He had some ideas. The Producer wanted lotsa of black guys and a white girl. He wanted interracial bukakke. He wanted to create something controversial. Then, he asked me for some input.
I concurred with The Producer — not cause I was kissing ass, but because he’s right: the more dicks, the better it sells; the more controversy, the better it sells.
But first, let’s discuss bukakke. From The Urban Dictionary:
1) Noun: (lang. Japanese) A fetish ritual whereby a large group of men, usually at least 8, ejaculate on a woman’s face. Bukkake is a Japanese word pronounced ‘boo-car-key’. It had its origins in Japan some 500 years ago where it was a traditional punishment administered by male members of a village against unfaithful women. On the island of Honshu, the guilty woman was buried in the sand up to her neck before being ‘Bukkake on’. In most other parts of Japan, the woman was merely made to kneel with her hands tied behind her back before being splattered with multiple loads of man-gravy. The practice lost popularity when it was discovered that most women did not consider Bukkake a punishment. Today, the practice has wide acceptance in Germany, the US and also in Australia where Bukkake Parties are common place. Example: Hi Jill, would you like to be the star attraction at the Bukkake party I have organized this Friday night – with 28 of my buddies?”
2) Bukakke is when several men ejaculate in the face of a woman. The above mentioned description of its origin is false, mainly because since the punishment for adultery in feudal Japan was death. Bukakke is a dish in Japan with fine white noodles with a splash of topping in liquid not at all unlike loads of semen. It comes from the verb bukakkeru which means to splash some liquid (usually water). The Japanese are very good at making poetic or funny descriptions like that. All this mystic bullshit about Japan and Japanese customs must please stop. Example: I will bukakke you until you give up trying to sound schoolary at the expense of Japanese culture you sick pervert.
3) A fetish in pornography, the hallmarks of which is multiple men orgasming onto the face and body of a single girl. The genre was pretty much created by Japanese adult film director Kazuhiko Matsumoto. The word itself is a conjugation of two Japanese words, and roughly means “splash”. Example: bukakke makes me laugh.
4) The act of a group of men (usually more than eight) completely covering a female’s face with their special man syrup. 2. A practical joke played on some naive Asian. Examples: 1. “Hey Jen, Mike’s having a Bukakke party tonight, you in?” 2. “Anh, why don’t you order your food with Bukakke sauce…”
I first caught wind of bukkakes around ’98 or so. And I always thought “bukkake” was the Japanese word for “sweet cream”, which was something creamy and white and tasty they poured over a dessert — and the only reason I thought that is cause someone told me…and I believed him. Why not? Makes perfect sense…right?
I’m not even sure of the correct spelling: bukkake? bukkakke? bukake??
Porno Bukkakes kinda gross me out. I have no interest in whacking to some porn Japanese tart getting splattered by a bunch of pixilated dicks.
Why pixilated?
The silly Japs censor private parts in their porn.
Like I said — silly Japs.
Anyway, I was familiar with The Producer’s request for an interracial bukkake, and I was very familiar with controversy, especially when it comes to race relations our great country.
I thought.
I thought some more.
Then, the image of Malcolm X holding the rifle came to mind…but that was too severe. By law, we can only shoot porno princesses with jizz — not bullets.
Then, the image of Tommy Smith and Juan Carlos came to mind.
How ’bout blending the two? Malcolm X meets Tommy and Juan Carols?
Oh — wait. Have you been reading some of the comments left on my blog lately? They’re entertainment all by themselves, and I want to thank each and every one of you for leaving them. The reason I bring this up is cause of the dude in Australia who got on me for talking about bands from the 70’s. He thinks I’m dating myself, and those kind of references are almost forgotten simply cause of their age. So when I drop Malcolm X and Tommy Smith and Juan Carols, I’m sure that dope’s gonna blab some more. But that’s OK, cause I love my blog’s comment section!!
Anyway, I gave The Producer my input, and the next thing you know I’m calling the potential “Bro Bangers” and telling them to buy black suits and white button-up shirts and a bow tie and make sure to bring a black leather glove.
“Just one glove Billy? What up with dat, yo? I gotsta buy two gloves and only wear one?!”
Tell the truth — you love my black vernacular.
“Well, how about only some of you buy a set of gloves, and then split the cost of the gloves with someone else? Each guy gets a glove. I don’t care if the glove is on your right hand or your left hand. And Pork Pie hats are optional. Just show up at the Bro Bang in your appropriate work uniform. And act like you’re an angry negro. Sound like a plan?”
No one came with a Pork Pie hat, which disappointed me greatly.
But still, it came to be: The Bro Bang.
Oh — by the way, if anyone’s interested, there’s a bukakke party at my studio tonight.
You in?

Well, you are at the behest of your market, no doubt about that. So, I can’t say whether this is a good or bad business decision for you.
To qualify myself, I’ve read for a while, just lurking. I share your sympathies about bukkakke. There’s nothing sexually interesting to me about a woman drenched in man cum, and it’s nothing I would ever pay to see.
