Category Archives: Nothing To Do With Porn

Everyone Say Hello to Dr. Life.

Dr. Life

My first contact with Dr. Life came just last week, while I was sitting in an airplane in Austin, Texas. I was on a quick stopover, from Dallas to Phoenix, and I needed a break from the book I was reading — Denis Johnson’s Tree of Smoke. So I grabbed the inflight magazine from the pocket of the back of the chair in front of me, and I started flipping through it.

And somewhere in the middle there stood Dr. Life…bigger than life.

Take a look at him! He’s 67 years old! I mean shit, that motherfucker is buff.



And almost 70!

This must be some sort of Photoshop trick, I thought to myself. So I put my readers back on and took a very close look at Dr. Life’s neck area, looking for some sort of tell-tale sign that this was some sort of hoax.

But it’s not.

Cause I checked it all out.

Dr. Life pimps this deal called “Cenegenics”, and if you’re an older dude wanting to look young again, Dr. Life promises me Cenegenics is the way to go.

What a brilliant marketing concept. Let’s sell medicine to middle-aged suckers so they can be 23 again. That’s never been done before.

But there I was, looking both ways before secretly tearing the ad from the magazine and, all stealthy like, folding…and then placing it into my book as its new bookmark.

And god damn me if I wasn’t on the phone Monday morning to the Cenegenics folks in Las Vegas.

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, but don’t tell anyone, ok? I used to be a jock. A pretty good one, too. I got all sorts of attention as a school boy, so I had a choice to go to several large universities on an athletic scholarship. I was a pretty good jock, too, in as much as I never really paid attention during class while on my “free ride”, cause coach always told me “C’s get degrees!”, and I thought I was better than almost everyone else I went to school with, and I never had to wait at the bookstore line for my books cause a really nice lady from the athletic department handed them at the bookstore while all the other suckers waited in line for theirs — after actually having to pay for them! — and I parked where ever I wanted and I got my monthly check from the school for my meals and my apartment and, for the most part, pretty much wasted 6 years of a 4 free, four year education.

In the end? A 2.01 GPA from the Liberal Arts College of the #1 ranked “party school” by Playboy Magazine.

Like I said: as a jock, I excelled.

And as a very good jock, I took steroids.

Steroids rule. But don’t go thinking that cause you’re on roids you’re a better athlete. Steroids rule cause they speed up the recovery process of your body while you beat the shit out of it. You can beat the shit out of yourself Monday, and then again Tuesday, and Wednesday, Thursday, then Friday, too. Why take off the weekend? Work out some more! Cause you’re ready to go.

Meanwhile, the dopes that don’t get it have to take a whole bunch of time off cause they’re sore, and they ache, or maybe they got hurt.

Not me!

It’s a lot like running a race, and you’re up against a guy that’s maybe a bit faster than you, but you have to run against him with your legs in shackles.

And since almost everyone’s on ‘roids, it’s not really cheating if everyone’s cheating…right?

Here’s another cool thing about ‘roiding…I never got sick. I dunno if it was just me, but I’d be walking around school during the fall and spring — when it seemed everyone had a cold or the flu.

Not me!

My girlfriend liked them too, cause I’d get raging boners that never went away, and the whole thing about testicular / penis atrophy?

Not me! (OK, roll your eyes and make your jokes now).

And why am I bringing this all up?

Cause Dr. Life pimps “testosterone replacement therapy” as a big part of Cenegenics. That’s a fancy way of saying you’re on roids. Dr. Life also pimps human growth hormone, too — which is some serious shit, and something I never fucked around with…mainly cause all the dudes I knew who did it ended up looking like Andre The Giant.



I placed a call to Dr. Life, but instead I got one of his lackeys — a Dr. Patel. We had a nice chat. He asked me why I was interested in Cenegenics, and I wanted to say something like duh! Are you kidding me? Who doesn’t wanna look and feel and fuck like they’re 24 again? but instead I tried to sound all serious and told him a bunch of nonsense that pretty much equated to duh! Are you kidding me? Who doesn’t wanna look and feel and fuck like they’re 24 again? — just way fancier.

