It was two years ago this month Mr. Wang was found dead in a motel room in Northern California. As I was poking through my old posts, figuring out what to re-post, I stumbled across this. My initial reaction was to leave well enough alone…but the more I thought about it, the more I thought to go with it.
This blog’s original date was February 21, 2006.
Billy writes: I spoke to Chico Wang tonight. Chico is one of the directors at Anabolic/Diabolic, and he’s responsible for titles like “No Swallowing Allowed” and “Down the Hatch.” He also invented The Minion. We spoke about a bunch of things – mostly porn related – then he showed me a post he wrote for an adult chat board. It was actually a re-post…Chico had written/posted it originally, and then someone re-posted it, and called it the “best post about porn ever”. So I asked Chico if I could re-post it one more time here, cause after I read it, I think it does really sum up THE most frequently asked question I get. Thanks Chico.
(And if you’re wondering, the girl in the pic here is Jaime Elle…dick sucker #57.
Chico Wang writes:
Here’s what a whore is and its relation to the adult business.
A whore is any girl who fucks for money.
I would say 90% of the girls in the industry hate what they do and fuck only for money.
I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry hate getting assfucked but do it only for the money.
I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry have serious issues such as but not limited to previous bouts with rape, incest, molestation, drug abuse, pimp boyfriends, etc.
Most have an IQ of room temperature. Most do not have automobiles. Most do not have bank accounts. Most do not and cannot acquire a credit card. Most squander all their porn earnings almost immediately. Most will end up penniless and return to the business because their job skills relegate them to a lifelong search for a drug dealing sugardaddy or public assistance. Most have complete lack of self-esteem. These are societal problems and cannot be blamed on an adult industry which neither cares or should care.
The fact that I could call a new porn girl a ‘fucking whore’ and, when I explain myself, they shower me with hugs as I tell them that they should suck as much dick as possible to get ahead tells you alot. Yes, I coach these girls too on how to be the best whore they can be. It’s more of a longevity and monetary issue as opposed to a derogatory one.
Here’s an interesting story. I usually have whores running rampant around my abode. When a friend asks me how he can get blown by these whores, I tell them to go up next to them and pull out their peckers. It’s the easiest way. Why? These girls are conditioned to suck dick. When there’s a dick in front of them, they look like a deer caught in the headlights and don’t know what to do. It’s instinct for them to suck it until it coats the back of their throats with nut butter.
Now tell me this. Do you think the girls in the industry love what they do? Nearly every scene ends in a facial. Can you really fathom how truly degrading this act really is? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck off 5 complete strangers and gulp down their ball snot and have to pretend they loved every minute of it? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck on a dick that’s been pulled out of your own asshole which smells like complete shit? They do it for the money and that’s what makes them whores.
I think alot of you forget after watching so many DVDs exactly what the reality is. You fall into a trap of fantasy land thinking these girls love what they do. If there was no paycheck involved, the female talent pool would drop to nothing. They don’t do it for the sheer love of it. They get drilled in the asshole, they take a mugfull of cum, they fuck complete strangers, because of one reason only.
Get out of fantasyland and really think about it.

Hey dude!
I just found your blog and really enjoy reading it.
Helped to clean up some misconceptions and guilt.
I most enjoyed the interviews with the chicks, since I’ve always been curious how girls end up doing porn and how real/fake all this is.
May I ask you for a favor, since you got loads of first hand experience?
Can you interview a girl who does (likes) face-fucking, rough BJs, whatever you call it? I’m kind of into that and I’m always curious about the thin line between animalistic sex and abuse. Some girl let guys use their head like a masturbation device and fuck their throat till they puke all over their face and the cum shoots out of their nostrils – I understand that women like to be taken just like men like to take them – but what makes them do extreme stuff like that?
I wonder if it’s like masturbating with a head-ache … it hurts but the lust feels good enough to keep going.
Can she enjoy it with a guy that she hardly knows? I knows it can be really nice with a partner. (think of Heather Brooke)
I’d love have some female perspective on that. 🙂
Cheers, dude!
It’s a funny re-post.It’s just chock full of inconsistencies.
Most chix don’t do gang bang.Many don’t do anal.If they did’nt do it for money …there’d be no porn industry.(Actually there’s no porn industry now…but someone finds the money to pay performers anyway).If you can have incredible sex-or awful sex with someone…might just as well get paid either way.Chico was just delivering bravado.He won’t be missed.
What do you think, Billy?
