Tanner Mayes: Well, I feel great. I thought I was gonna quit porn and get married. I was with LA Direct, and slowly the work was slowing down. I was in Michigan for a little bit, observing that life…and engaged. I decided that place wasn’t for me. I just started shooting again with Porno Dan. I still might get married, but no Michigan. That’s for sure.
ISP: So you’re sober.
TM: Right. I’ve been sober six months. Three months. Five months. Feels like a long time. Forever. Not forever.
ISP: Would you say sobriety is a struggle?
TM: It definitely is. I drove around for a while before I got to your studio, just in circles, frightened. Nervs. I was really nervous. I wasn’t loaded. In the old days I used to party before a scene cause it made me feel good. I still smoke pot…I mean…I dunno how to explain it.
ISP: Do you need drugs to do porn?
TM: No. I don’t wanna party before I go do a scene. I don’t need it. I don’t wanna show up and look like the asshole. I want to continue in the adult biz, too.
ISP: You showed up on time today. Sober. Ready to work.
TM: Thanks.
ISP: What was your drug of choice?
TM: Crystal meth. And it’s still weed.
ISP: My question’s always been, with what we all know about serious drugs, why does someone take that first hit?
TM: I was actually out, shooting a scene, and after we’re all sitting there partying, and in the course of a porn career you run into those things. From there it’s just a matter of what you wanna do, and I’m always up for anything. “Hey, you wanna hit this?” and I said sure. I stayed up that whole night partying. GHB and speed. This was a director’s place, and we’re all hanging out and making money and having fun…but then it eventually spins out of control. Now I miss so much that drugs prevented me from having. I really feel one of the reasons I’m not a top girl is I prevented myself from letting it happen. I’m not trying to sound conceited, but drugs took me to my bottom. I was so paranoid.
ISP: So no more YouTube vids of Tanner Mayes throwing a fit and being escorted out of the building?
TM: Right! I’m a firm believer that I’m always right. (Starts to laugh.) No! I’m kidding. I was loaded on set that day, and you know what? I didn’t learn anything. Cause it just got worse. I was missing scenes and showing up late…if at all. That just wasn’t me. I was driven by fear. I’m afraid of rejection, and drugs are like a Superman cape.
ISP: How long you been in the biz now?
TM: 3 years. I’m 22. My first scene was for the Score Group. I think it was T & A Tryouts.
ISP: What’s your best scene?
TM: I liked My Teen Swallows from Vince Vouyer.
ISP: What’s gonna happen for the rest of 2011?
TM: Hopefully I’m working on a porno set.
ISP: You don’t have an agent.
TM: I like agents…I just don’t want to be that floating talent who’s been with every agent in the business. I started with Jim South, then Shy Love, then LA Direct. I wouldn’t really know who to go with now.
ISP: Are you even ready to have an agent? Are you ready to start getting calls for work?
TM: Definitely. I love this business. Every day is different. I was so scared of it for a while. Can’t it be scary and intimidating?
ISP: Absolutely. I could never be male talent. I could take that call from some director dude I’ve never met telling me to be on his set to fuck some girl I may or may not be attracted to and open up for camera during sex and go through stills and have to keep a boner the whole time. No way.
TM: I know. It’s so much different than posing in front of a mirror or dancing in front of it. You know I put all these mirrors in my house and I lived in front of them. That’s crazy! It’s what drugs will do. I needed to know what I looked like. Super vain. Super crazy.
ISP: What else are you working on?
TM: PlanetTanner.com. There’s nothing there yet, but it’s a work in progress. I tweet, too.
ISP: What’s your favorite fast food combo?
TM: McDonald’s #2 no cheese ketchup only with a Diet Coke.
ISP: Do you like your bacon chewy and not-too-well-done — or crispy and crunchy?
TM: Depends on who’s making it. I guess I like it kinda soggy.
ISP: What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
TM: Easy A.
ISP: What song can you listen to over and over and never get tired of?
TM: Lupe Fiasco…um, what is it? [A few hours after she left, Tanner txt’d me: “The song is called The Show Goes On“.]
ISP: I dunno Lupe Fiasco. Do you know Wilco?
TM: No.
ISP: Does size matter?
TM: Only for looks.
ISP: What panties do you wear in your private life?
TM: Depends on what I’m wearing. If I’m wearing a dress then I wear little shorts. It also depends on where I’m going.
ISP: I heard you have a thing for older men.
TM: I do!
ISP: I’m 47. Does that mean I’m in?
TM: Perfect! I like ’em floatin’ around 50.
ISP: Would that be The Daddy Issue living inside your head?
TM: I’ve resolved The Daddy Issue. Jesus Saves!
ISP: Are you for real right now? Can we talk about this?
ISP: When did you get saved?
TM: A few months ago.
ISP: How do you deal with the conflicting moral issue of your theology and being in porn? And would you go as far as to say you’re a Jesus Freak?
TM: At first I thought I would have to be a Jesus Freak. That’s another reason I was out of porn. I thought I was gonna quit. That’s what initially started the binge drug use. How I felt internally about porn. I thought it was a bad thing. I was already sexually active, and I really needed money…so I got in. Then, after I got in, it was kinda like a current, in a way like a current is…you can’t control things…the fans, getting booked. I was young, too. And we’re all sinners. I love myself and I share and I give. It’s not all taking. Before, when I was on drugs, I was a taker. Now, I’m giving. I want to share my body with people who really appreciate it. Accept the love. I used to run from it. Now I embrace.
