Tiffany Taylor is hot. Way fucking hot. Too hot for her own good. That kind of hot.
The first time I shot her was for Spunkmouth; I booked her with Richard Raymond, AKA Richard Kline. If you know anything about Richard, you know he’s a pretty average guy.
I love to book Average Joes for male talent. Fuck bodybuilder male porno guys…cats like Lee Stone, for instance. Give me a beer gut and/or ugly dude everytime. Juan Cuba! It makes for better porn, you know? Plus, the viewer at home can relate to the Average Joe, cause most of the times he is the Average Joe.
And I’m not saying Richard is any of those things…I’m just sayin’.
The whole time I shot her for Spunk I was grilling her about what kind of dudes actually have a shot at her. In real life. I did this on camera and off. I mean, on top of being a porn star, she’s a super hot porn star, so I’m guessing that really only buffed muscle dudes with 8-packs and shit like that have a shot at her. The exact same kind of dudes I quit booking a while back.
But she kept saying, over and over, on camera and off, that looks really didn’t matter.
Do I need to tell you our nerdy guy gave Tiffany Taylor a Spunkmouth?
So fast forward to my new site – ManoJob. I haven’t really blogged ManoJob a whole lot, but I think it’s time. I wanted to start a site with original content, and I didn’t have a whole lot of funds, and I was really aiming for some sort of target niche, and it seems likes there’s not a whole lot of handjob sites around, and the ones that are around seem to have all purchased their content from this unnamed dude from Vegas who really didn’t know dick about holding a camera or lighting a scene, so I decided it was time for a decent handjob site.
My brother came up with the name.
So I started booking handjob scenes, and I shot them with a twist. Dude doesn’t say a word. Nothing. Not once during the entire scene do you ever hear a guy talk. Instead, the girl looks right into the camera and talks like a filthy whore. Kinda like phone sex, only you get to watch her get naked and jack a cock off, and since it’s POV, you can almost imagine it’s your dick she’s jacking.
Nice angle, huh?
So I liked her so much after the Spunkmouth scene, we had Tiffany Taylor jack a dude off.
Not bad, huh?
And here’s the cool thing – since I book girls to shoot for Spunkmouth, or Blacks On Blondes, or whatever it is we’re shooting, it’s easy to get them to stick around and jack someone off in the studio…hence, Mano Job manages to feature talent that just wouldn’t show up for simply one handjob scene.
Ok – I’m done patting myself on the back.
Back to Tiffany: I didn’t see her for a few months, and then one day I show up at Chico Wang’s porn house, and there’s Tiffany Taylor. She’s about to shoot a scene for one of Chico’s lines called Mouth To Mouth, and to be perfectly honest here, she was being grumpy. Well, that’s kinda nice. She was a bitch. It didn’t help that she really didn’t remember me, but hey, that’s norm with any of these silly girls.
I wonder if Chico’s incessant farting on set had anything to do with it? Or that he was pounding beers, and making her say “Mouse to Mouse” and asking all the talent to pull on his finger so when he did fart, it made his gas kinda fun? Maybe Tiffany was having a bad day, cause she doesn’t do b/b/g, and she had to not only fuck Talon for Mouth to Mouth, but she had to fuck Tony T as well, and she wasn’t down for that…but she did it.
OK. OK. I take it back. Not bitchy. Grumpy.
And guess what? She was all excited to fuck Talon. Ugh…Talon. I really don’t know Talon, and as a person he might be OK, but you guessed it…a muscle dude, six pack, square jaw, and bladda-bladda-bladda-blah.
She didn’t say anything about Tony T.
Anyway, there goes my Tiffany Taylor fantasy. Well, I wouldn’t really call it a fantasy. But still, I shoulda known better.

Please let it be known to Tiffany that I am a VERY BIG fan of her *bendy* thumb’s especially during her handjob videos! I hope she will display them more going forward!