I think Chico Wang was well over the top – for example, look back a couple of posts – does Janet Mason fit into this view?
as for the “conditioned” bit, he really didn’t like women, did he?
I was going to reply to the repost from Chico but the first response was so great I had to reply to that instead. I would also like to see this in the interviews and an additional site with all of the rough and verbal stuff would be even better. I would love to see more in depth interviews such as those on mr.pov as well.
Thanks very much
A long boring post from a short boring director.
The actual percentages don’t matter, the point is without drugs or money (or father figure pimps) almost no women would participate in porn type behaviors. You think a community of lesbians would invent a fake dick that spewed fake come all over their faces just because it’s such an awesome experience?
Most people are stupid. Unimaginably, astonishingly, impressively dumb to the point that if you handle them right they’ll convince *themselves* of what you want them to believe. Look at how often rich athletes get scammed by the Madoffs of the world. Women tend to be victims more often than men only because they have what we all want, pussy, and they can trade it for what they all want, security (financial, physical, and otherwise).
There might be some tiny percentage of girls out there who genuinely love it (aka who have talked themselves into believing that with no work on your part), but almost all of them you can convince to love it if you just put in the time and effort. It’s not about some special type of girl, it’s about conditioning the girl you can get to become the girl you want her to be, and it requires hard work. Users and used make up the world, decide which one you are and learn to love it.
i do disagree with this becuase every porn whore i hear always talks about how she had sex with a bunch guys in highschool and college and they did it all for free…they are sluts.
These women didnt step into porn and become the whores they are. They were sluts to begin with and if the industry wasnt there they would still be the sluts that they are 4 free.
R.I.P. Voltron
the bottom line is……whores are no more then talking urinals, to dump one’s bodily fluids on……and a lot of directors/agents/producers and male talent recognize that….that’s why humiliation and perverted relationships and acts, are common place in the biz.
it’s as if a woman that enters the biz, in many ways gives up certain human rights…..or rights to be respected/considered like an equal human, and not a meathole to be used up. I would think most if not everybody in the biz recognizes that fact….
Nice, sobering article. I’m glad to have voices like these speaking frankly about the business. Wish there were more.
That guy in the picture is Chico Wang? That is the guy that the Minion was scared of?? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Not buying it.Yes ALL people-men & women-have a stupidity component.That component expresses itself uniquely from person to person.Ultimately-was not Madoff incredibly STUPID?
Equally as stupid were the highly educated “quants” who traded financial instruments based on pure fantasy that put us in the economic mess we’re in.
“impressively dumb to the point that if you handle them right they’ll convince *themselves* of what you want them to believe”
” but almost all of them you can convince to love it if you just put in the time and effort.”-RAMSES II
That does’nt explain why THOUSANDS of new girls get into the business every year.Do directors-or the industry in general-really have that much time on their hands? Time enough to convince multiples of girls to do whatever? Doubt it.I might add that many of the shooters/directors of porn are WOMEN.Is a man an idiot for participating in straight porn? Chico Wang-GOOD RIDDANCE-was just some idiot douche shooting off at the mouth.
Thanks for the re-post, Billy! Brutal honesty may be a spotlight on some that watch too much porn and then think to try some degrading shit on some unlucky girl. Girls are up for some kink – but I doubt there are too many girls who think ass to mouth is a good idea.
Side note – I like to see facials and have found more than a few girls willing to take them….in fact I’ve had a couple ASK for facials. FUCKING HEAVEN for a facial perv, like myself.
Thanks again, Billy. Love the blog and it’s (almost) gotten me to pay for some porn to help out the industry.
Side note 2 – How on earth is the guy doing Amateur Allure getting all those girls? Many of them don’t seem like your typical porn actress. Is he paying WAY over scale? I can’t figure it out. He’s in a dumpy apartment shooting scenes and then shows some 6 figure cars in other snippets. I imagine he’s some Wall Street dude that cashed out and is now living a fantasy of fucking random ass that lures in with $$.
Doc Vegas you’re still in that naive phase. You think Madoff was stupid? The man lived like a king, literally, for 30 years and the only work he had to do was scamming rubes. I’d trade the last years of my life (He’s 70 remember) in a white collar prison for 30 years as a billionaire. Most people would. Education doesn’t fix stupid, it’s just another system for convincing the used to settle in for a long session of getting fucked.
