I Shoot Porn: I’m totally fascinated with the history of our business, and I love talking to people who have been in this silly game for longer than a few months…which is the average length of a porn girl’s career. When did you do your first scene, and who was it with?
Kylie Ireland: My first scene was in March of ’94, for Sin City, and the movie was Lil’ Ms. Behaved. I fucked Randy West, and I was really nervous.
ISP: And who got you that gig?
KI: I got it through a recommendation from Sunset Thomas.
ISP: Who is now a star on that reality show about The Bunny Ranch. Have you ever escorted?
KI: No I haven’t, and no I won’t. It’s just not my cup of tea. My naughty adventures stay in front of a camera.
ISP: Did you know Savannah?
KI: I never met her, but I was in the business for about 4 months before she killed herself. Want me to be truthful?
ISP: Sure.
KI: I heard she was cunty. I never knew her, but that’s what I heard.
ISP: Is Peter North cunty?
KI: Only if you touch his hair.
ISP: Who are your best porno pals?
KI: Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley…but you know what? I’m kinda a loner.
ISP: Can I book Ginger?
KI: If you have a lot of money.
ISP: Will she do black guys anymore?
KI: Oh yea. She used to work with Sean Michaels all the time.
ISP: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
KI: I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I found out there was a lot of math to be a vet, so I changed my mind.
ISP: What’s the difference between a porn star and a porn whore?
KI: Porn stars don’t really happen anymore. I’m in a small group of The Last of The Free Range Porn Stars. Who’s left, really? The Class of ’94 rocked! Me and Asia Carrerra, Misty Rain, Chasey Lain, Jenna…but she disappeared after that.
ISP: What do you think about Bree Olson?
KI: I met her once or twice, briefly. She’s cute as a button, used to be nasty as hell, seems like she has a good head on her shoulders, and hopefully her contract with Adam & Eve doesn’t make her Soft ‘n Fluffy. And I hope she doesn’t catch Contractgirlitis.
ISP: When did you figure out you wanted to be in porn?
KI: I was dancing in Denver at a place called The Diamond Cabaret. I was stripping my way through college. I was a broadcast journalism major, and one day a talent scout came to the club, searching for girls to do layouts in magazines. That’s how I ended up in New York with Julie Ashton. Julie’s the first girl I ever had sex with…before we were in porn! We went to NYC and did some test shots, and it ended up somewhere…but I can’t remember! Cherri…High Society. I don’t really remember! The photographer asked me if I ever thought about being in movies. He hooked me up with Sunset, and the rest is history. I really only planned on doing a couple movies for shits ‘n giggles, and the business wouldn’t let me go home. I packed it all up and moved to LA.
ISP: How did you come up with your porn name?
KI: Kylie cause I like the sound of it. My husband mighta thought it up. He was my husband at the time. I’m not married anymore. It was Saint Pattie’s day, and we were thinking of a last name, and we got drunk on Maragarita’s (they were green) and Ireland just stuck. After a few movies I realized it sounded like Kathy Ireland, which proves you shouldn’t pick a porno name while drunk.
ISP: What is your favorite fantasy, and the one you are most ashamed of?
KI: Oh Christ! See, now that I direct and own my own company, if I come up with my own fantasy, I live it out on film. As fas as being ashamed of anything, I’m so fucking perverted I can do it all: fisting, pissing, bondage…it’s all on my site. I’m always working on SlutWerkz. It’s under construction now, but you can sign up for the newsletter. It’s all about no-holes-barred-everything-goes porn with all-female directors shooting the hardest filth possible.
ISP: Like?
KI: Ginger Lynn, Katja Kassin, Nina’s gonna do some scenes, and I’m doing it. Julie Knight. Kimberly Kane. Oh…there’s so many more! I tell the girls to shoot whatever they want, and it’s really depraved, fucked-up shit. You wouldn’t believe what these girls are coming up with! Ginger’s the most perverted so far. Her perversions put mine to shame. I can’t even describe what she’s doing.
ISP: What profession other than porn would you like to attempt?
KI: Um, if I was going to do something non-porn, it would probably be radio.
ISP: You got a show on Sirius!
KI: It’s channel 198, and it’s a talk show and I encourage callers to call me with their dirty stories. I share mine, too.
ISP: What classes did you like in high school?
KI: English, Journalism, and History.
ISP: What ones did you hate?
KI: Math math math and math. And PE.
ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?
KI: Picking up a black guy on the sidewalk.
ISP: Hey! We just did that!! OK…last question: ever feel exploited by being in porn?
KI: My personal motto is “Exploiting Myself”. That’s what it says on my ADT profile…Kylie Ireland, Exploiting Myself!

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