There’s Cenegenics Institutes all over the US, but none in LA. Which meant I’d have to travel to Vegas for my super intense, super-duper 7 hour physical. A physical that’s gonna cost $2995. Then, Dr. Patel told me there would be a monthly maintenance program as part of Cenegenics, and after some empty rhetoric, he finally threw a number at me: $800 a month.

Ball park.

Like all “ballpark figures”, it’s probably higher — and never lower.

Eight hundred a month for super-duper vitamins and ‘roids.

My brother said, “why don’t you just go buy a Corvette, douche bag? Cause three grand down and eight hundred a month is the same thing.”

Of course he’s right. But still, there’s a small kernel of mid-age crisis swimming around my brain, and I’m always fighting it, and it’s no fun.

No sir, not at all.

Or, as Mr. Horse would say, “No sir, I don’t like it. Not one bit!”

So I’ll just stick to my daily routine — a jog around Silverlake and with my very average, very cheap Costco / Walgreen’s brand vitamins therapy — which currently includes saw palmetto for my prostate and an aspirin and some fish oil for my heart — and I’ll skip the testosterone replacement therapy program, cause, let’s face it, testosterone is probably the root of at least 1/3 of all the Evil in the world.

Besides, what’s cooler than a 45 year old dude running around LA in a brand new red Corvette?

Just do me a favor if you happen to pull up next to me at a red light — call me Billy Life.

My Blogging Skillz.

Tricia Oaks

Cheap and easy.

No, I’m not describing my last few girlfriends.

No, this doesn’t describe me. (Although “reasonably priced and easy” is fair).

Cheap and easy certainly covers my blog lately, and I’m not even gonna apologize for it. In fact, how about a big “fuck you” instead?

I’m kidding of course. I’d never tell my readers to fuck off, even if I only have a dozen or so of them. But I just can’t write decent stuff all the time, so all the You Tube videos and Super Fun e-Mails and stuff like that, well…it’s just filler…you know?

Kinda like an old b-side.

I’d like to think my b-sides are at least worth a look. I also know my b-sides don’t stand up to the great ones — “Hound Dog”, “We Will Rock You”, “Revolution”, as well as some of Prince’s and The Smith’s immediately come to mind — but hey, they ain’t all that bad, right?

I’d like to think they’re almost as good as “We Will Rock You”…but certainly they’ll never be as good as anything the Beatles or Elvis ever pulled off.

I will tell you I took a whole week off from Porno Land, and during that time I went home (to Phoenix) and during my stay there I jumped on a plane and went to Dallas, where I hung out for a few days.

I used to live in Dallas a long time ago. I lived in a neighborhood called “Oak Lawn”, which was totally gay.

The neighborhood.

Not me.

Cause No Way Am I Gay.

Isn’t it funny how gay dudes have impeccable taste and can make their front yards sing like an Angel? I lived in a two story duplex above a gay couple who had two miniature greyhounds named Fendi and Fiat, and I loved having them as neighbors. My front yard was immaculate no matter what time of year, and often they’d have me down for dinner and drinks and not one time did they ever try to convert me.

How about that!

We became friendly enough to where they’d invite me out for drinks with all their gay pals, and all the gay men thought I was gay, too, and they’d sit around and talk about their lives, and I’d listen, mostly. I kinda felt like Undercover Hetero Spy on a secret mission to discover something about them: do they spit or swallow? Do they fight like we do? Is there a pitcher and a catcher? Do they split the bills 50/50, or is one of them The Bread Winner?

About the only thing I discovered is that most of them worked terribly long hours and never asked for overtime pay, cause if their workplace ever discovered they were gay, they might have a shot at keeping their jobs: Big Boss Man certainly wouldn’t fire a guy who clocked an average of 60 hours a week and never asked for a dime of overtime pay…even if he was a fucking faggot and sucked a bunch of dick, right?

