9 thoughts on “Socks & Cocks (with Victoria Lawson).”

  1. “So what’s it gonna take to get ya to have butthole sex?!”…BEST DOCUMENTARY 2011 Oscars (It would get my vote.)

  2. Wow! 40K for anal and she says no. She is really afraid of it isn’t she? But Billy really? If she had said “OK, Billy 40k, you make sure I’m cleaned out real well and you are real careful and promise me it won’t hurt, I’ll do it.” Would you have just fainted dead away, thinking “OMG, I just promised this chick 40k for an anal. I’m insane.”

  3. I have a question for them. Most of them say part of why they do porn is they love sex, almost as if they have a sex drive we think of men having instead of women. Ask them if, like men, they would fuck just about anyone that would or do they rarely have that problem because of more fucks to choose from than men have?

  4. huh? Ask the next interviewee this – If you were going to pick one male cartoon character to fuck, who would it be? (I’m thinking most will say Mr. Slate from the Flintstones… or maybe Moe from the Simpsons… Just my guess)

  5. Fuck Billy, you are a relentless interviewer……..great stuff. Ask the PWs if they have ever given a sympathy fuck to a guy who offered them to be the hottest fuck of his life? I can always hope.

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