It’s a NO PORN Father’s Day!

I don’t really get too political here. I just like to tell a good story – maybe a little rant or rave. I really try hard not to use my blog as a soapbox to air my thoughts on topics like President Bush, Right Wing Politicians, or Right-Wingers in general, including self-rightous Christians, “family oriented” groups, ect ect…all of which I really don’t like.

But it’s dad’s day, and I’m going to make an exception to the rule. Appearently A group calling itself “The Defenders” has joined forces with some other group – “Shared Hope International” – and they’re calling for a “No Porn Father’s Day”…a call that, as far as I’m concerned, is warranted.

Shit man, it’s Father’s Day. If you’re a dad, get the fuck away from your computer and spend the whole day with your kid. Do things with them you don’t get a chance to do cause all the other days in the month you’re too busy bringing home the bacon, in order to give your family the things they deserve.

In other words, don’t beat off on dad’s day; instead, spend it with your family.

If you’re a single, and there’s no kids in your world, then, as far as I’m concerned, beat off like a monkey in the zoo. Don’t even put any clothes on today. Sit in front of your computer, and if you like spending some free time waxing the old carrot to some porn, do it! That’s all it’s meant for…and that’s all porn will ever be: a masturbatory aid.

Problem is, Shared Hope International and The Defenders aren’t happy with taking a day off from porn. They want it eradicated, and they’re ready to spend a whole lotta dough airing their views over American television.

Why? They feel “…in the broader sense, we see porn as a gateway that leads to child pornography.”

This is, of course, complete and utter bullshit. Let’s get this straight: the folks whose buttons are pushed desecrating children have, for the most part, been sexually turned on by that shit since they became sexual beings at age 14 or 15…cause the whole time they were abused, too. All pedophiles were abused as children, and that’s why they do what they do as adults. Their mental illness has nothing to do with whacking it to legal porn.

Dangerous thing…making broad generalizations, huh? This is the one case where a broad generalization is true.

This idea that if you watch some porno you’ll eventually wanna watch child porn is the same idiotic thinking behind marijuana being a gateway drug to harder substances; if you smoke a joint, you’ll end up shooting heroin.

I’m doomed. See, I can’t sleep a whole night. Haven’t for years. Lately, after a glass of red wine and a couple of puffs of some very sweet chillums, I sleep like a baby. All night long. Guess heroin’s right around the corner for me. Maybe I should just get myself into a meth clinic now and save myself all the hassles.

I used to watch porn. I really don’t anymore…not since I started making it. And since I wasn’t abused a child, I have absolutely no penchant to view, make, or distribute anything that features anyone under the age of 18. (In fact, I really wish my industry would push to get the age of consent in this country upped to 21; most 18 year olds have no idea what the fuck they’re signing, whether it be a model release, car loan documents, a credit card application, or even whatever papers are they signing in order to enlist in our military.)

The folks behind the groups also say, “Real men defend women and children no matter whose daughters they are.” And I’m OK with that, to a degree. And this may sound corny, but I’ve said it before – and I’ll say it again – the greatest gift we’ve got as humans is the gift of autonomy. It’s that plain and simple. Almost no one – not even dirty, perverted pornographers – agrees that anyone should be forced to do anything against their will. And truth be told, on a porno set, no one does. They all know what they’re doing before they show up to do it. In hindsight many may feel what they did on film is a mistake…but thank God they were given the autonomy to discover being in a dirty movie was a mistake.

And guess what? There’s a lot of porno girls who love their job. I know…I meet them everyday. Fuck everyone who calls them sluts and whores and whatever else; these are the same fucktards who are pissed cause they haven’t been laid since 2003.

Anyways, out of all the networks The Defenders and Shared Hope International approached to buy ad time, they have been turned down by everyone except – you guessed it – Fox.

Enough’s enough…my rant is almost done. If you’re a dad, and you’ve got custody of your kids, and they’re there now, for heaven’s sake go out and spend time with them.

If you’re alone, and you found yourself here, at my blog, join one of my sites and pleasure yourself endlessly…until you can’t anymore. Then go grab a beer, maybe a smoke and the Sunday paper, and just go chill.

Cause tomorrow’s Monday, and we all know what that means.

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