While I was living about my gay pals I was dating a stripper named Serena. Serena was the very first sex worker I ever dated. Who knew then that someday all I’d ever date would be sex workers?

But that’s another blog.

Anyways, Serena danced at a place called “The Purple Orchid”, which was near S.M.U. and my gay neighborhood. I was working as a stock broker during this phase of my life, and I wasn’t a very good stock broker.

Not at all.

I think, looking back at it now, I wasn’t a very good stock broker cause I have a conscience, and in order to be great at that business you can’t give a fuck about anyone’s money except your own. All the time. I mean I’d sell 10,000 shares of some shitty OTC stock to some poor soul I cold called two weeks before, and then I’d have nightmares he was gonna lose all his money, which would have been my fault entirely.

Thankfully my best friend owned the firm. He threw me some accounts to service, and he’d give me some money when I was totally broke and couldn’t close a lead, and eventually he let me recruit new brokers for him — which paid a salary instead of commissions — and I taught them how to pass The Series 7 test, which is a super dumb, multi-choice exam our fine Government requires all brokers to pass…with a 70% or better.

No wonder we’re in the mess we’re in.

Anyways, all the brokers in my firm loved The Strip Joints in Dallas. Even the ones who were married. In fact, I think the married ones loved the strippers more than the single brokers. And isn’t it funny that most of the all stock brokers in Dallas loved strippers? Cause it seemed that stock brokers in general came swooping down into the strip joints after the market closed.

I can’t adequately describe the strip joint scene in Dallas except to say it’s totally different than any other city I’ve ever lived, which includes Phoenix, San Francisco, Chicago, and now, Los Angeles. I’ve traveled to other cities and frequented their strip joints, too, and again…nothing compares to Dallas.

(I’d like to briefly mention Tampa Bay’s own “Mons Venus” which was, hands down, the filthiest, nastiest, greatest place God ever invented in the whole wide Universe, and certainly worth a cross-country plane flight to visit).

(While I’m at it, how about The Champagne Room Gloryhole I’ve recently discovered in a strip joint in Southern California!?! The picture I took is Tricia Oaks, right in the middle of it, ready to do the nasty).

The strip joints in Dallas were more of an earned rite than a Lonely Hearts Club, which is really what all strip joints are…but damn, Dallas strip joints were fucking fun. After a hard day cold calling and closing leads we’d haul ass to Caligula’s (mostly) and drink and eat (yep…we’d eat, and the food was good) and we’d pay for each other’s lap dances and then we’d treat ourselves to some, too.

The first porn star I ever met I met at Caligula’s. It was Keisha, and I was so excited to meet a girl whose movies I’d pleasure myself to that I (gladly) paid $10 for a Polaroid of her in my lap, as well as buying a whole bunch of lap dances, too. I think it was a Saturday night, cause I distinctly remember having her sign the bill of my ball cap — “to Billy, I’d love to eat your cum!” — cause I would never have worn a ball cap during the week, cause all we ever wore during the week was our custom-made business suits and limited-edition ties and polished black Johnson & Murphy’s, and if you didn’t have a limited edition Mont Blanc pen in your front pocket then you really weren’t much of a broker.

If you bought your suit off the rack, you weren’t much of a broker, either.

If you didn’t buy limited-edition ties, you weren’t much of a broker, either.

My boss/pal bought me a Mont Blanc as a present; I could never bring myself to spend $300 on a pen. Besides, I’d much rather give a stripper $300 to dance an hour in my lap while enjoying a Shiner Bock. He also gave me a lot of his old suits, and since we were the same size, mine were kinda custom made, too.

I always hated the limited-edition ties they’d wear; I’d get The Beatles ties or the Jerry Garcia ones, even though I hate hippies very much, although I like listening to the Grateful Dead…but you would have never caught me at a Dead show, cause every single hippie ever to don tie-dye and sandals and dropped acid at a “show” sucks a whole bunch of Donkey Dick. I hate everything a Dead Show stands for, even though I’ll listen to “…from The Mars Hotel” or maybe “Greatest Hits” at my apartment.

