Nicki Blue: Of course! I lost it in front of 100 people who witnessed it live, as well as the 600+ viewing it from Kink’s live stream.
ISP: Cause yesterday, when we were traveling back from the secret gloryhole and you told me the story, I thought you were being figurative…like having sex in front of a camera for the first time. Certainly not literal. How can you go that long without sex?
NB: Well, I’ve been doing anal since I was a teenager. I started experimenting with things in my ass when I was 13. For example, I was putting fingers in my butt, then working my way up to hair brush handles. I had no idea about sex toys then, and since I lived in the South, there weren’t a whole lot of sex shops. Anyways, I had my first true anal sex experience with a boy when I was 16.
ISP: So you were giving up the booty hole back then, just not the V-Jayjay.
NB: Correct. I used my butt like most girls use their vagina.
ISP: Just like Mormon girls do before they get married.
NB: Yep! And I didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant, either! I would let the boys bust in my ass worry free.
ISP: How much was your virginity worth on camera?
NB: I won’t tell, except to say Kink paid me very well. They got a great show. A lot of people were very skeptical until they show Marc Davis pop my cherry…and they saw the blood. A couple people actually walked out. They were disturbed. James Deen was nervous. He was second in line. James actually said it on camera — “I’m nervous”. He’s usually very confident, but he told me right before he put it in that he was nervous…cause it was real.
ISP: People argue — and perhaps rightly so — that you’ve totally cheapened a very special, sacred moment in a girl’s life by selling your virginity. How do you respond?
NB: That was the way I wanted to lose it. It was my dream to lose it that way, and I would hope that other women could lose their virginity the way they want to…as opposed to doing it in a way they would regret later.
ISP: When did you start planning this?
NB: When I was 19.
ISP: And you made it to 19 as a virgin by giving up your ass to the dudes you liked.
NB: Correct.
ISP: I can respect that. I’m all about women having the power to make their own choices, no matter how others perceive them. What can a man do that makes you happy almost every single time he does it?
NB: Well, I’m truly bi-sexual, so it could be a woman, too. What I like most is someone who doesn’t have inhibitions, and I’m pretty kinky, and I like to experiment, and I like it when my partner feels the same way.
ISP: Is penis size important?
NB: I love variety. That’s why I love gang bang scenarios! I love feeling them all! Long ones make me squirt, fat ones stretch me out, and the small ones give me a sensual, Cloud 9 feeling.
ISP: Circumcised or not?
NB: Mark Davis isn’t circumcised, and he was my first. It felt really good. Really soft. Cloud 9. True love making.
ISP: What kind of panties do you wear?
NB: Booty shorts.
ISP: What combo do you order at McDonald’s?
NB: I usually get coffee at McDonald’s. Or one of their smoothies. I don’t eat their food, really, except for their apple pies.
ISP: Ever burn your tongue off scarfing a McDonald’s apple pie too fast?
NB: Yes, and then I can’t taste shit.
ISP: Can you orgasm from anal sex?
NB: Yes! You know what’s kinda sad and still cool? I orgasm the most from anal. I always have my best orgasms with something in my ass. It’s way harder for me to cum from vaginal sex. Put something in my ass, please!
ISP: What do you watch on TV?
NB: I’m excited to start watching True Blood. I just got HBO so I can start watching that. I really liked Heroes when it was playing, and honestly, since then, I’ve been so busy I don’t have time for TV.
ISP: What’s on your iPod right now?
NB: Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, ummm, lemme see. Avril Lavigne. Avenge Sevenfold. I really like their creative lyrics, and I love the guitarist. I like to listen to a real band…not computers.
ISP: Where are you from?
NB: I grew up in Tennessee, but I was educated in Florida. I have a AA in Photography.
ISP: What kind of pictures to you like to take?
NB: I like flashlight photography. I take pictures in the dark, and I set the exposure for a long time, and I draw things in the air. Swirlies, balls, boobs, penises, that sort of thing.
ISP: Are you a sex addict?
NB: Yes.
ISP: That means I can have my way with you?
NB: (laughs) Yes!
ISP: How can your future fans have their way with you?
NB: I’m on Twitter. I also have my site. I blog on my site, as well as post all the videos that appear on my YouTube channel.

I love flashlight photography. That’d be a good way to shoot your Xmas cards this year Nicki… a string of lights around your naked body with your booty in the air with a star sticking out of your butt like a tree. Sexy. #justsayin’
This whore is a liar. the poppin up cherry was just her on her period. Her real friends even talked about how much of whore she was and lost virginity in middle school. This role that she plays is just her thinking it would make her big but actually nobody even knows who she is, she is pretty ugly on top of that.
Hun, if you’ve had anal before then you’re not a virgin. Virginity is defined as having had intercourse, and anal sex is intercourse. Virginity has nothing to do with the hymen being intact (as you state on your website). Otherwise, there would be many female athletes out there who would not be virgins despite never having had intercourse.
99% of porn is fantasy in the end, so I’m not going to get bent out of shape if this girl is putting on a show…….because the show is working! This girl is hot as hell. Man I love this blog, it’s put me on to my favourite porn stars time and time again thanks to these interviews.
I love your way keep it real as long as you can bt
You have a mental problem if you prefer anal sex and bestiality.