How ’bout the TV in the background of our first babe’s photoshoot? That shit was cutting edge in 1971! And her great tan lines!! Can we bring back tan lines? And PLEASE can we bring back some bush??
How ’bout the big hair & pig tails on our second lovely lass?
Most of the pictures I got a hold of were taken by an old-school smut peddler named Ron Vogel. Check out his IMDB. It starts all the way back in 1960 with “Not Tonight, Henry“, and includes “The Bashful Blonde from Beautiful Bendover”, “Sex Trek II: The Search for Sperm”, “King Tung Is the Egyptian Lover”, and “The Adventures of Tracy Dick: The Case of the Missing Stiff”.
“The Adventures of Tracy Dick: The Case of the Missing Stiff” also starred a 16 year old — successfully passing herself off as an adult at the time — named “Traci Lords“.
I love the history of my business.
Here’s the trailer for Not Tonight, Henry. Take a minute and check it out and try to imagine a time when that sort of thing was “dirty”.
Vogel’s still alive, and, in addition to the movies he was involved with, one of his biggest claims to fame was shooting his daughter for Playboy. This was the same year Dorothy Stratton was a Playmate of the month.
I love the history of my business.
One of the biggest scores in my stack o’ vintage smut was an manila folder containing the photos — and the model release! — from a girl calling herself “Laura”. The best part is her release? It also functions as a Q & A for a potential magazine interview…if the publisher who ended up buying the content needed an interview for his Jerk Rag. It’s dated Sept. 22, 1974, and it’s really amazing how things don’t change — only the girls.
Some memorable quotes from “Laura”: My ambition is to be a model and get into some acting. Since I want modeling to be my career, I want to be the best I can be. I was in the Miss California Figure Model Contest. Some of my pet peeves are when people smirk at you under their breath when they’re upset with you…like when they laugh in your face because you did something they thought was wrong or stupid or something like that. My secret desire is to make love to Robert Redford. And I look for a man that respects a woman for what she is and has understanding with people.
I love the history of my business! Now, if I could only get my hands on some of Irving Klaw’s negatives and releases.
While I was scanning and printing my Olde Tyme Dirty Pictures, I came across a news article stating “66% of Americans Say Porn is Morally Wrong“. This really didn’t surprise me a whole lot, and, of course, the article’s title is a bit misleading. In addition, I’m sure they’re talking about using porn as a masturbation aide — as opposed to shooting it, starring in it, or making a living off it in any way, shape, or form.
If the Gallup Poll asked about actually being part of the pornography business, I’m willing to bet 95% of Americans would say it’s bad.
I wonder what the number would be if they were asked, “Do you feel it’s morally wrong to take nudie pics of your daughter?”
The poll is actually pretty fascinating. It encompasses “the moral acceptability of a series of different actions human beings engage in”. In addition to pornography, the poll covers infidelity, cloning, polygamy, gay relationships, divorce, the death penalty, gambling, and clothes made from the fur of dead animals. Age of the participants and political affiliations are also taken into consideration.
Overall, we really don’t like suicide, cloning humans, and polygamy.
I’m OK with suicide, I’m not OK with cloning humans, and I don’t like polygamy. (I have no problem with poly-amorous relationships).
Overall, we think divorce, gambling, using human stem cells for research, and sex between unmarried men and women is OK.
I don’t like divorce (unless there’s no children involved, or you do it after your kids turn 18), I love love love stem cell research, and I think sex between unmarried folks is super groovy.
Democrats think out-of-wedlock births, doctor-assisted suicide, and abortion is OK.
I don’t like out-of-wedlock births, I like doctor-assisted suicide, and while I hate abortion, I think a women has an absolute, God-given right to own her reproductive rights.
Republicans have no issues with fucking over the lower and middle classes, exploiting workers, sending our soldiers into meaningless wars, white-collar crime, sending American jobs to third-world shit holes in order to increase profitability, voting to change tax codes in order not to pay their fair share, and/or altering the Democratic Process in order to ensure their candidate wins a Presidential election.
OK — the Gallup folks didn’t say that — I did. And I stand by it.
Older people (over 35) think porn, gay relationships, premarital sex, and out-of-wedlock births are bad.
I’m over 35 and I love the first three things; I already told you how I feel about out-of-wedlock births.
Younger people (under 35) think medical testing on animals and the death penalty are bad.
I believe in medical testing on animals and the death penalty, but only under certain circumstances…circumstances I’m not even sure I can define at this moment. Well, wait. If DNA evidence proves the murderer is a murderer beyond a reasonable doubt, and it was a pre-meditated, yucky murder…then kill the Mofo. And if we have to put an animal down in order to figure out how to save a human life, sorry…the poor critter has got to go.
Finally, by a whopping 91% to 7% percentage margin, married men and women having an affair was considered “morally wrong”.
Yet, from what I can tell, almost all married couples can’t remain monogamous.
Funny how that works.

Really nice post billy its always good to read you. Its good you are blogging a lot again. keep up the writing.
Cheers from a “shit hole” Lol.
nice trailer. I wonder what it was like to run around porn valley in those years — those dudes were livin’ right… the only thing fake was the moon landing.
My brother-in-law was cleaning out his parents garage after they passed and found a bunch of 8mm films. He had no idea what to do with them, so he gave them to me. One features Joey Silvera, another has a MFM threesome with a pair of huge black guys.
Now I have no idea to what to do with these. Do you want them?
I pretty much agree with most of your stances Billy…except that part about bringing back the bush.
One thing that surprised me was that even among 18-34 year olds, porn was only 42% acceptable. I would have thought that age group at least would be more openminded. Of course only 71% thought unmarried sex was acceptable, and I’m assuming that not many people approve of porn but not sex out of marriage. It would be interesting to see the breakdown by sex of those stats too.