Last week, as I drove through Dallas with a friend, all these memories dusted themselves off and ran through my brain in one fell swoop, and I never really mentioned any of them to her while we drove around.

Serena. My old place. And the porch I used to sit on while suffering through the very first anxiety attacks of my life.

Such fond memories!

I couldn’t fuck Serena hard enough, and that’s when I was at the height of my fucking skillz. My fucking skillz weren’t as strong as my Numchuck skillz, or my bow hunting skillz, or my computer hacking skillz…cause we all know girls only want boyfriends who have great skillz.

Which is to say I was never really a great fucker. But I’d try, and after blasting twice (or, on a good night, three times) Serena would always want more, and I just couldn’t deliver.

“Billy, are you gay?” she asked one night, very frustrated I wasn’t good for Round 4.

“No way!” I said. “Why?”

“Cause I wanna fuck again and you don’t!”

“Yea, well…you’ve drained my balls, Honey Bunny. I’m all done for right now.”

She looked at me and didn’t say anything for a second or two, and then she asked, “Honestly, Billy, I think you’re gay cause you hang out with those fags who live below you! Sure you aren’t!?”

I thought about it for a second, and then I said something like, “well, I like my neighbors cause they’re very well-read, they have great taste, they’re great conversationalists, and they decorate their house really well, and they can cook way better than me. And they always have expensive beer in the fridge.”

Serena just looked at me and laughed. We broke up soon after that, and I did run into her, almost ten years later, while I was living in San Francisco and trying to be a writer. We rode the cable cars and I showed her City Lights (we went in) and Adam & Eve’s (we didn’t go in) and China Town and North Beach and we ate and drank and caught up on our lives.

And we didn’t fuck.

And that’s the last time I ever saw her.

Someone ripped off The Stooges. And Mike Watt.

The Stooges

I got a myspace bulletin today that really sucks ass. I just blogged about the Stooges — specifically that Raw Power was runner-up on my all-time top 10 record list — so, I felt I’d do what they asked at the bottom of the bulletin: PLEASE FORWARD AS FAR AND WIDE AND AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!

Take a look at some of the equipment the assholes ripped off.


all equipment was in a rented penske 15 foot yellow truck with u.s. (michigan) license plate number AC46493 and the theft had to have happened in the morning, between 6:30 and 7:30 am

there’s a web page that will soon have pictures and updates to more stuff found missing

Item Country of Origin Serial Number

Red roadcase containing: USA No serial number Red Gibson 1963 EB-3 bass (this is mike watt’s bass!) USA No serial number

Black roadcase containing: USA No serial number
Reverend Flying V guitar – Volcano black USA #08001

Black roadcase containing: USA No serial number
Reverend Orange guitar USA 03416 ZSL7

Black fibre case containg: USA No serial number
Gibson red SG short scale bass USA No serial number

Black roadcase containing: USA No serial number
Marshall Vintage/Modern Amplifier UK M-2007-07-0926-2 RoHS

Black roadcase containing: USA No serial number
Marshall Vintage/Modern Amplifier UK M-2007-07-0927-2 RoHS

4x Marshall 4×12 Cabinets (with Tuki cover) UK #1 Slant:

4x Marshall 4×12 Cabinets (with Tuki cover) UK #2 Straight:

4x Marshall 4×12 Cabinets (with Tuki cover) UK #3 Slant:

4x Marshall 4×12 Cabinets (with Tuki cover) UK #4 Straight:

Orange Calzone road case containing:
Guitar pedal board and pedals USA/Japan No serial number
Assorted leads USA/UK No serial number
2x mic stands Germany No serial number
Assorted strings and spares USA No serial number
2x Boss TU2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss CH1 Super Chorus
Fulltone OCD Overdrive
Crybaby Wah
Peterson Strobo-Stomp Tuner Pedal
Whirlwind A/B Boxes
Whirlwind Cable Tester
and many many istrument cables
various tools ( screwdrivers, soldering iron, pliers, etc… )
tambourine and maracas

