I love Delilah Strong.
I shot her a while back for Manojob; then, I shot her for Jizz On My Glasses; and a really long time before that…maybe even 3 years ago, we took a trip to the gloryhole. In fact, she’s one of the few porno gals to blow two dicks in the hole…here’s some free gloryhole movies of Delilah doing just that!
Delilah was even an early I Shoot Porn Interview.
Since then, we’ve been pals. Delilah’s such a filthy little slut that she took it upon herself to send out a mass text message to all the people in Porno Land announcing her first double-penetration scene. Isn’t that sweet?
What follows herein is a transcript of our text message conversation — none of it deleted, edited (except for grammar and punctuation), or fucked with for any reason whatsoever…even if it means making some people a bit upset:
Delilah Strong: Wassup bitches! Now I can truly say I’m a dirty little whore! I just did my first DP!
Billy: Why in the world didn’t you do it for Blacks On Blondes?
DS: Because I don’t do interracial anal.
BW: Aw, not even for me? I thought you said you might do IR anal for me.
DS: Well, I haven’t done one yet. It would really depend on the guy.
BW: Pick the guy. Any guy. Well, almost. And I’ll book it.
DS: Someone decently sized. Not too thick but long enough.
BW: Mandingo?
DS: Probably not. That’s a little too much.
BW: I was kidding. How about Ace?
DS: Possibly he would work.
BW: Carlton Banks?
DS: Don’t know him.
BW: Pumper?
DS: Hell no. I don’t like him.
DS: By the way, I’m not blonde anymore!
BW: I don’t care. You’re Delilah Strong.
DS: LOL. Well, we will think of someone.
BW: Can I blog our text messages? I’ll tell all my readers how to buy an authentic pair of Delilah Strong’s soiled panties.
DS: Yes! And please do!
Afterward: Bet you never thought a porno blog would have an afterward, huh? And yep, they really are her panties.