Their canned explanation: The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:
Porn Star Screen Test #2: Natalie Norton – (billywatson3)
YouTube is not a shock site. It’s not okay to post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to be shocking, sensational or disrespectful. If your video is graphic or disturbing, it can only remain on the site where supported by appropriate educational or documentary information.
Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.
I’m not quite sure how anyone could interpret Natalie’s screen test as a “gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to be shocking, sensational or disrespectful”. And I’m not saying that cause it’s mine, and I’m putting my Prude Shoes on as I read their e-mail.
I dunno if you saw it, but Natalie plays with her boobs under her shirt for the first 20 seconds or so. I’m not even sure you can say she was playing with them…in any sort of sexy way. I’d love to ask the You Tube Team member how Natalie’s video comes close to any of the hundreds of videos I’ve seen of micro-bikinis, people hurting themselves (I’m sure on purpose, too) and all the other content found there.
Oh well. I’m gonna figure out how to embed the videos here, on the blog, so I don’t have to fuck with the super-smart, super-insightful You Tube Team members.
While I’m ranting, why stop now?
I’m a gook-boy fan for Andy Warhol, and I love most everything he’s done. I love his original screen tests. As living portraits, they’re simply amazing, and they show just one small sliver of his genius. Warhol, like almost everyone who’s way ahead of their time, is easy to rip-off, and that’s exactly what I did.
Not that Andy himself never ripped off an idea.
Anyway, I’ve got 30 (give or take) “Porn Star Screen Tests” I shot in the fall of ’08. Most are girls. Some are dudes. They’re nothing more than a living portrait of a person during 3 minutes of their life. Nothing more. No one is gonna appear on screen and dump a load, or scare them, or try to fuck them…even though almost all the feedback I’ve gotten on these wants to know why not?
What aren’t you dumping a load on these whores?!
Why don’t you scare them!
Etc etc…
So far, out of the 38,770 views Kristina’s screen test has, 17 people “like” it, 88 don’t…and 38,665 don’t give a shit. This makes perfect sense. In addition, almost all of the comments on the two that are still up — Kristina Rose’s and Tara Lynn Foxx’s — are in Spanish. I guess someone is embedding the videos from a Spanish-speaking country (duh) but the videos are so new, the demographics You Tube provides aren’t showing up in my nifty, You Tube admin.
Oh well.
Anyway, I posted a still from Marcel Duchamp’s screen test Warhol shot in ’66 (or so). He’s another hero. Duchamp played a chess match with a naked lady at the Pasadena Museum at his retrospective. I think the year was 1963.
I wonder if You Tube would allow that video to remain…if someone would have shot it. Pictures exist (Google it!), but no video I know of.
Kinda gross — a naked lady playing chess with a pervy, old man.
Certainly shocking.
Very sensational.
And really, really disrespectful.

I like this, in some ways u are making pornstars more human. Not as simple objets for my narcistic masturbation!
Good Job!
Yeah, I fucking missed the one with Natalie. What are the purposes of these other than a video bookmark or cover page?
Have you ever filmed for a “Cinemax” softcore porn, or had a behind the scenes look? If so, where does the penis go? or the tounge?
I gotta tell ya, I love your blog. I have been reading your posts of the past, it amazes me that so many react to the celebration of the very act that justifies existence with such vitriol. You get it, man. I should have known you dug Warhol. Rock on Billy. You Shoot Life…xoxo
YouTube have outsourced their review team to India, and the poor guy who has to review 1000 videos per hour just picked the wrong option when choosing the ready-made explanation for why the video was removed.
Try vimeo, they are much better in any case.
You can also use jwplayer if you wanna host the video yourself, but I’d advise against it if you have lots of videos (bandwidth).
you’re not cool until you’ve been banned. welcome home.