Cardboard box containing:
Assorted replacement drum heads USA No serial number

Gretsch Silver Sparkle Catalina drum kit USA No serial number
26″ Kick Drum No serial number
13″ Rack Tom No serial number
18″ Floor Tom No serial number
4x Cymbal Stands No serial number
1x Snare Stand No serial number
1x Hi Hat Stand No serial number
1x Drum Throne No serial number

Eden D810 Bass cabinet USA D810RP4 0703E5001

Eden D810 Bass cabinet USA D810RP4 0703E5002

Cardboard box containg:
Eden VT300 Bass amplifier USA 0601E5115

Cardboard box containg:
Eden VT300 Bass amplifier USA 0507E5033

Floor Fan CHINA No serial number

Floor Fan CHINA No serial number

Green clamshell suitcase containing:
Yamaha snare drum JAPAN No serial number
Yahama kick pedal JAPAN No serial number
Zildjian Mega Bell cymbal USA No serial number
Zildjian 15″ Hi-Hats USA No serial number
3x Zildjian 18″ 19″ 20″ crash medium cymbals USA No serial number

Brown Epiphone guitar case:
Black Epiphone EB3 short scale bass KOREA F300503


if anyone has information, ANY INFORMATION!
please, please, PLEASE as soon as possible contact
Eric Fischer at:
cell phone: +1 646 932 1907

NME names the Top 100.

Reaction to NME top 100 list

I love lists.

I think I’ve mentioned this before. When I was a kid, and we’d go on family trips to Florida, I’d lay in the back of my dad’s van and read Wallace and Wallechinsky’s The Book of Lists. It’s funny, cause looking back, I realize reading that book was my earliest exercise in critical thinking. It was more than just flipping through weird lists of odd things. For me, it was wondering: why do people hate Nixon more than Hitler? What are the 10 words you can’t pronounce correctly? And can I pronounce them? Which world leaders were assassinated…and why? And why in the world does it take an elephant so long to have a baby, when it only takes a possum a few weeks to do it?

I was entertained for hours.

And when I was bored with the book, I’d beat my little sister up. Or sit on her face and fart.

Before they went out of business, Tower Records published a totally worthless magazine, but I always picked it up, cause the first few pages featured “Desert Island Discs”, which were nothing more than readers’ top 10 records they had to have if they were stuck on a deserted island. Silly, of course, cause a deserted island would never have a stereo system — let alone an electrical outlet for your record player — but the reader lists made for some might fun reading.

And, for me, the lists always boiled down to a reaction that went something like this: what a dumb ass! He ranked Tusk higher than The White Album!! Fucking faggot!!!

In 1987, Rolling Stone made their first top 100 ever list, and I remember Sgt. Peppers being #1, and Never Mind The Bollocks being #2, and that made sense to me…then they fucked almost everything up.

That Rolling Stone issue also had the famous photograph Bob Gruen snapped of The Pistols…the one where they were ticking straws in their ears at the diner table. Or maybe it was John Rotten sticking his straw into Sid’s ear. (I had to look at that picture one more time to remember it correctly, cause it’s been about that long since I last saw it…and guess what! You can buy a copy!)

Just recently NME published their top 100, and it’s simply god awful. And if you thought NME’s was bad, get a load of this.

Both are bad…to a degree, of course.

Cause lists like this are published to do nothing more than make you read them and think things like what a dumb ass! They ranked an Oasis record higher than Sgt. Peppers! Fucking faggots!! And where’s Jim Hendrix?! And there’s two Oasis records on their top 10?! The Stone Roses?! Are you kidding me? Meatloaf is #25?! Mike Oldfield before Bob Dylan?! The Velvets are where!? Shania Twain!? NO RAMONES!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!

