Candy Star writes:
I have recently started reading your blog and I saw where a girl sent you a picture of herself and asked you if you thought she has what it takes to be in porn. So I was wondering if you would look at my pictures and tell me what you think. Am I cute enough? Pretty enough? Do my breasts look okay? I have recently joined a gym and am working hard to lose my belly and thunderthighs. Feel free to include my pictures of your blog. Thanks for your time.

Dear Candy –
First off, I love your porno name – Candy Star. Nice move there, honey bunny. And I must say, that first pic of you, laying on your floor, and sexy and sultry…I’d say definately porn star material. And you look pretty damn cute, too; I’d rate your looks in this pic a solid 7. But I need to see the goods. So, if I swung by your pad, I’d probably snap some pics…kinda like the ones you’re sending me now.
And I gotta tell you, that second pic doesn’t do you any favors. Nor does the third pic you sent:

Now remember, this the the brutally honest part of ISP, as opposed to, say…when I tell porno stories; those stories are only honest. And you know the rules here: no ones out to make anyone feel bad, or self-conscience, nor am I a misogynistic asshole who enjoys denegrating women…I LOVE WOMEN! All shapes and sizes. The problem is, the porn consumer doesn’t. So with that being said, at this point in time I’m probably not booking you for a scene.
But we still have to see the goods.

Boy, I wish you woulda pointed your ass my way, right into your camera lens. It looks like, although your ass might be kinda big, it also might be kinda tight. That’s a big positive…but I’d have no way of knowing in this pic…although for some reason, I think Doggie Style is your favorite position. Let’s take a close look at your fun bags.

From the look on your face, it appears you’re the proud parent of natural C-cuppers. Am I right? They look pretty damn good. Firm. Fun. Nipples aren’t too bad either. Not the greatest, but by no means are they pygmy gumdrops.
My final thoughts here, Candy Star, are to stay the course. Keep at it in the gym. Yoga. Cut out pasta from the diet. Yoga. Don’t eat any bread. Yoga. Forget about potatoes, too. And did I mention Yoga?
And finally, Candy, you asked if you “had what it takes” to be in porn. Well, after a few months of Yoga everyday and watching you eat, your body might have what it takes to do porn…but will your head be able to handle it? See, that’s what no one seems to ask…lots and lots of girls have the bod to do porn. Not many can handle it mentally.
So your first assignment from me, if you still wanna do porn, is to jump in the van and head to a secret gloryhole. Let’s wait around for a super big black dick to poke through. I’d love for you to show off your cocksucking skills! And trust me, with a total stranger’s dick in your mouth, you kneeling naked on that dirty, yucky floor, in a place where we could get caught at any time, we’ll see if you really have what it takes to be a porn star.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!!
Your pal, Billy.