When I sat down to write today’s blog, all I knew was I’d give you some free dirty movies, so here they are:
Bobbi Starr interracial sex movies.
But that’s kinda cheap, so I wondered what I was gonna write about, and I don’t have much time, cause I’m about to go on a walking tour in Prague called “The History of Communist Czechoslovakia” when I remembered I have a Bobbi Starr story. I dunno if it’s a good one or not, but I’ll tell it.
I was walking with Civilian Girl in a trendy, kinda-upscale neighborhood in Los Angeles when I heard someone yell, “Billy Watson?!”
I know I’ve told you this before, but I’ll mention it again: we sometimes refer to people who aren’t in the porno game as “civilians”, and this specific girl I was hanging out with is an old, old, friend who knew me long before I was Billy Watson…and will know me long after I’m all done being Billy Watson. We had just finished up a small bottle of wine and shared a dinner at a fancy-pants Italian place and were walking by the cupcake store when I heard my name.
That’s right — a motherfucking cupcake store. What’s the world coming to?
Anyways, it was Bobbi Starr and Dana De Armond, and they were both enjoying their yummy, over-priced cupcakes. Dana had one; Bobbi had two. They’re big cupcakes, too…so I kinda surprised me that Bobbi was tackling two of them. It’s something I would never do…at least not back-to-back sitting in front of the place.
Funny thing was, I totally checked them out as Civilian Girl and I strolled past their table, but I was being a creepy perv (my usual self) and only looked at their tits — Dana’s tits, specifically. I hadn’t even taken the time to connect the face to the tits I was staring at…so I walked by them without even knowing who it was.
Bobbi said, “it is Billy Watson!”
Civilian Girl got to meet porn stars. It’s funny, too, cause as we had left my very favorite record store to go to the trendy LA spot to drink wine and eat Italian food, Civilian Girl was telling me how, in another life, she probably would have been a porn star: she’s adopted, she’s a total slut, and, much to my surprise, she admitted to me that she’s a cutter. Right there in the car ride to dinner. I’ve known this girl for almost 20 years and she’s just telling me now that she’s a Cutter. Which is to say she cuts herself from time to time. Usually when she’s feeling down…or anxious. With something sharp. Usually on her inner-thighs, so no one can see.
Most of the porno girls I’ve shot who cut usually work their arms, which, to me, is really silly. Wouldn’t it make sense to self-mutilate by going to town on somewhere not so conspicuous?
(As I’m banging this out my very favorite internet radio station — SOMA FM / Indie Pop Rocks — is playing Elliot Smith. Serious! Irony?)
The members have rated Dana’s scene in the top 5 on the whole site; Bobbi’s scene that just went up is tops. As in number 1. So it should make sense that Bobbi and Dana usually get a few bucks more for doing a scene than some of their peers. Which is totally unfair, especially when some of their peers deliver a scene every bit as good as Bobbi and Dana.
But whoever said life is fair?
Bobbi saved one of her cupcakes for the ride home, and I know this cause they asked me to drive them back to Dana’s house. Or was it Bobbi’s? I don’t recall…but I do recall the conversation back, which included topics as diverse as Dana’s new braces and their potential effect on oral scenes, as well as the problems that come with performing double anal.
Bobbi and Dana jumped out and we said our goodbyes; we pulled away and Civilian Girl said, “Um…that certainly was interesting. You lead an interesting life.”
“I guess so.”

I am wondering how long does it take to shoot a gangbang movie.