground + Nico 1967
56. Love: Forever Changes 1967
57. Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On 1971
58. The Rolling Stones: The Let It Bleed 1969
59. The White Stripes: The Elephant 2003
60. The Pixies: Doolittle 1989
61. Muse: Absolution 2003
62. Elton John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973
63. Queen: Sheer Heart Attack 1974
64. Shania Twain: Come On Over 1997
65. Prince: Sign O’ The Times 1987
66. Pearl Jam: Ten 1991
67. Kasabian: Kasabian 2004
68. Green Day: Dookie 1994
69. Muse: Origin Of Symmetry 2001
70. Kate Bush: Hounds Of Love 1985
71. Bob Dylan: Blonde On Blonde 1966
72. The Jam: All Mod Cons 1978
73. Joni Mitchell: Blue 1971
74. The White Stripes: White Blood Cells 2001
75. Suede: Dog Man Star 1994
76. Metallica: Metallica (Black Album) 1991
77. Human League: Dare! 1981
78. Joy Division: Closer 1980
79. Nirvana: In Utero 1993
80. AC/DC: Back In Black 1980
81. Arcade Fire: Funeral 2004
82. Razorlight: Up All Night 2004
83. Madonna: Ray Of Light 1998
84. Bruce Springsteen: Born To Run 1975
85. Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti 1975
86. Arctic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not 2006
87. Queen: A Day At The Races 1976
88. ABC: The Lexicon Of Love 1982
89. Spice Girls: Spice 1996
90. Depeche Mode: Violator 1990
91. Snow Patrol: Final Straw 2004
92. T. Rex: Electric Warrior 1971
93. Alanis Morissette: Jagged Little Pill 1991
94. Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures 1979
95. Radiohead: Kid A 2000
96. Electric Light Orchestra: Out Of The Blue 1977
97. The Smiths: The Smiths 1984
98. Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland 1968
99. Rage Against the Machine: Rage Against The Machine 1992
100. The Eagles: Hotel California 1976

Sex Pistols with straws

Porno Interview #46 — Chayse Evans

Chayse Evans

I Shoot Porn: So tell everyone how old you are and where you’re from.

Chayse Evans: I’m 21 and I’m from Pennsylvania and Baltimore.

ISP: Did you know John Waters is from Baltimore?

CE: I don’t even know who he is.

ISP: John Waters made one of the greatest movies ever — Pink Flamingos. Oh, and Female Trouble. How could I forget that one?

CE: I haven’t seen either.

ISP: You should. What did you want to be when you were growing up?

CE: A ballerina. Or an assassin.

ISP: Do you have it in you to kill someone?

CE: I probably do…if I knew I wouldn’t get caught.

ISP: Who would you want to kill?

CE: My cousin. She slept with my ex-boyfriend. I was still in love with him. (She starts looking for something.) I want my sandwich. Where did I put it? (And then she finds it.)

ISP: What kind of yummy sandwich is that?

CE: A ham and cheese croissant.

ISP: If I was at your house right now and looked in your fridge, what would I find?

CE: I have a very huge, cheap bottle of red wine. The kind with a screw-on cap. Four bottles of water. Some Lean Cuisine Pannini sandwiches. They come in all sorts of flavors! Some herb butter, and that’s about it, dude! I love to eat!!

ISP: If I took you out to dinner, where would we go?

CE: Sushi. It’s my favorite food.

ISP: Funny thing about porn girls is they all love sushi. What’s up with that?

CE: Maybe there’s some sort of aphrodisiac in sushi.

ISP: Are you always horny?

CE: If I don’t work, I start having the shakes. I go through dick withdrawal.

ISP: Please elaborate.

CE: I have to inject my medicine in me.

ISP: Please elaborate.

CE: Penetration is the only treatment.

ISP: Once penetrated, how do you feel?

CE: Nirvana. Absolute state of Zen.

ISP: Did you like Nirvana?

CE: Yea, I like that song (and she starts singing):

My girl, my girl, don’t lie to me,
Tell me where did you sleep last night.
In the pines, in the pines,
Where the sun don’t ever shine.
I would shiver the whole night through.