ISP: So are we all gonna go to hell cause we’re in porn?
TM: Not at all. Being saved means you’re going to Heaven.
ISP: If you go into the bathroom and you blow my floatin’-around-50-year-old wee wee, we’re still good for Heaven?
TM: Um…right. We have choices.
The Minion (who’s been here the whole time, editing and listening to the interview): Time to prove it!

…yeah, Right.
Just another black cock dodging whore!
Never watched Tanner’s scenes … personality comes out through the camera and she seemed like the “stuck up” girl. Now I see she’s part of that could have been the problems she was having. I might check out some new ones as they come out. But what’s she doing an interview here for if she doesn’t do IR?
Pizza faced coke head.
god, what a piece of garbage this one is.
What’s wrong with this girl?? (I haven’t read the interview – I don’t think anything porn whores say is really worth reading). I just look at the pics.
she’s cute. I’ll jerk off to her.
iceman is a little d–ked homo…iq under 70 huh….
I hope that Tanner can get her life straightened out and stay off the drugs. As for her comments about Michigan (living here myself), I would have to agree. Five years in prison for fucking outside of marriage (whether porn or not, in fact porn carries 20 years) and the backwoods nature of this area make for a dicey situation for a porn star living (or even just visiting) here. Don’t get me wrong, lots of people fuck outside of marriage here, but it is definitely kept quiet for fear of a cop or prosecutor pressing the issue. You are less likely to get prosecuted for fornication or adultery in Grand Rapids or Detroit and more likely in low-population areas, just an FYI for future visitors.
Jesus, you guys are some hateful motherfuckers. @Mark G: why do you visit this blog if you don’t read it? To look at pictures, lol. Sure, the girls a slut and all but nobody knows her personally to pass judgement on her. Watching her bts she struck me as being timid and meek. So she was easily influenced, probably, and made some bad choices at a young age; who the fuck doesn’t? If you’re going to blame anyone for her bad character blame her parents. I mean, you really have to wonder what posseses these girls to just up and leave their hometowns to shoot porn in L.A. That’s the one thing about the interviews, I wish you would dig a little deeper than favorite album, food, etc. questions. But I understand you don’t want to come off as being too nosy with the girls. The mind of the porn whore is a fascinating thing. Keep up the good work Billy!
@mharris127 I seriously doubt a law like that is enforced. Every state has crazy laws from years ago, that, for one reason or another, were never taken off the books. There’s also a law in Michigan that says a woman may not cut her hair without her husbands permission, but you don’t see S.W.A.T. teams storming hair salons.
10th&O, I did not know about the hair cutting law. I guess if I ever marry I will have to inform my lovely of that one! Oh and BTW, in the county I live the fornication law was routinely enforced as of the year 1999 (that year we had a different prosecutor take over and she did not push this law as hard). Here all convictions are published in the local paper and almost every month I would see one or two fornication convictions in the Circuit Court (felony court) round-up. The usual sentence was one to two years in prison, although the judge could impose up to five (actually raised from four years in the 1990’s, so they did take a look at the law then). Also, about that time I knew a (then recent) former Assistant Prosecutor for Kent County (Grand Rapids and surrounding area), I asked her about this law and she said it was still on the books but since the Prosecutor wanted to get re-elected in a relatively liberal area she was encouraged not to persue these types of cases. Come to Michigan and fuck outside of marriage if you wish (there are plenty of girls that will satisfy you on the down low), but don’t say you weren’t warned.
Hey iceman … where’s your disdain for black chicks dodging white boners? There’s tons of black girls that won’t do IR and the hypocrisy is deafening!
KoT, there are no black girls that wont do scenes with white men u idiot. If so name 1? Good luck.
I don’t get the whole religion AND porn thing… I think Jenna Presley professes the same thing.
But anyway… I’ve seen some earlier pics and scenes of Tanner, and if nothing else, she looks as smokin’ HOT here as she has anywhere else. I hope she gets her shit together.
This girl without makeup is average looking like more than half of the pornstars out there. Guys see them all dolled up on camera and freak out like they are looking at a goddess. Ever seen a girl in a picture and then met her in real life and said “What the fuck, that isnt who i saw in the picture!”
Guys, I don’t know what the fucking problem seems to be here. EVERYONE of you smurfs obviously just didn’t “stumble upon” this very site, which means you all have a certain interest in her. Well, maybe not her personality…lol. So why all this hatred? Be THANKFUL, goddamnit! Lets praise the lord that cuties like her spread their legs in front of a cam so we can all enjoy the fun!! By the way, I DID read the interview. And we should give her praise for being honest like that, and not telling any bull. btw, I myself enjoy fucking on speed too, but I don’t think that makes me a bad man. Just a bad baby-maker, maybe…lol
It always baffles me when ppl call porn actresses filthy whores etc. and then turn around and jerk off to their porn.
If the provider is “filthy”, then what is the customer?
she is a goddess.
sure she made some bad choices. who hasnt.
owt but love here.
She is an overpaid prostitute and a whore
I saw her get fucked silly (and up the ass) by LT Turner. Last time I checked, he was black. This Iceman guy doesn’t know jack shit!
I love to see your videos, and am truly amazed at you good looks, slender body and your girlish looks on the screen… Meeting you would make my bucket list complete.. Presently I am 68 years old and am far from a dead beat or prude…..
I like her body. Face, tits, pussy, everything… However, I don’t like her attitude and way of thinking at all. All is crooked up.