Since I can’t talk enough about Riley Mason, why not talk about her today? Cause I think she’s one of my favorites to work with: she’s a super bad ass indie rock porn star that’ll do almost anything…so what’s not to love?
I’m at Chico Wang’s shooting Riley for Manojob, Jizz On My Glasses, and Eat Some Ass. We’re gonna bang out three qucik scenes in a row, and I kinda fucked up, cause I had Chico shoot the Eat Some Ass scene first, and I know I’ve talked about that…she got covered in BBQ sauce, had an allergic reaction to it, and still shot two more scenes…even though her skin was starting to get all patchy and red and weird.
Manojob scene was second, so I shot it. I asked around to see if anyone wanted their dick jacked off, and Chico’s protege at the time – Bejing Bang – readily agreed. That’s when Chico grabbed me, pulled me aside, and said something like “no guarantees with him, bro.”
Which meant anything could happen.
I agreed to Chico’s terms, and then Chico retreated into his bedroom with Jasmine Tame for some reindeer games.
Manojob scenes are usually quiet scenes, with only the female talent speaking. They dirty talk into the camera, and sometimes tell handjob stories that are usually quite funny and very sexy. Riley was in the middle of hers when suddenly, out of the blue, Chico came running out of his bedroom, screaming. His pants were around his ankles, but his boxers were still on, so he couldn’t really reach full-stride.
So I guess he tried to run across the room, screaming very loudly, and ran back into his room. It startled me for a second, but it scared Riley for about 15 seconds. Kinda freaked her out. She really didn’t like it at all, and that’s what made it so funny.
We get back to work, and half way through the scene, Bejing asked if he could take a “break”. I have to give him that break, right? I mean I don’t want OSHA on my ass. Anyways, during that break he blew a load into his hand. Don’t ask me why, or what. He wasn’t jacking off, ar least that I could tell. He was just kinda standing there, and all of a sudden he blew a load in his hand, then sheepishly came and told me. After which he went into the bathroom, cleaned himself up, and left.
As in completely left the place, with all his stuff.
So I ask around again, who wants to get their dick jerked by Riley, and this photographer cat jumps up, very excited, and offers up his services. I’m in a jam, so I’m like right on!, until the dude pulled out his wee-wee, which was exactly that – a wee-wee. I don’t think it was more than 4 1/2 inches hard, but beggars can’t be choosers, so we roll tape.
The scene actually turned out better than I thought. Here’s some Riley Mason handjob movies from that night. Fun, huh? It’s kinda cool, too, cause Bejing is asian, and the photgrapher dude was latino, and without showing their faces, it’s kinda hard to tell them apart!
After we wrapped the Manojob thing, it was time for JOMG Riley Mason, and that’s a whole other story.