ISP: Hey, you can sing!

CE: Wanna hear some Stevie Ray Vaughn?

(Since I don’t know any Stevie Ray songs, I have no idea what she’s singing, but she’s fucking good, and now I have a boner, cause girls who can sing have that kind of an effect on me.)

ISP: Have you always been a singer?

CE: Yea, I used to sing (and then Chayse goes right into song again) When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie… to my mom and she would always go, LOUDER! LOUDER!

(This is where my make-up artist chimes in.)

The Make-up Artist: That’s my secret fantasy. To be a singer.

CE: My secret fantasy is to be a Princess from a foreign country. Maybe from (and she puts on a funny accent) Transylvania. I wanna be a Princess or a Vampire. I think they’re both really cool.

ISP: My secret fantasy is to be a lead guitarist. So how did you get into porn?

CE: I was a marine, and then I was a stripper, and now I’m a porn star. Before all that I was a waitress.

ISP: It’s funny how marines turn into porn stars. I know a lot of them.

CE: You know what we do? We get drunk and then we fuck people. And we’re cocky about it, cause we’re marines, and we like to show everyone what we can do.

ISP: Gotta myspace?

CE: I sure do! And I want everyone to be my friend!

ISP: Funny, me too. Everyone loves to be loved. So what’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?

The Make-up Artist: Get interviewed for this blog.

CE: Wear pig tails for a pig tail scene. I don’t like pig tails. I am not five years old.

ISP: I bet the director wished you were.

CE: You know those dudes producing that shit are closet pedos.

ISP: I agree. What’s something no one’s asked you before?

CE: No one’s really ever asked me what my tattoo means.

ISP: Where is this tat, and what’s it mean?

CE: It’s on my right shoulder, and it’s a snake skin and it represents The Serpent from The Bible that symbolizes original sin. And The Phoenix on my stomach symbolizes rebirth, cause every 500 years they light themselves on fire and then they rise from the ashes.

ISP: I just moved from Phoenix.

CE: The Black Widow on my wrist represents self-honesty. The Black Widow ties all three together. She was born with a natural instinct, cause we’re all born with original sin, to eat her mates. So she’ll always be alone until she learns to fight her natural instincts. So no matter what you do, cause of the innate qualities within each of us…we can always overcome it. Hence, we can rise from our own ashes.

ISP: Wow. That’s some deep shit.

CE: Hard. Hard and deep.

ISP: Which is how you’re about to get fucked for the World’s Greatest, Most Infamous Interracial website, Blacks on Blondes.

CE: Well I better, or I’m gonna be pissed!

Chayse Evans

[Note from Billy: We just wrapped her Blacks on Blondes scene, and I think this should nominate each and every one of us for some sort of an award: Chayse, cause I’ve never seen a girl get pounded likke that; the 5 dudes who gang banged her, cause I’ve never seen a girl get pounded like that; and lil’ ol’ me, cause no matter what any of you silly motherfuckers say, I SHOOT PORN.]

I Am a Los Angelino. Rejoice.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles.

My new Home.

Los Angeles. The City of Angels — a city full of devils.

Laugh all you want, but I’m serious. And they’re devils just as you’d picture them, too: sharp horns on a red, round head; long, pointy tails; pitchforks and hooves; menacing, fire-filled eyes. They’re all over the place: on the 101 (usually after it’s been turned into a parking lot, but not always), and they’re in parking lots that are way too full…aggressively searching for that last empty spot, and they’re hovering outside convenience stores, gas stations, banks, and the shopping malls.

Oh, the demons are everywhere!

And back home every thing’s safe and warm.

For the last three years I’ve been commuting to LA — hour by plane, six hours by car. It started with Spring Thomas. We simply couldn’t find any good black guys for her to slut around with, so we started driving out to LA, where Black Men roam free. She’d fly home after a couple days of wild, crazy sex, and I’d stick around and shoot for Blacks on Blondes or scout for the newest, filthiest gloryhole.