See the part you’re missing is that it doesn’t start when they get the idea to do porn, it starts when they first get their tits and hips. Every guy tries to scam them. If he scams a BJ, he moves on to scamming a facial, if a facial, he scams vaginal, anal, threeways, etc. These girls are getting trained from the first instant someone wants to fuck them. The stupid ones take to the training better, they’re conditioned to see good things arriving as compensation for getting fucked.
And so what if the director is a woman? Did I give the impression I look down on women? Smart women are better at scoring than men, they have to be to succeed. Men are idiots for being in porn too, but the biological imperative in men isn’t in question here. We find holes and fuck them. Getting paid a little bit would be a bonus (I’m not in porn, doubt I could pop on demand even when I was 18) but we’re gonna do it either way. You had a lot of girls spontaneously suggest ass to mouth threeways ending in a facial just after meeting you? You wouldn’t find a lot of guys to turn it down if you did.
I don’t see the porn system as wrong, it’s just a more direct extension of the exact same idea that our whole human society is founded upon. Users and used. If you’re not the former I have a bridge to sell you, and if you haven’t tried anal yet I promise I can teach you exactly how much I love it!
Man, it is one ugly fucking world we live in.
I’m not talking about just an abusive dead addict porn director and “whores,” of course.
To RAMSES…by your thinking nobody loves sex? Or do all men love sex naturally and then condition women to like it for our benefit? The truth is that society convinces us that these acts are degrading and we should feel bad for the pleasure unless we are pro creating. The physical act is pleasurable and enjoyable and the verbal and mental aspect of it only add to it.
To BeenThereDoneThat…The only reason girls ‘like’ facials now is because it’s become common place. 30 years ago you wouldn’t have been able to find many girls that enjoyed that. And 10 or 20 uears from now you’ll probably see more girls requesting ass to mouth.
Thanks for the repost. This was one of the more insightful things ever on your blog. Chico was a “beautiful wreck” himself but made some bulls-eye observations.
“You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do” – Jesus
“Having eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin
cursed children” – 2 Peter
“Where their worm will never die and their fire will never
be put out” – Mark 9
they way i look at it is like this. its simple.
lets say Chico is right about his theory and his percentages, and lets also say that 1000 girls get into the business every year. then mathamatically that means there are 100 porn whores out there who like/love what they’re doing and those are the 100 a year that i want to focus my time on. life is too short to analyze this bullshit any further.
I don’t entirely disagree with your “cultural/natural inclinations” rationale…not at all.I just found Chico’s observations over the top.Kinda’ like someone whose take on reality is embittered because he STILL was unable to enjoy it.As for Madoff: When you take the actuarial tables into account…maybe he was’nt so stupid.Outside of ol’ Bernie however-just about everyone else was.
Anon: Loving sex has nothing to do with it. Sure women (and men for that matter, there’s just no great demand for it) can be *taught* to enjoy sucking a dick straight out of their own ass, that’s what conditioning means sweetie, but they don’t come through puberty with that craving programmed in. It has to be carefully constructed by a user who finds that kind of control interesting.
I’m as post morality as they come, I see how a chick could find happiness in slavery slobbering knobs and gobbling come and I cheerfully applaud her modern sensibilities… but she wasn’t born that way, she was made. We don’t even have to call it damage or abnormality or any of those negative terms, but we won’t call it natural either until you catch a few million animals filming ATM gangbangs and whatever that Japanese jerk fest stuff is called.
If you wanna hear a little more of my theory (And I bet you don’t, but I wanna write it anyway), I think we crave these things because fundamental shifts in population density have broken humanity’s instinctive methods of conflict resolution (See: Rwanda in the 90s). Depravity is a social construct relatively unique per society, but the desire for depravity, for the dominance and possession it imples, is innate. As population density rises the exploration of a society’s unique concept of depravity explodes. Waves of formerly closed behaviors become commonplace in rapid succession until… *pop*. The Beatles four way fuck Shania Twain in the ass on live television and probably sacrifice her to Quetzalcoatl in the afterglow.
Sorry to rag out your comments ‘Billy’ sometimes I get the bug. 😉
How many of us would go to work tomorrow if we weren’t getting paid? We are ALL whores.
well chico is more positioned to speak about the biz than all of you
I just had to walk into my bosses office to ask him a question. It looked like he was busy fiddling with his Blackberry, so I knocked on the door, just to let him know that I was coming in. He looked up and said, Don’t fucking do that, don’t fucking knock on my door when I’m sitting right here, what the fuck is the matter with you, if you have to ask me a question, just come in and ask it, now what the fuck do you want? I asked him the question and he did not give me an answer. He told me to go ask someone else and then he told me to shut his fucking door on the way out. He rolled his eyes at me. The entire time he was yelling at me I kept a neutral expression on my face and even smiled when he told me to shut his door. I’m telling you this not to point out how sensitive or magnanimous I am. The point is that the system we live under is predicated on power. All of us have to swallow other people’s shit and piss and cum. Some of us do it figuratively, and some of us do it literally. My boss knows that I can’t talk back to him or take offense to his verbal spew, which is why he does it. Which leads me to ask not why the girls in porn submit themselves to some of the abuse, but why pieces of shit like Chico Wang like to dole it out. That’s what I’m curious about.
