Funny what makes people legit these days. I dunno about your line of work, but in mine it seems the only way to earn everyone’s respect it to produce a line of DVD’s. No way a website’s gonna earn any respect; DVD’s are the only way to go. Which is kinda funny to me, cause the internet guys are making as much as the DVD guys, and I think that’s pissing off the DVD guys; hence, they’re always kinda busting our balls…for example, the DVD guys think internet shoots are “easy” and we “get away” with lesser production values that they do.
Anyway, we’ve been toiling over DVD production for a long time now, and to me and my partners, we’ve always considered it money laying on the table. That’s the only reason we’re doing this…I mean the scenes have been shot, we’ve made our money back on them…and now what? Earn someone’s respect? Ha. What a laugh.
We wanna earn your money.
DVD’s are a tricky thing…well, DVD’s are really pretty simple. It’s cracking the Good Ol’ Boy network of DVD distribution that’s a tricky thing. It’s a total kiss ass sort of deal, magnified a zillion times, with some ball licking thrown in for good measure. I didn’t kiss ass or ball lick, really I didn’t…I think I just got lucky. And who knows if I really got lucky, cause so far the only thing I’ve ever heard about selling DVD’s to distributors is the following: you’re gonna get fucked no matter what you do…the trick is not to get fucked too hard.
That’s no fun to talk about though. Let’s talk about Spunkmouth DVDs, which should be released next month! Really, I haven’t been this excited since I shot a Spring Thomas blowjob scene for JOMG.com!!
Riley Mason is our first boxcover girl, and rightfully so. You’re reading my blog; you know what a heet she is. We then sprinkle some unknowns who never made porn stardom with a few that did: there’s Meg, otherwise known as Ryan Starr, who almost made it big; Lisa, a total unknown that never did anything besides our scene (I think); BJ Swallows, who made a few appearences on another site as well as Spunkmouth, then faded into oblivion; and Vicky Vette, total porn star godess.
Who other to put on Spunkmouth Volume 2 than Spring Thomas, braces and all? From there it’s Savannah, who’s now (sadly) caught up in the abyss of methanphetamines; Nadia Rae, an escort who answered one of my early ads in the back of a local weekly searching for porno stars; Tina, a super heet that could have been huge but isn’t; and Brandi Lyons, who did get huge and is in a self-imposed psuedo-retirement thing at the moment.
Whew. Lotsa good jacking material there, my friends. So come around mid-May, make sure you march right down to your local adult bookstore and ask them where Spunkmouth #1 and #2 are. No, demand them…both.
Cause there’s nothing better than DVD porno on your big screen TV.