Before I give you NME’s list, I’ll give you mine, and I’ll expect yours when you comment on all this mess. All this mess will, of course, include my list. And while I’m at it, a few words on my list:

1. It changes all the time. Sometimes daily, sometimes monthly.

2. I have different lists for different occasions.
a) A list to try and impress a girl.
b) A list to piss off music snobs.
c) A list to piss off a drunk.
d) A “real” list, in which I employ a certain criterion to judge all art I choose to judge…which is to say everyone has an opinion on anything any artist creates, and the only sure-fire way to accurately judge something beyond your own tastes is to judge it on how said piece of art has influenced other great artists working within a particular field…which is to say Robert Johnson should be in a pop music top 10 list, just as Marcel Duchamp needs to be on everyone’s favorite artist’s list, as Andy Kaufman needs to be everyone’s top 10 comedian…right?

With that said, here’s my top 10 best records ever, as of right now, which is to say 10 am on Tuesday morning, July 29, as I sit in my little brother’s front room in Arizona, stressing over the amount of work I still have to do in order to get the rest of my shit to Los Angeles…and finally, this as a “D” list:

1. The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground and Nico.
2. The Stooges: Raw Power.
3. The Beatles: Revolver.
4. Miles Davis: Kind of Blue.
5. The Sex Pistols: Never Mind The Bullocks.
6. Meat Puppets: II.
7. Big Star: Big Star.
8. Van Morrison: Astral Weeks.
9. Nirvana: Nevermind.
10. Liz Phair: Exile in Guyville.

And here’s NME’s:

1. Oasis: Definitely Maybe 1994
2. The Beatles: The Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967
3. The Beatles: The Revolver 1966
4. Radiohead: OK Computer 1997
5. Oasis: (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? 1995
6. Nirvana: Nevermind 1991
7. The Stone Roses: The Stone Roses 1989
8. Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon 1973
9. The Smiths: The The Queen Is Dead 1986
10. Radiohead: The Bends 1995
11. U2: The Joshua Tree 1987
12. The Clash: The London Calling 1979
13. The Beatles: The The Beatles (White Album) 1968
14. The Beatles: The Abbey Road 1969
15. Libertines: The Up The Bracket 2002
16. The Sex Pistols: The Never Mind The Bollocks 1977
17. Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin IV 1971
18. David Bowie: The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust 1972
19. Queen: A Night At The Opera 1975
20. The Strokes: The Is This It 2001
21. The Killers: The Hot Fuss 2004
22. The Beach Boys: The Pet Sounds 1966
23. Jeff Buckley: Grace 1994
24. Manic Street Preachers: The Holy Bible 1994
25. Meat Loaf: Bat Out Of Hell 1977
26. Guns N’ Roses: Appetite For Destruction 1987
27. Kaiser Chiefs: Employment 2005
28. The Beatles: The Rubber Soul 1965
29. Fleetwood Mac: Rumours 1977
30. The Libertines: The Libertines 2004
31. Verve: The Urban Hymns 1997
32. Green Day: American Idiot 2004
33. Coldplay: A Rush Of Blood To The Head 2002
34. Blur: Parklife 1994
35. Michael Jackson: Thriller 1982
36. Pink Floyd: The Wall 1979
37: R.E.M.: Automatic For The People 1992
38. Franz Ferdinand: Franz Ferdinand 2004
39. Mike Oldfield: Tubular Bells 1973
40. U2: Achtung Baby 1991
41. Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here 1975
42. Rolling Stones: The Exile On Main Street 1972
43. Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water 1970
44. Led Zeppelin: Led Zeppelin II 1969
45. Blondie: Parallel Lines 1978
46. Dire Straits: Brothers In Arms 1985
47. Bob Dylan: Blood On The Tracks 1975
48. David Bowie: Hunky Dory 1971
49. Coldplay: X&Y 2005
50. The Who: Who’s Next 1971
51. Keane: Hopes And Fears 2004
52. Coldplay: Parachutes 2000
53. Abba: Arrival 1976
54. Pulp: Different Class 1995
55. The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground + Nico 1967
56. Love: Forever Changes 1967
57. Marvin Gaye: What’s Going On 1971
58. The Rolling Stones: The Let It Bleed 1969
59. The White Stripes: The Elephant 2003
60. The Pixies: Doolittle 1989
61. Muse: Absolution 2003
62. Elton John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973
63. Queen: Sheer Heart Attack 1974
64. Shania Twain: Come On Over 1997
65. Prince: Sign O’ The Times 1987
66. Pearl Jam: Ten 1991
67. Kasabian: Kasabian 2004
68. Green Day: Dookie 1994
69. Muse: Origin Of Symmetry 2001
70. Kate Bush: Hounds Of Love 1985
71. Bob Dylan: Blonde On Blonde 1966
72. The Jam: All Mod Cons 1978
73. Joni Mitchell: Blue 1971
74. The White Stripes: White Blood Cells 2001
75. Suede: Dog Man Star 1994
76. Metallica: Metallica (Black Album) 1991
77. Human League: Dare! 1981
78. Joy Division: Closer 1980
79. Nirvana: In Utero 1993
80. AC/DC: Back In Black 1980
81. Arcade Fire: Funeral 2004
82. Razorlight: Up All Night 2004
83. Madonna: Ray Of Light 1998
84. Bruce Springsteen: Born To Run 1975
85. Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti 1975
86. Arctic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not 2006
87. Queen: A Day At The Races 1976
88. ABC: The Lexicon Of Love 1982
89. Spice Girls: Spice 1996
90. Depeche Mode: Violator 1990
91. Snow Patrol: Final Straw 2004
92. T. Rex: Electric Warrior 1971
93. Alanis Morissette: Jagged Little Pill 1991
94. Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures 1979
95. Radiohead: Kid A 2000
96. Electric Light Orchestra: Out Of The Blue 1977
97. The Smiths: The Smiths 1984
98. Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland 1968
99. Rage Against the Machine: Rage Against The Machine 1992
100. The Eagles: Hotel California 1976