And by the way: If Mindy Lynn/Lindy Lane is acting when she’s getting fucked then she’s the greatest actress since Delphine Seyrig.
We are ALL whores.
Look at our fucking government, for crissakes. Congressman take money from business and interests, and they vote a certain way in return for that money.
We go to work each day and do something we hate, and for what? To buy stuff we think we want. Shelter. Food. Entertainment. And a vehicle to get to that job. We’re whores too.
Politicians sell their votes. We sell our time to our bosses. Porn stars sell their dignity. Musicians sell us their creativity.
Capitalism, baby.
It’s all the same Cosmic Shopping Mall, fellas.
Just a different store…..
Point-on observation.
Lindy Lane is the fucking truth! Co-Sign ‘dat too!
Come Fuck me all my lil whores….
Porn stars are a little different from your average whore. The most important difference is that porn whores do their thing openly on camera for everyone to see. The average whore wants anonymity. Porn whores are on box covers, whereas the average whores don’t want their faces shown. Regular whores are a lot like your average bitches- they love to get down and dirty secretly then act pure and pristine in public.
P.S. R.I.P. to Mr. Wang. No disrespect but he probably should’ve stuck to getting high off the pussy-crack and left the drugs to the bitches.
@The Ghost of Cal Jammer
judging by her “acting” skills in her scene on exploitedbabysitters, she’s not much of an actor. so yeah, it’s gotta be real.
The term whore is reserved for women selling sex; not working a normal profession. If you hate your job you probably should have worked harder to do something you enjoy.
women in the porn industry end up there for 2 reasons: They are sluts and easy money- they like it, and they are too lousy of actresses or models to make it in the film business so they turn to making porn. I do not believe any of these girls are intelligent, nor do I believe they have any marketable skills. And for guys who watch porn all the time maybe you should get a girlfriend and fuck her instead of yanking on your dick. But the sad reality is the pathetic ugly fat men who watch porn could never get laid so they live in their fucked up porn world. That is why stupid girls can make a couple hundred bucks in 30 minutes than rather scrub toilets for a week.
We are all wage slaves. I think you can chalk it up to the fact that yeah its an oppressive society, and porn along with video games and movies and countless tv shows all kind all lend to America’s favorite passtime: sittin’ around an’ watchin’ the toobe. Its as simple as that, for CHRISSAKES obviously if you weren’t watchin’ so much porn gettin’ into all these new ways to get off (which seems to be more extreme degradationz). Yeah, we’re slaves, fuck, look at China, they live in cubicles and escape into the videodrome at night(what a terrible generalization, I apologize). I think its all preying on our psychology as the working class, obviously you’re not gonna start a business in your spare time if your addicted to PORN. Furthermore, you for sure don’t have a healthy relationship with a woman if that’s the case as well.
The unfortunate thing is our culture is drenched in degradation, we have a bully/victim mindset where everyone MUST fall into either one of those two categories. I read one dope above explain it as a “user/used” paradigm.
However you rationalize it, in my opinion, treating a human as a non-human is obviously never right. I personaly don’t give a shit if any porn addict’s guilt kills them, I got out, and now I’m a self rightous asshole, and I don’t mind that one bit, because I can post anonymously.
Your all stuck on the idea of a woman being “Pandoras Box” (Don’t open the box) Im not going to sit here and watch you ramble on like a bunch of chickens about why woman decide to do porn. And why they or how they like ass to mouth.
Its called a shower. And anal training. You think Bi-sexual and Gay guys don’t like anal? At first probably not. Like women. But later it becomes something they learned to enjoy. When a girl loses her virginity, it hurts at first. Later, it feels completely natural and good. Sorry I used a reference to homos and what they like but women view it as the same. Its called conditioning. And yes from day one woman are taught to like sex. Now what there idea of sex is later evolves from experience. Like good ol momma says “You can’t knock it till you try it” If a porn star is “caught on film” doing a deep throat scene where she is laid on the couch upside down with a dude using her mouth as his person ramming hole as she pukes its prolly because she had never done it before, has seen herself on film before and knows what the viewer wants to see, or possibly learned to love that shit from day one.