And it all just went downhill from there: first, a few days in LA, and the rest home…then 10 days LA, 20 days Home…then 20 days LA, 10 Home…and now, it’s almost like I have to find an excuse to go Home. Well, not really an excuse, just more of needed a break from work.

Meanwhile, Home turned into an empty dust bowl, as my cats — The Fluffy Sisters — stood watch. When I’d return home, Ginger Fluffy would meow, “Welcome Home, Stranger! How did it go making all that smut?!” and Sunshine Fluffy would just kinda scoff at me, cause she was pissed.

She still is.

I don’t like LA. I find almost nothing redeeming about this place. Sure, there’s cool things to do…if you don’t mind doing them with 10 million other people. For me, LA’s always been a place to go to for a weekend to see something; I can’t believe I now call this place home.

But the Smut Industry is here. Most of it, anyway. The internet’s really put a dent into LA’s claim to being the be-all, end-all to Porno Land, but it’s still hanging tough.

Somewhat tough.

Jobs aren’t as abundant as they were a few years ago. It seemed to me that, in 2004, every girl working the circuit made $15K a month; now, that ain’t the case. Male talent is blowing my phone up looking for work, too. Definitely a weird time to be employed in Porno Land.

My new pad is littered with 1/2 filled boxes, and there’s papers and unopened mails and all sorts of shit strewn about. Maggie likes sleeping in the front yard way more than being inside the new place, and that makes me worried.

But I’m here, and so is all my shit, and, for the most part, it all fit in to the new place, and it’s close to becoming completely functional.

Maybe I will too, someday.

Los Angeles and Satan

They’re All Suckers, I Tell Ya!

G3 iPhone

You should have seen all the suckers today at the Apple store, waiting in line to get the new i-Fucking-Phone. There were so many people waiting around it was like Christmas — and they were giving them away.

I was lugging my iMac in, cause it had a CD jam, and the extra dough I shelled out for the technical phone support couldn’t eject it, either.

I dragged the iMac along the ground in the very nice box it came in by its flimsy handle, back to The Genius bar, where all the geniuses at my local mall’s Apple store labor. They told me to wait at the bar, cause they’d call my name when they were ready to deal with me, and the store was really loud cause it was chock full of suckers waiting to get a piece of the new iPhone — code named G3.

Kinda like a robot name.

I looked up at the pretty illustration of the G3, and then down at my new LG Dare. The Dare is Verizon’s answer to iPhone, and while its design is wholly feminine (hence making it kinda gay for a dude to have one) I very much like it…as well as my Verizon service.

I Dare, but No Way Am I Gay.

(Time for a total (and really stupid) digression: “I Dare” reminds me of “I Will Dare”, Paul Westerberg’s fine opening song to the superb Replacements record “Let It Be”. If you don’t know it, make yourself aware).

I kept looking up at Apple’s nifty illustrations, and back into my palm and at my Dare.

My Dare — the iPhone G3. The iPhone G3 — my Dare.

To make myself feel a bit more secure, I started playing with my Dare, and reassuring myself I made the right decision to extend my contract with Verizon 2 more years in order to get my Dare super cheap…and not ending my contract with Verizon (it was coming up fairly soon) and going to AT&T…and the iPhone.

I flipped through my pics. I turned my Dare sideways, so I could look at my pics at more of a 16:9 ratio — just like iPhone.

Fucking iPhone has nothing over Dare!

I scrolled through recent family pics, and old friend pics, and, nestled right in the middle of all those nice, safe pictures, are a handful of pictures of my Ex’s red, swollen vagina with my ejaculate slowly oozing out.

Creampie pics on Dare! Take that, G3 iPhone!!

I smirked to myself, looking out over a Sea of Suckers, then back at Dare — and those filthy, dirty images.

Which made me go right to My Videos. There’s only three, but oh, what dandies they are! There she is again, doggystyle, pushing her absolutely stunning ass right into my swollen, white-boy wiener. Which isn’t to say I was fucking her in the ass, cause I wasn’t, cause railing a girl in the booty doesn’t really make my Freak Flag fly.

