1) I shoot porn because I like the money.
2) I shoot porn because I like to look at naked girls.
3) I shoot porn because it’s a creative outlet.
4) I shoot porn because it’s the greatest mastubatory aid ever invented; hence, I’m helping the male species be monogamous.
5) I shoot porn because it can take an average couple’s stale, soggy sex life and breathes some life into it.
6) I shoot porn because even though I like to bitch about the girls, it’s fun to be around them (most of the time).
7) I shoot porn because it’s never boring.
8) I shoot porn because I don’t want to sell cars, or jewlery cleaner, or motor homes, or stocks, or bonds…anymore.
9) I shoot porn because I don’t want to teach….anymore.
10) I shoot porn because the male stars are kinda funny, in more ways than one. (And I mean this in a good way).