Take it from a guy who laughs his ass off cause he is puking from a half gallon of Captain Morgans. I know some people don’t like puking because it simply scares them. They can’t breathe and they freak out. But if you trick the mind into it being something pleasurable, well alls game from there.
Let me explain a little Pyschology 101 to you uneducated. The mind is simple if you don’t complicate it by how or what nerves go where. You have a few parts of your mind: The Concious – what your aware of while your awake, The Unconcious – your thoughts, dreams, and suppressed memories, The Libido – Your sex drive, Your Ego – you self image.
Now lets explain the simple fact of life: Everyday ought to be different. For No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Our minds are designed to overcome and adapt. Its job is to instruct the body on how to do so.
When a libido (sex drive) is bigger or stronger in someone, they tend to have a smaller ego (self image) and are concious of that so they tend to be a little more seductive that day.
When an ego is to big (aka super ego) they tend to have a larger concious of what they are doing and tend to be more aggitated by others and how others view them. Because theyre way is right and everyone else is wrong.
When someones unconcious is being uncovered, out comes the bad because most people suppress bad thoughts there or things they would not normally do or say.
Not everyday is a porn star in a porn star mood. They are human beings who need neccessities in life like everyone else. Food, water, shelter. They are not gods. Nor should they be viewed as em. Theyre mind set is set on one thing and one thing only. Entertainment. Theyre lifestyles and minds are set on entertaining a crowd. Like a salesmans lifestyle is based on kissing ass and making his closing sale. its on to the next one.
People do things not because society has large populations who need to be deceives and punished and because the larger views something as right and the denser are wrong. Your a moron. Its a simple question of at the end of the day did they do theyre job and did they do it well.
A janitor spends 50 years of his life mopping and sweeping your floors. You know what the one thing he wants to hear you say when he goes home everyday? You did a goodjob today and thankyou.
Thats what a woman wants to hear. Regardless of her job title, slut whore, porn star, she wants someone to say you did a great job sucking my dick and thankyou. She knows what she is. Thats why when you whip your dick out she knows what you want. She aint stuoid, she knows you want someone to make you “feel good” and she is there to do just that.
Chico is definetly right in a lot of sense. Not just shooting off at the mouth.
Oh and I forgot to include some shit. Lets put you in a position of a pornstar. A little life swap as you’d say.
Lets say your a well known Porn Star in California but back at home in kansas your a well known college student who is successful.
Would you want to be suckin on dick from 4 people you grew up knowing, or are you gonna run off somewhere else and suck 4 complete strangers off.
See in there eyes it aint wrong till your caught. You wouldnt suck 4 guys you knew off cause imagine how awkward itd be seeing them the next day. Versus someone your never gonna see again. See porn stars are willing to do whatever it is that the director wants because they are not expecting to see those people 20 years down the road. Unfortunately only 10% of the porn industries go somewhere in life. and the other 90% are stuck suckin and fucking and later cant handle that reality and later use drugs to help supress their thoughts that are ruining their life. Sad for them but society doest pity someone who lays on their back. Only those who are fighting for what they believe in. So lots of porn stars later are going to jail for prostitution. See you on Michigan Ave ladies!
Rest in Peace Chico you you lived your life on your own terms
This is insane and I hope you change your art. I am getting out of porn completely….
Right off the top, I love porn. But does anyone know the original definition of pornography? The term comes from ancient Greece;porn=whore,graphos=to write. Whore writing. What is whore writing? It has nothing to do with naughty literature or dirty pictures. It was to write nasty things about a woman to wreck her reputation. In some cases to enhance it. I love to watch the sex act between two or more attractive people. I love threesomes with another woman and a big strong man. I enjoy being in the submissive role. It’s better with two men who know how to turn a girl on and deliciously abuse with cocks and mouths. My boyfriend ate me after his friend left his cum in me and it was the best feeling ever. I have a job, a car and a nice apartment. Sex makes me go berserk! The first time I was with another girl she treated me so mean. She made me do things I’d never done before and I loved it. She made me eat her pussy for three hours and peed on my face. After that she had me on a stick. She was just 18 and I was 28 at the time. Damn I love it all so!
San Antonio is a big city. I love mini skirts and I don’t wear panties. I’m the Alamo ho!