Today’s Guest Blogger: A Fan Blogs on the Hatred Porn Girls Receive.

Riley Reid porn

From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.

Since I started working in this biz a decade ago, the amount of hate a Porno Princess receives never ceases to amaze me. Whatever the delivery method (texts (almost always from blocked numbers), anonymous packages (almost always containing pictures and/or DVD’s and sent to the parents’ home…out of “concern”), e-mails, and any and all social media), your favorite porn star gets them almost daily. Don’t do IR? Then you’re a “dodger”. Do IR? Then you’re a “nigger lover”. You’re a slut, a whore, a skank…and I bet you make your daddy proud, huh?

Recently, I tweeted for a fan to blog about why The Porn Fan, in general, is so damn angry. And today, I woke up to find this in my inbox!

Art writes:

First, a definition. While this may not be the dictionary definition, this is the meaning of the following word in the minds of ‘angry’ men viewing porn: Slut – any woman who has slept with more than one man but has not slept with me.

There are generally two types of sluts. The approachable slut that might sleep with me someday. I like her. In fact, I like her so much that calling her a slut is a term of endearment. Then there’s the stuck-up slut who would never give me the time of day. In fact, she is a whore. This is not a term of endearment.

Most men who look at porn on a regular basis are not generally angry. Viewing porn often does however, result in feelings that include anger. Also bitterness, resentment, jealousy, self-doubt, self-loathing… Then why look?

Most men tend to base their self worth on two numbers. Their bank account balance and the number of women they have seen naked. A deficit in one number can often be supplemented by a surplus in the other. The bank account balance is relatively straightforward. The number of naked women is far more complicated and can be offset by recency. i.e. A naked woman on my lap now will temporarily make up for any overall deficit in this number. Unfortunately, our bank account balance is often easier to control than that second number. Most of us don’t have ready access to a happily naked woman. Those who do typically aren’t spending much time looking at porn.

For the rest of us, viewing porn involves a great deal of fantasy. This is why we don’t care about the plot and POV and gonzo are popular. We want to see a woman doing naughty things and want to imagine that we could somehow be involved. Or maybe we want to see naughty things happening to a woman and somehow derive some power from that scenario that we feel is missing from our lives.

Post climax with a woman you’re left with a beautiful naked woman who just fucked you. Post climax with porn and you’re left with just a television or computer and the fantasy comes crashing down around us. Then the emptiness and wanting returns. This is where those negative feelings come into play. We instinctively know that the woman we just wacked off to would never give us the time of day. While she happily spreads her legs for some stranger she would treat us like garbage. In fact, desirable woman we know in our own lives ignore us or treat us like dirt. I think this is responsible for much of the interest in interracial or other porn that is implied as degrading woman. What better way to exact some feeling of revenge than seeing the whore who would never give you the time of day gagging on the floor with a gapping red ass dripping semen from 5 brutally oversized cocks. Won’t even talk to me? Take that bitch! We despise the power she has over us but just can’t break free from her spell.

Then there’s the guy. Who the fuck is he? How does some dipshit stranger who probably barely graduated from high school get to fuck beautiful woman all day. How does he get to do this and we don’t? How does some middle aged guy get to spend time with all of these beautiful naked woman just because he has a fucking camera? I have a camera. Never ever under estimate the self loathing that comes from realizing that we just paid to watch a loser jack off onto the face of a woman we’d really like to have ourselves. And what’s with the abnormally big cocks? Who is that for, exactly? We all know that they’re not normal but it still makes most male viewers of porn feel inadequate about themselves. This results in more negativity.

Then we realize that the reason that douchebag of a guy gets to fuck all those women, and the reason that beautiful girl is a crazed whore… In fact, the reason that whole word exists is because loser average-dicked guys like us pay them. And we often resolve, for a while at least, to stay away. But eventually, the desire to see more naked women and fantasize that they might be into us overcomes the buyers remorse.

11 thoughts on “Today’s Guest Blogger: A Fan Blogs on the Hatred Porn Girls Receive.”

  1. Even though I don’t classify myself as an angry or aggressive porn watching male citizen, many of the points made still hit home and has in a weird kind of way resulted in some self reflection. But most importantly what IS up with the plethora of Monster Cocks in porn land? Those massive fire hoses definitely routine the whole POV thing for me. just saying.

  2. Sorry that last sentence was suppose to be:

    Those massive fire hoses definitely ruin the whole POV thing for me. just saying.

  3. Wow! Just wow. Though I think I agree with pretty much everything this guy said, I don’t think I’ve ever given it as much though as he has. I do have to say I’ve never felt anger at a porn girl because she’s giving it up for all these random strangers ( who probably aren’t strangers and not all that all that random ). I do get a little wistful though, wishing I had a 12″ donkey dick, but alas, I don’t. I’m also not 24 years old anymore so it’s unlikely any of these girls would ever have sex with me anyway. But I digress… Unfortunately, I do think there are a lot of guys out there who have the mindset so perfectly summarized by Mark Twain when he said, “I’d never belong to a club that would have someone like as a member.” As for me, I just like watching pretty young women happily getting fucked.

  4. Who the fuck pays for internet porn anyway? With a bit of computer knowledge and the right tools you can crack any porn site. I have, Bangbros, Brazzers, Manojob you name it. I haven’t paid for smut since probably around 1999. I’m just amazed the kikes who produce the stuff can earn a living. Who cares, fuck them all I say.

  5. Billy, who’s in the pic? Really good one. Don’t u love girly parts? How can anyone be angry at anything so pretty??

    I bet if Picasso was still alive he’d be drawing shit like this. I’d love to see his take on porn after watching some of the stuff that’s been filmed in the last decade.

  6. Yeah…the post hits a lot of the dynamic of the average porn consumer. Like James & Dan in their responses before mine…I can’t say that I feel anger or resentment at a porn girl.Not at all.More like annoyance that my reality looks far more tame.Though not for lack of trying.And yeah…what is it with all the “circus cocks” in porn? Why is it that every black man in the business is stereotypically dark…with three legs? I know the answer to that question…but christ-on-a-cracker: Could the industry just at least try to branch out from that one occasionally? I offer my services as a (lighter) black man with “two and a half” legs who can spout dialog as well as pearl necklaces. 🙂

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