There’s been a void since Chico passed, that I think people are struggling to fill. As a person who owns almost any material from Chico I can find, I have to say that my taste for it is somewhat of an enigma. I wish I could explain it to you, but I can’t. He was just creative, and weird, and interesting. I don’t even like Brian Surewood, but his video where he went to Surewood’s house and interviewed him with all of his black light weed posters and D&D knives on the wall made, at least the case that he was interesting to follow and laugh at.
I lost my shit laughing at his “Spring Chickens” series, and think that when he had “Rico(?)” and some Laotian chick hack Shakespeare’s “Romeo&Juliet” to prove to critics he had an artistic flare….A stroke of f*cking genius. I know you now employ the minion, and I think he was in that video too. Priceless entertainment.
I just haven’t been into the new themes since his passing. I’m sure, from what I read, he was a twisted asshole, who abused everyone (including women) because of his bitter stint in the pen over his crime. He was also a creative genius that I picked out of the pack before I even knew about him. He had a signature to his work that I don’t think can be replicated.
When you guys post about what you’re doing in the Valley, it cracks my shit up. I go to many of the same places. I’ve even seen a (now retired?) famous Korean porn star at my favorite Pho joint (close to you) and wondered….
Buy a Bean Pie?
the brobang site isn’t a preference of mine, since the scenes seem to be all alike from the free videos that I’ve seen and the scenes don’t seem to have much action with the ending always being the same. I think if the series was more of the black men portraying rappers, gangsters or just being niggers and fucking the shit out of these white sluts due to them owing money or being a white bitch,or their husband is an idiot that the brobang site would of worked better and the endings should of seen these hoes swallowing all that black cum from wine glasses, spitting the cum back in the glass and adding some water, sometimes using a straw and making them drink every last drop, or straight cum shots using shot glasses and or being forced to hold each load in their mouths as they gulp it all down at once like the bitches they are. these white girls are hoes, brobang isn’t paying for anal so pay for swallowing, what’s better in the world over seeing some young dumb white girl swallow 10 loads of black cum? come on 10 man cum slam, the hoes don’t seem to like all that cum on their faces anyways.. look at the picture of Miss Brittany Angel LMAO BOB should hire bobby manila to shoot some scenes his interracial GB’s were always off the chart
Billy, I must say I love that new site! Great scenes, awesome girls and OK dudes doing well the job!
the problem with this site is most the bitches do not get fucked. but that would just make it another blacks on blondes right..mmmm
also its pretty much the exact same bitches from your other sites.,,time for some new pussy bill.
Now I am not accusing Kerry Von Erich of being stupid, but it does take him an hour and a half to watch sixty minutes!!
Badstreet Baby, Badstreet!!!
blackmagoo i agree with you. the brobang site should be called thebrobore since there’s no real bang going on and i disagree about it being another blacks on blondes type of site since BOB isn’t just a gang bang site.. and you’re right again about the bitches. they’re the same damn bitches from gloryhole and BOB, shit want to know who’s upcoming at BOB? just look at the update of gloryhole… where’s that new pussy? or get some young ass white girls that have been on BOB before.. bitches like
Kylie Reese, Tori Black, Kiera King, Angelina Korrs, Bree Olson, Sasha Grey, Valerie Luxe
some good bitches too, make come out of retirement if they are………Kelly Divine, Lorena Sanchez, Jamsine Byrne, Amy Starz, Tiffany Star, Megan Reece, Hillary Scott and Leah Luv together and so on
i thought a bro was a college dude
That’s what porn needs these days, pork pie hats! Talk about class.
Billy, don’t you just LOVE the guys that come on here and tell you what girls to shoot for what sites? I especially love the guy that demands you ‘pull them out of retirement’- not to mention hire girls that are on contract with a company, or girls that don’t shoot IR at all. So, all powerful Billy Watson, you’re going to shoot a scene with Bea Arthur and Nat King Cole for me (’cause pulling a girl out of retirement isn’t enough, I’d like you to resurrect the dead), but make sure there’s plenty of anal, or I’m cancelling my subscription to BOB, ok? And you’ll miss my subscription fees every month if I cancel (you’d miss them even more if it was actually your site as well.)
In seriousness, I like the new site, it’s got your style written all over it. I especially like how you really whored out the ladies looks on the site. I’m confused about the tuxs’, though. Were you going for a Nation of Islam thing?
its just a movie. ITS JUST A MOVIE. jesus
Hey Hayes! You think you can just knock out Flair and have me pin him? You’re outta your mind! It’s not the Texas way. You and Gordy better watch out!
Actually I’d rather see 10 squirting chicks drench a guy from across the room then 10 bros spanking it. Call it Ho Hosed!
lol @ themanshan but the truth be told it would sale
as for Mark? Billy can you resurrect his mom from the grave for a blow bang scene and after send the bitch back to hell and send Mark with her with a Tuxedo on
Kerry Von Erich, Freebird Michael Hayes gave you the NWA world title on a platter, and you was too stupid to capitalize on it! Now you is messin with the Freebirds, and you don’t wanna do that brother, because we are from Badstreet USA, Altanta GA brother. And everyone knows that the further down BadStreet USA you go, the badder it gets, and The Freebirds live on the last house on the left brother!
