I interviewed Bree Barrett right before we made a trip out to one of the cruisy gloryholes in town…and then back to the studio for Blacks on Blondes. She took a liking to Gia Paloma’s dog, Diego.
I Shoot Porn: You’re the 30th interviewee for my blog! How does that make you feel?
Bree Barrett: 3’s my lucky number!
ISP: For real?
BB: Yea! Good things come in 3’s. In the movie Lucky Number Sleven, Josh Hartnet says bad things come in 3’s. For me it’s the opposite.
ISP: How does a sweet, innocent girl like you get into the filthy, dirty adult entertainment business?
BB: Maybe I’m not as innocent as I look.
ISP: Gimme an example.
BB: Oh, recently I had sex on the counter of American Eagle…it’s a store in the mall in Salt Lake City. The store was closed, but it was still fun. I also had sex in my car, while driving! I was steering, he was working the pedals. I was sitting on his dick to the “Pump It Up” song. I fucked him to the beat!
ISP: Wait a sec. You mentioned Salt Lake City. Are you LDS?
BB: Yes. Well, my family is.
ISP: Good old Joseph Smith. I like to credit him and his silly religion with the start of many porn girls’ careers.
BB: South Park put it best: Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb!
ISP: How do you like this biz so far?
BB: The sets are fun. I like to fuck. But the environment is a lot different than what I’m used to.
ISP: Example?
BB: Scandalous, two-faced people are everywhere. Let’s put it like this — it’s hard to trust anyone.
ISP: But that’s kinda like the real world, isn’t it?
BB: I have great family and friends. I don’t lie, cheat, or steal. So it’s hard to fathom how much everyone else does in the industry.
ISP: I concur. What’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?
BB: Oh…that’s hard. Um. I was asked to be “romantic” in doggy style. I don’t understand how that works. What am I supped to do? Hand the dude a bottle of champagne? Tell him how lovely his face is? What?!
ISP: I have an idea. Let me show you. Go ahead and get nude, then get on your hands and knees, and I’ll romance you.
BB: LOL — you know what “LOL” means, right?

Hi bree!! R u still in the industrie?