Judge David Yaffe on Tuesday rejected a petition from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation that contended county health officials hadn’t done enough to prevent sexually transmitted diseases in the porn industry, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The group sued the county in July after data showed there were more than 3,700 STD cases over the past five years reported by a clinic that serves porn actors.
In denying the foundation’s request, Yaffe said the county has broad discretion in how it oversees public health. The group plans to appeal the decision.
As of this writing, 65% of the readers at MSNBC (where I found the article) who read this agreed with the judge; almost 30% wanna see a glove on that Johnson.
If you’re asking me, I think condoms are a great idea to ensure we’re all safe, healthy, and happy.
And If you’re asking me, Jackie Daniels is the hottest piece of ass to roll into Porn Valley since…since…since…
Seems like a good way to hurt an already ailing industry. Or force it to move to New Hampshire or Vermont (whichever has legalized porn production).
Who wants condoms? Some AIDS advocacy group but not the performers or the producers or customers? How about we pass a law that makes it mandatory that 50% of all porn revenue be donated to fund finding the cure for AIDS and helping the sick. Now there’s an idea that’s worth losing a bit of freedom for.
NO.Shoot condom porn.Lose me as a customer.Don’t make me start stockpiling Swedish Erotica DVD’s.
“If you’re asking me, I think condoms are a great idea to ensure we’re all safe, healthy, and happy.”
Billy that might be the “right” idea for the performers but noway does that fly with the customers, the customers want cum swallowing, cream pies, bukkakes, gang bangs and more and they’re the ones that you need to make “HAPPY”
I bet BOB gets at least 1-2 emails a week begging for a 10 black man cum slam with one white girl, where she swallows all the black mans cum… now you know if that happened the girl probably would hate it but the payday would be decent so she’ll pretend to love it..
I’ve been around porn long enough (1992) to know that the industry well continue to survive regardless of condons being used, however sales might not be the same, maybe a 25-40% drop off and with the economy this bad and with porn tubes, FREE internet clips and more, condoms use in the porn world would be hard for the outside porn world, you know shops, booths, DVD Sales and even on the inside world with the internet sites using condoms etc… if BOB went to condoms you can bet that BOB’s monthly sales would drop by 30% within a month and BOB would be trying to bank on their past clips
it might be “safe” to use condoms but is it safe for sales?
Condoms in the porn industry should be left to the discrestion of the preformers. The Government need not step in and demand anything. This is a personal choice, and one that should be made by those who it directly effects.
The day condoms become mandatory in porn is the day you can put the last nail in the coffin, cause it’s dead and gone, so it will never happen. CA dosent want to loose that revnue base.
If a construction site requires workers to wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear, then shouldn’t the same apply to a porn set? Here in Australia condom use is required by law in all legal brothels. Of course, while porn and prostitution are fundamentally the same thing, they differ in that in porn, both partners are tested, as opposed to a brothel where only the girl is tested.
+1 for Muzzie
Just to buck the trend condoms in porn wouldn’t change my viewing habits in the slightest. I’m not one to judge anybody’s fetish but I’ve never understood the come thing.
I do like to see a girl get her ass eaten out, however, and if I’m gonna see that sans dental dam the condoms seem a tad academic.
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wow cheers for this just posting on my twitter now.
Im going to ad this to my twitter.