Sex Pistols with straws

Open Up The Floodgates! Comment away!!

Cameron Love


You guys have something to say! I just made comments available hours ago…and here you are, leaving comments! Just check out yesterday’s blog about watermelon being the new Viagra!

And they’re good!

You’re also asking for more updates…but what if they’re half-assed?

Anyways, I’ll say it again — drop down to the lower left of my blog, and there you can register and then….comment away!

Maybe this is the shot in the arm ISP needs…who knows?

In the meantime, enjoy a free handjob movie! It features Cameron Love showing her love to another guy….while her boyfriend watches. It’s one of the latest updates at the world-famous!



I love flea markets. And used book stores. And used record stores.

I used to love thrift stores, but when everyone else started to like them as much as me, all the fun went away.

Oh, listen to me. Thinking I’m all cool and shit cause I figured out Thrift Stores a long time ago.

Anyways, I love all those places cause I love The Score. And it’s not about making money on The Score…it’s just knowing that you found it, and it’s worth way more than you paid for it. Well, making some extra coin is kinda cool, too.

Scores can be defined so many ways: my Auntie thinks she’s scored big when she finds a cheap Hummel Plate; my pal B thinks he’s scored when he finds a Tiki mug; the Armenians I live next to think all the tsatskes cluttering up their homes cumulate into One Big Score.

My best Score was a self-portrait of Bukowski; I bought it from a dude in a used bookstore for $75 in 1991, and, about a decade later, I eBay’d it for almost $4,000. I’ve scored some really cool shit over the years, but don’t worry…I won’t brag.

OK, just for a sec, and off the top of my head: a Ray Johnson book with an original piece collage laid in for less than a Happy Meal; Burroughs “Call Me Burroughs” on ESP; tons of Titters and Beauty Parades and Wink and a tube of Darkey Toothpaste with paste still in it.

None of my scores come close to this: some scrap metal dealer in England was handed a cup, and it turns out that Score is worth a million. The Dealer got the cup from a dude who got it from grandpa, and he played with the cup when he was a kid.

Cool gift, grandpa.