I would also like to add that making homemade movies of me getting it on with a girl does not make my Freak Flag fly, either. Really, it doesn’t. I know you’re thinking something like, come on, dude, you’re full of shit. But really, it was simply a case of a capturing a moment in time for Whackiness’s sake.

Whackiness’s sake!?

Anyways, I smirked to myself, looking back out over The Sea of Suckers, then back at my Dare and those filthy, dirty movies.

I played each one, two or three times, whilst eying all the Dopes & Morons waiting in a dumb, dumb line for their new god damned iPhone.

(For some reason, I just felt the overwhelming need to show off my superior grammatical skillz and use an ampersand in a sentence, so there you go).

As I watched my homemade porno I thought Thank God for technology, and, at that very moment, I swear to God my Ex called.

I did exactly what the geniuses at the Genius Bar told me not to do, and I walked away from their smarty-pants place, cause I didn’t have a good signal there, and I wanted very much to talk to her. So I walked to the front of the store — by the Power Books — where my signal got much better.

We’re kinda navigating through Rocky Seas at the moment…and, when I think about it, with a clear head and from a safe distance, there’s really not very much of a good reason why we’re going through what we’re going through right now. Cause we haven’t really been a couple for quite sometime, with the exception of one recent Romantic Whorl, and that’s when things got kinda weird.

Weird, huh?

I don’t even really know why I’m referring to her as “Ex”, and I suppose that’s super fucking weird — cause that’s what she is — but whatever. I had to dream something up to call her here, and that’s the best I could do.

So we’re in the middle of a nice conversation when I look up at notice my genius at The Genius Bar is giving me The Stink Eye, so I hung up and ran back as fast as I could just to deal with her. “So what seems to be the problem?” The Genius asked.

I said, “CD jam.”

“What kind of CD is it, exactly?”

“A very good one. All stuff off hhe Trojan label…Dancehall…oh, and Rocksteady, I think.”

She looked up at me, totally befuddled. But she’s a genius, right? And I have no idea why I told her this, and when I did, she looked up at me like I was a Special Person. A very Special Person. Like I shoulda been wearing a helmet while shopping at the mall.

So I quickly followed up: “It’s a reggae CD, and I was dumping it into iTunes, and it just jammed. I tried everything, and nothing worked. I Googled a bunch of stuff, but nothing worked, and I spent about 1/2 hour with Apple care, and they finally gave up and assigned a case number and told me to bring it here.”

Genius wasn’t too friendly. “Did you restart the computer with your mouse pushed down?”

“I did everything.”

She didn’t like that answer. “Did you restart the computer with your mouse pushed down?”

“Yes mam. That was the first thing Apple Care told me to try.”

“I have to ask that, sorry.” Then she grabbed some paperwork and started filling it out. Half way through she looked up at me and said, “How do you spell Reggae?”

I shit you not.

And I wanted to say something like, what kind of genius working The Genius Bar do you think you are? But instead I said “R-E-G-G-A-E”, which she wrote down on the paperwork.

I shit you not.

Suddenly, I thought about Priest’s super fun e-mail that I blogged the other day. I have no idea why I thought about it, but I did. Maybe cause I just hung up with Ex…but who knows. And I wish the genius working the bar was really a genius, cause I woulda followed up with all sorts of questions on relationships, and how to make them work, and what to do, and what not to do, and what to do when they go haywire; but, instead, I just kinda stood there and watched her fill out her paperwork, in which she wrote “REGGAE”, (spelled correctly) and then she handed the paper to me and said to initial here and date there and sign here and then she said something about it taking up to 48 hours to make things work, and they’d call me when my iMac was all better.

I walked out and noticed the line was gone. I couldn’t believe it. No more iPhone Dummies waiting in line for G3! Where the fuck did they all go? Big Bonus Points to all the employees at the Apple Store! Imagine that wild influx of Yuppie Suckers who want a new gadget to beat off to…and taking care of almost all of them in under an hour.

I was shocked.


Must be some sort of World Record.

Some place.
