6 thoughts on “What Makes a Girl do Porn?”

  1. I really really enjoy the direction your site has taken. The whole behind the scenes thing is exactly the reason I was interested in the first place. Anyway, keep it up… and thanks!

  2. This has been an interesting look into porn. She is a super cute girl. I enjoy your blog and I like your layout. Porn makes a LOT of people happy. Maybe you can check out my blog when you get the chance.

  3. Well, we know what made this chick get into porn, ATTENTION. I love how she talks all condescending about the guy that approached her about her vids, you know she gets off on the attention. So is this one cool, Billy? She seems obnoxious, plus she uses the word “hella” which just pisses me off for some reason, I hate that word. I like her tattoos though, they came out good.

  4. I have no idea if she’s “cool” or not, Bully. 99.9% of the girls I shoot are in my presence for the few hours they’re here to work. They all seem cool…but I now know from experience that some are and some aren’t. Like most people, I suppose.

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