Wrestling is gay, mmmmkay?
And there you go again, Hayes, telling the world how b-b-bad to the bone you and the Freebirds are. Why dontcha cash in those words in the squared circle and prove to all of us just how tough you really are. Me and Kev are ready, so what’s it gonna be? Do we have to come all the way to Hotlanta and pull you delinquents out of your dirty little hole? Or maybe you’re just a Pure Sissy, Hayes?
@ Mr Mackie and little boys talking about which nigger they want to see fuck a white bitch isn’t? sometimes i wonder about IR porn? it’s as if these white boys want to be fucked by a gang of niggers or something and live out their fantasies watching nasty drug out bitches do it for them, no wonder the white race is dying, these white boys aren’t getting any pussy but surely are licking up niggers cum
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! I hate to tell you this but BroBang is not controversial or cutting edge. Its just boring and stupid. I also hate to tell you this but not all black guys have a fetish for petite blond white chicks. Some of us actually like black women. Hey heres a cutting edge idea….. How about black guy fucking a black woman….now theres a concept.
How about a black guy fucking a black woman?
How about no sales.
Oh wait…maybe one. That would be you, Mr. Smith…unless you’re a pirate, too. Like most of the world these days.
Kerry Von Erich, the only pure sissy I see, is your horseface and lemme tell you something else brother. The Freebirds, we got real women chasing us, not them 13 year old teenyboppers that frequent the Dallas Sportatorium. You see Kerry, Michael Hayes is naughty naughty naugthy, and I ain’t t-t-t-teasin……..The Freebirds are back in town brotha. We the hot Childs of the City, Terry Gordy and Buddy Jack Roberts are the beasts, and I am the one lookin so pretty. You may be on your milk and apples diet Kerry, but we drank enough whiskey to float an aircraft carrier, and the Freebirds ain’ afraid of anyone named Von Erich!!
Brobang is a genius concept, love it.
In fact I’d like to help finance a scene.
McKenzie Lee (gorgeous starlet) wants to gag down 10 huge black cocks and have them cream her face.
She wants $2500. I’ll pay at least $1500 just so you guys only handle production and $1000 to her.
She just did her first interracial scene so this will be great!
Email me at denversomething@yahoo.com
let’s make this happen!
Ah Billy the hypocrite… such a terrible thing to be a pirate and yet smoking weed and other illicit drugs is somehow perfectly acceptable (especially when you’re in college and it’s fashionable). Why don’t you go around to teen parties and lecture then all on how they’re breaking the law by drinking.
I’m confused as to how I’m a hypocrite, bro. I don’t pirate a thing, and smoking weed in CA is legal, and that’s all I smoke.
I won’t even reply to the idiocy that is your last statement.
I shouldn’t have even replied to you at all.
Are you fucking kidding me Billy? NOWHERE in the US is marijuana legalized for recreational use. I had some respect for you before – that is now almost all gone. I don’t know why I even bothered replying to you.
“Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor under California Health and Safety Code Section 11357. Possession of one ounce (28.5 gms) or less is punishable by a maximum $100 fine. Jail time is possible for larger amounts or for hashish, which is an optional felony (“wobbler”).”
I think Billy should take Mark G’s I.P. address and turn him in to the Australian authorities for stealing and having porn in a country where it’s illegal. After all, he already confessed to both counts. 🙂
I’ve never smoked so much as a cigarette in my entire life. It’s hypocritical to critize someone for breaking the law, when you break, or have broken, the law yourself. As for possessing porn, I’m not aware of any law in Australia that says that’s illegal. It’s simply illegal to sell the stuff. However, the law is rarely, if ever, enforced. But, technically, it’s illegal. I’ve never “ripped off” any of Billy’s sites either. I was a long time member of Blacks on Blondes since 2001 and still occassionally subscribe to the sites when there’s an update I want to see.
I can’t believe that Michael Hayes and Kerry Von Erich and chosen to rekindle their decades long feud, right here on Billy Watson’s blog. Out of all the places in the entire world, this is where Hayes and Von Erich chose to reignite their legendary feud. I wonder what Billy thinks about that.
it would be good if you put the porn star named roxy star on the web site brobang. I wouldn’t mind seeing her tight little ass being banged by big black cocks
Please put roxy star on bro-bang. I just know she’d be great on that site with her tight little ass she would sure get the attention of a wide audience BTW keep up the good work I’m a big fan of your work and want to stiff my big fat white cock in a glory hole on that other web site called glory-hole intuitions another great site with great camera angles.
I think you mean “Buck cake”.
Funny shit.
that nigger tony capone is nasty as hell
i think this site is just another rip-off from blacks on blondes, before cuckold sessions exist there are some cuckold scenes in black on blondes & after it emerges rarely we seen straightforward cuckold scenes in black on blondes..
furthermore,most of girls here don’t get fucked;come on they fuck the so called anonymous black guys in gloryhole.com but not in brobang.com?
it would be hotter if the girls get cock-slapping, tit-fucking,dp,anal & cum swallowing..