Chastity Lynn: Um…it was awesome. I went to Target, played tag in the parking lot…all with the plug in. I was contracting my butt to hold it in while I went about my day. Even went car shopping with my plug in!
ISP: And the purpose of this?
CL: I’m training my ass.
ISP: What for?
CL: To be an anal pro.
ISP: Define anal pro.
CL: Taking it in my ass like a pro. Taking whatever is thrown at me…and loving it. Really enjoying it. That’s key.
ISP: Do you think you’ll venture into DP Land?
CL: Probably. Yea.
ISP: Any time frame on your first anal scene?
CL: December, probably. I don’t know.
ISP: December is a ways off. Is it gonna take that long to train your poop chute?
CL: Not really. It’s just more someone coming at me to do an anal scene that’s interesting.
ISP: What about doing it for Blacks on Blondes?
CL: Cause I’d really like my first anal scene to be with Scott Lyons.
ISP: How come?
CL: Because…um…he’s my ass trainer.
ISP: How come I can’t be your ass trainer?
CL: You can train my ass. Want to train my ass? Got an enema?
ISP: We need to jump in the van and get to our gloryhole, actually…so we don’t have time. How did you get into this biz?
CL: Through Ellie Idol. I met her at this party house. I would always go there to check her out, and one night me and Ellie and this other girl all got it on one night while Ellie’s boyfriend watched…and took pictures. Supposedly those pictures are still around. Anways, for about a year after that me and Ellie would always hump each other at parties and guys would gather around and watch.
ISP: Do you like your bacon well-done and crispy…or chewy?
CL: I like it crispy. I like my food saucy.
ISP: What can’t I book for you — besides anal?
CL: I’ll won’t do anything with multiple guys.
ISP: Do you Facebook, mySpace, or Twitter?
CL: Kinda all three, but mySpace is what I’m best at keeping up on. I’m building a fan site, too.
ISP: So you plan on being in the biz for a while?
CL: Yep.
ISP: Do your folks know what kind of mad-cap hijinx you’re up to?
CL: My dad knows. My mom doesn’t. My dad found out cause Club Jenna sent a check to his house for work I did, and my dad called and wanted to know what’s up with that? He kinda freaked out, and now he’s mildly OK with it…but not really. He also was pissed cause porn work is fun, and he didn’t like it that my work is actually fun.
ISP: Were you a slut before you got into porn?
CL: Yea. I used to go to an all-girls school. Catholic. I got in some trouble there so my dad gave me a choice…no talking and goofing off at private school, or go have fun at public school. Bascially he wasn’t going to pay for me to fuck around in private school. Once in public school there were so many fresh cocks I couldn’t contain myself.
ISP: Do you ever feel that way around me?
CL: I feel like that pretty much every day of my life.

So whorish..
No tits, borderline ugly.. Just so hot. she deserves like 5 black guys to straighten her out.
agree…..throw her in the deep end…..have a couple of those 12 in black thugs train her asshole on camera….none of this “train my ass w/ a plug for six months”…..just throw her to the wolfs off the bet……either swim or sink 🙂
I’d pay to watch that…
nice fuckin standard of blog reader you got going on here billy, real classy …
yeah, we all of course sorta do realise, at least in the abstract, that these kind of clueless knuckle-draggin cunts do exist, stealing oxygen that normal self-actualised grown-ups could be using, but it’s just whenever you actually run across them, y’know for real, and you see for yourself just how far that bell-curve actually stretches, the stench of weapons-grade stupidty, never fails to fuck you up. makes you queasy, no?
sort it out, gonna, this pair of retarded motherfuckers are stinking the joint up.
She still aint gonna bang you Nunya. No matter how much you stick up for her on the blog.
here, that’s interesting don’t cha think?
no, not your banal white-knight bullshit, fuck that.
i’m talking about the fact that when those pretend interent tough guys were spouting shit, you had fuck-all to say, you turned up missing.
but when someone calls for a bit of common civility, suddenly you get all agitated and need to get heard – that’s a real weak-man move, scrabbling to hide behind the bullys, instead of speaking-up for what you know is right.
you still don’t get it, that kind of weakness is exactly why you were bullied growing up.
so how do you handle it billy. c’mon to fuck, you’re a smart, interesting and interested guy, that’s obvious from your writing, how do you deal with having to pander to the mouth-breathers and shit-heads … do you just put it out your mind, or does it kill you an inch at a time?
My little brown brothah.. Pick up the Little Brown Reader.. then hit us back.
Your grammar is off the chart retard.
Keep sucking.
lawl this nunya guy is a complete twat, talking trash on people when that’s all he’s doing
I think we can safely say her ass is trained! If you’ve not seen the scene with her in ‘Deep Anal Abyss #3’ with Sammie Rhodes hurry up and take a look!!!!
That horse dildo Sammie uses on her butt has to be at least a foot long….And she takes the lot!!!!
She is pure heaven
I don’t know how old these reviews are , but it’s December 2024 , anyways Chasity Lynn is my favorite porn star , I do wish she had a site to whear you could buy used panties , etc etc , also I wish she would have live dance shows in different towns and cities