Word was out that there was a glory hole located at a secret location in Oxnard California. The minute Dogfart and I caught wind of this, we packed our gear in the car and headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway with Fionna Cheeks.
That’s the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Some coastal rock formations lay ahead. Dogfart’s behind the wheel, Fionna’s shotgun, and I’m in the back, getting blown away by the view. It doesn’t get much better than this.
We found the Glory Hole all right, and sure enough, Fionna jumped in. That’s right. We were rolling a Fionna Cheeks Gloryhole scene!
But it didn’t stop there. Turns out that particular Glory Hole was a huge payoff, cause most of the time they’re shut down after like 2 days. This one paid off for about 5 or 6 weeks! We shot in there, pretty much undisturbed, that entire fall. Then news broke on it, and the next thing you know, no more Glory Hole. Not there, anyway. Time to find another…
So here’s how it would go down. We’d scout the outside of the place, make sure there was no heat, and then grab the girl and our cameras. Dogfart ran the still camera; I shot video. And it would get kinda tricky cause we would have to work together in order to get the scene and haul ass within 15 minutes or so. Which is completely different than shooting a “normal” scene; if we were on a porn set, DF would shoot stills, we’d break, and then I’d roll video. Then, after the money shot, DF would snap a few more pics and we’d call it a day. You know…a casual porno shoot.
Not with a Glory Hole scene.
We were nervous we were gonna get busted at anytime. It was like the old days Bill Margold recalls, when shooting porn was illegal, and at any time the police could roll up on a porn set and haul everyone to jail…like John C. Holmes and those cats. 1974 and shit.
Anyways, I’d roll video while DF shot stills. I’d have to make sure he was out of my way; he’d make sure I was out of his. And we’d have to vary up the angles and shots. All while working in a tiny stall…the 3 of us: the porn star, DF, and me.
We made it happen though, time and time again. Never once been busted…yet.
Here’s one more Gloryhole scene we shot with Saphire. I always liked Saphire. We shot her a few times. The first time I met Saphire she was on set reading a book by William S. Burroughs called Naked Lunch. That meant, as far as I’m concerned, she was already A-OK.
Saphire played the porno game for a while, then I think she disappeared back to wherever it is she’s from.
Fionna Cheeks went total Porn Star. She really made the rounds. I even got to shoot her again, a year or so later, for Spunkmouth. Then, about a year or so ago, she disappeared too. Last time I heard she got married and might be starting a family. That is to say she’s now leading a “normal” life.
I bet she’s bored already.
I need your help in order to find a gloryhole !! I live in Ventura California. I really wants to go to these nice places.