I’m sitting at a cafe in Paris thinking of stuff to blog about when I see Miss Wolfe log on to Yahoo! chat. It hit me then — interview her. And why not? Her blog, Love in the Capitol, is a fun read; even more fun are her IM chats with me…oh, things like chatting to me that there’s a “hot” guy sitting near her at the library while she’s studying, and the next thing I know she goes and blows him. Right there. In her lonely corner of the University library. Things like that.
So, on a nice Parisian afternoon, while sitting in the middle of a cafe overlooking the Eiffel Tower and sipping on my latte, I conducted this international IM chat interview via Yahoo Messenger.
Fun, huh?
I Shoot Porn: You’re the first girl I’ve interviewed that isn’t a porn star. How does that make you feel?
Miss Wolfe: i don’t know. i guess its good because it shows the men out there that there are girls who love sex just as much as they do and they don’t have to turn to a movie to see it. i do love all the readers i gained from my first interview.
ISP: Well, it wasn’t really an interview…more like a IM log. But no biggie. Let’s talk about your blog. What made you want to publish your slutty stories to the world?
MW: I have always kept a journal. I started the blog for myself because i got sick of writing and buying those blank books. i didn’t think anyone would read my blog at first because there are so many sex blogs. when i blog about my sex life it is more for myself than my readers. i use it to look at myself. somehow, it helps me see who i am, a form of self discovery.
ISP: Sounds like me and the impetus to my blog. So what’s your damage? The only reason I ask this is society can’t handle The Slut yet. Society wants to blame your slutty ways on Dope, or your Daddy banging you when Mommy wasn’t around. Maybe you’re adopted?
MW: i know that is so cliché. the girl that likes sex must be damaged in some way. there is no damage here. i honestly just like to have sex. I come from a loving caring home. my parents didn’t screw me up.
ISP: then let’s talk about Frat Houses and BJ Trains.
MW: what can i say, i was at a party and had more than a couple drinks. I was 17 at the time. i was really turned on by this one guy and not wanting to have sex. he was pushing and i wasn’t at the sex point. I offered him a blow job. you know men, he took me up on the offer. to make this somewhat short, i was blowing him and his friend walked in the room. he watched and at the end he was looking like he wanted one. so i blew the friend. a couple guys showed up and i just kept going.
ISP: what was the final tally?
MW: 7 or 8 guys.
ISP: To me, that’s way hotter than a Blacks On Blondes scene or a Manojob. Cause it’s real. That’s why I dig you so much. No one had to pay your “rate” for that.
MW: like i said before, i just like sex and sexual things. i get a lot of shit because of it from women. i just prefer to think of it as being like a man when it comes to sex. why should they be able to be sexually free without being an outcast
ISP: Well, you can thank The Church for that. Are you religious?
MW: religious no. i believe in god, i think churches are bad for religion. they set up dumb rules and take peoples money. i believe if i treat people with respect and kindness i will end up in heaven.
ISP: Amen sister. Are you bi?
MW: i don’t consider it bi, but i have been with women.
ISP: Please, elaborate. Give my readers something to jack to…
MW: i don’t think i could go into jacking material in a short format. i will say that i think girls look and feel great. i love the curves. i have been in mff and fff threesomes. i have been interested in girls just as long as men but i am mostly a man lover. i promise i will post something this week about a girl girl experience on my blog. i always had fun at sleep overs…i had a couple friends when i would stay at their house or them at mine, we would explore each other. i taught a couple how to masturbate.
ISP: Wait a sec. Please please please elaborate on that last sentence. “i taught a couple how to masturbate.”
MW: well, i learned relatively young how to masturbate from the lovely ginger lynn, she is my sexual hero. when i started to do it, i was curious if other girls were doing that sort of thing. i asked a couple of my friends and they said no. they were curious, so i showed a couple. at a sleep over, i would sit there in front of them and masturbate to show them what i did.
ISP: Would they follow your lesson?
MW: duh, yes they did.
ISP: what age we talking here?
MW: 14, 15.
ISP: I want you to know I now have a boner in the middle of this Parisian cafe.
MW: that reminds me of a story…of jacking a guy off in a restaurant: i was 16 the first time i did it. he was teasing me throughout the dinner by rubbing my thigh. i thought it was completely unfair that i was sitting there with soaking panties. i reached over and pulled his cock out of his pants. i started to stroke him under the table. i think he was overexcited because he shot his load in like a minute. no one said anything but the next person that sat at the seat had a table cloth with cum on it
ISP: OK, we have to stop the dirty talk or I’ll blow a load on the nice lady next to me sipping on her Latte. How did you get to be such a smarty-pants at school?
MW: i blame my parents. they are both PhD’s and always encouraged my brothers and myself to ask questions. they passed on their thirst for knowledge.
ISP: Who do you blame on your thirst for jizz?
MW: i only blame myself. i read a study that women can become addicted to the mood elevating effects of cum. the only problem is where do i go for a cum addiction? i don’t think there is a cum addiction anonymous group.
ISP: Oh yes there is…didn’t I tell you? It’s at my studio in Los Angeles, and I’ll be your counselor to get you through your terrible crisis.

You should definately get more of her. And you’ve got to convince her to do some work for you. We need more pics