15 thoughts on “Taylor Tilden Talks.”

  1. Billy, you meant to say ‘perpetrated’ not ‘perpetuated.’ [As a fellow pedant, I hope you take it not as a slight but with the love it is intended.]

  2. I’ve never seen this girl before but I think I’m in hooked. Please put her in as many scenes as possible!

  3. YES! Have her do (at least) one IR scene. Preferably with Flash. No Rico or Jack. Those guys kill a scene quick.

  4. I think she summed it up. She is not ok with her man doing porn because she thinks only she can handle it. On the other side of porn(unless she lies about it) there is no normalcy. Her man will always think of her porn career as whoring.

  5. Oh and btw I miss wanker Wang. I know these videos are in the same artistic vein but he was the pioneer of this and I found his videos to be artistic genius.

    The minion might disagree. Chico brought an originality to porn that might not be replicated for quite some time.. I would have worked for him.

  6. I would add that I have a huge dick. I spectate porn, and wonder who I might work for.

  7. @ Gary — Manojob.com

    @Good Samaritan — unfortunately, a big dick doesn’t equate to success as a male porn star.

    @Juice — just cause she’s in an ad doesn’t always mean that’s the girl you’re gonna get. That’s all I’m sayin’.

  8. I know Billy. I was being a little outrageous. My dick is probably mediocre in the porn scheme of things.

  9. Billy, i know for fact that 99% of these whores are escorts. They just lie about it. There is no way someone is gonna fake this chick. Why would they? Who is she? She doesn’t have a big name. Hell, you even have more followers than her on twitter.

  10. @blacktrain — you and I both know that, bro…but if she doesn’t want to talk about it, why throw it in her face? If you know she’s hooking, then why not just smile to yourself, shake your head, and let it go? And I’m not even saying that is or isn’t her. I’d also say the number is closer to 97% that hook. 🙂

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