Dude thought grandpa’s toy gift was a brass cup. He kept it under his bed after he got tired of playing with it, and The Score has been there ever since.

Turns out the brass cup is gold Persian treasure, manufactured before The Big JC walked the Earth.

The best part of the story? Dude used the million dollar cup as target practice with his BB Gun.


Fangoria Geekboy Behavior

Barbara from Night of the Living Dead

Some of my pals make B movies; specifically, horror movies with what’s now called a “micro-budget.” In real words, this means their movies cost less to make than what you paid for your car.

I appreciate movies, and I really appreciate people who make movies that aren’t porn. Not that I don’t appreciate pornographers…but to me, making dirty movies is kinda the easy way out, specifically when we’re talking about someone who wants to make movies as a career choice.

Does that make any sense?

Anyways, I went to the Fangoria convention in LA last weekend, cause my Movie Makin’ Pals had a booth there, and I wanted to show some love.

While I like the horror genre, I don’t love it…but I’ll watch them from time to time.

Evil Dead, Re-Animator, Robo-Cop (horror?)…and the popular ones, like some of the movies based on Steven King novels, and, most recently, two of the biggest piece of shit movies I’ve ever had the displeasure to sit through: Cloverfield and I Am Legend.

I’ve never been to a convention like this, so I really didn’t know what to expect. It was pretty much what I thought it would be: the booths where people sold their monster movies, and monster books, and monster magazines, and their monster movie promotional stuff, as well as the people there dressed up like monsters and more monsters and zombies and what-not.

And the fucking weirdos.

But what I didn’t know was going down — from a movie I haven’t mentioned yet — is Night of The Living Dead, and its 40th anniversary.

Night of the Living Dead is one of my all-time top 10 films. It ranks 7th, right between Goodfellahs and Blade Runner.

There’s a number of reasons I rank the film so high, some having to do with its merits as a piece of art, and one or two that have nothing to do with fancy reasons at all. I think I was in 9th grade the first time I saw it at a midnight movie, and it’s stayed with me ever since. Anxiety and me don’t mix very well, so whenever I’d have anxiety ridden dreams, there I was…in that farm house in Pennsylvania, trapped inside, the zombies outside. They’d always wind up chasing me, cause somehow or another, I’d find my way out of the house and in the field…with the flesheaters.

There’s been others, too. All the sequels, and 28 Days Later, and that Will Smith hunk of shit I’ve already named, but none of them hold up to The Masterpiece that is Night of The Living Dead.

And guess who was sitting in the largest booth, right in the middle of the Fangoria convention?

The cast from the movie!

Barbara, and the Sheriff who winds up offing the hero, and the little girl who hacked up her mom with a trowel and ate her, and Barbara’s brother, and one of the super creepy zombies who was all over the place during the film, and Romero himself!

It was so grand I walked out to the ATM, got a hundred bucks, and bought stuff from them. They autographed 8×10’s, and talked to me about the movie, and all in all it was a great day. Barbara was the best, and during our conversation, I had to ask her:

“Um, so, I know this is really personal, but what did Romero pay you?”

“Well, nothing. I got shares of the movie, but Romero never had it copy written, so that’s that.”

“So Night of The Living Dead is public domain?!?”

“Yes, it is.”

I kinda wanted to cry. Not tears, but something…like…how does a dumbfuck idiot director not copyright his movie? but Romero was really close-by, and that wouldn’t have been a very smart thing to do.

Instead I told her how fucking smokin’ hot she was in the movie, and how great it was Romero had her brother eat her after he turned into a zombie, and how she’s still super hot now.

After my geekboy starstruck episode with all the people who had filled my nightmares since I was in 9th grade, I walked over to this dude who was selling bootleg copies of Decline of Western Civilization and I snatched one up for 15 smackeroos.

A bargain!

But not as good of a bargain as getting Night of The Living Dead for free, which, if Barbara is correct, is exactly how much all the cable companies pay to air it.

Which is about the same most people pay for any movie these days, thanks to file sharing and the internet.

Kayra from Night of the Living Dead