Ron Jeremy writes:
Hi Bill,
No im not the real ron jeremy. I did come across your site the other day and I find it a fascinating read as it offers a glimpse into the inner workings of internet porn. Here are questions/issues I would love to get you to blog on in no real order:
The Blacks – The ones I see in the videos are hardcore scary looking bastards. How do you recruit them? Do you say, “Hey Byron Long, grab a bunch of your homies and bring them over”? This leads me to the question of what kind of shit you have to put up with? Do they fight amongst each other? That mansion looks sweet, do they know how to get their themselves? Do you worry about having guns pulled on you? Do neighbors freak out when they see a pack of crazy negroes in the neighborhood? Whats the craziest thing thats ever happened? Do they bring HIV tests when they show up? They look as if they would steal just about anything not bolted down in the house! Particularly scary is the one with a tattoo of a glock. How much do they typically get paid? I would assume that you guys pack heat.
The Girls – How many of them breakdown after a scene where they are pounded by the negroes? Whats the biggest freak out you’ve seen? Do you console/comfort them at all or just give them their money and send them on their way? How much do they typically get paid for a group scene? Spring Thomas amazes me, so hot, so normal looking yet she does the unspeakable on video. I know you say she is sweet but lets face it, a girl has got to be wacked in the head to do that kinda stuff. Does she save her money? Does she do lots of drugs other than weed?
The Money – How did you get into it? Do you also do the web programming, if not who does? The mansion is rented i take it? Dogfart looks like an older dude, was this his original idea and he bankrolled it? Do you guys make sick money? Do you spend it all or save?
Hi Ron!
Without naming names (in most instances) I’ll go ahead and answer your questions, in order. And remember, just like all my blog entries go, no bullshit here, brother!
The blacks: Most of the African-American Gentlemen I hire for my boss at Blacks On Blondes are indeed scary guys. Some are not. Some are self-proclaimed “penitentiary niggers” and some are college educated guys. All of them know their way to the mansion. And like any workplace, there’s good days and there’s bad days. Sometimes we laugh and have fun. Sometimes there’s death threats. Like I said…just like any other workplace, right?
Most of the talent I book is through referrals or talent agencies. The only really bad expericences I’ve had with black guys are the ones I’ve yet to work with. I could spin a tale of woe or two right now, but let’s just say I’ve called 911 a few times. I think I’m going to buy me a taser gun, too. I’ve posted the rates I pay my talent a few times here…just do a search and check it out. And all talent – from cute little teenie-boppers who just turned 18 to Mr. Wesley Pipes (the particulary scary guy you mentioned with the gun tattooed to his stomach) all have clean STD tests.
The girls: Let’s face it, Ron. It’s not normal for a girl to get videotaped getting gangbanged by a bunch of black guys. Suffice it to say they’re “not normal”. I have a pretty good working relationship with the talent I hire. A few I’ll even go as far as saying are close, personal friends. That doesn’t make them any less crazy. They’re all a pretty nutty lot. (As are the dudes.) I am pretty nutty, too.
I’ve had a few breakdowns on set, and sure, I try my best to console them. One girl was carried out of the Secret Mansion in a fetal ball. She was not crying. And the only reason she was carried out was she refused to leave. However, most of the girls I’ve hired – and I’ve hired a whole lot – walk out of the mansion with a smile on their face. I’d say about 90% are happy…8% are pissed, and 2% won’t ever come back again. For whatever reason.
Funny you mention Spring Thomas. Like most porn stars, Spring spends money like it’s burning a hole in her purse. Why do you think she smokes weed…let alone any other drugs? Spring’s 100% drug free. Booze is a different story. (She does not have a problem with booze. They get along fine.)
The money: I wouldn’t say I’m rolling in money, but I do OK. You have to know the secret handshake in order to bust into the biz. (Again, search my archives for more details). I shoot content; I really know nothing about coding or web design…although I recognize a good site when I see it. And finally, we all spend money like Spring does…isn’t that what life’s all about?
Your pal,
Hello. I am a bi curious white boy with an extremely little penis. I love to be made fun of for having a small little penis that is less than 5 inches. I don’t mind the women or men to verbally abuse me, in fact it kind of turns me on. I don’t mind getting kicked in my private area by the women or the men. I will eat cum like a sissie. I will suck cock too if I’m told to by the woman. I’ll even take anal if told to. I’m very interested to become a little sissie cuckold. What’s my next step? Do I come in for an audition? Do you think i would be good enough? Where are you located? I live in Texas and am willing to travel to you.
I’m ready if you still looking for cockold and I can do my best whichever you wants shoot me @