Introducing Mr POV.

Bree Olson and Mr POV
A while back I started getting e-mails from a fan wanting to get into my biz. This is nothing new. It happens all the time. I usually delete the first few e-mails, just cause I make it perfectly clear all the fucking time: if you’re a single dude, I can’t help you get into porn.

Well, that’s not true. Do an “818” search on my blog, and there ya go.

So, as I was saying…dudes e-mail me on a daily basis, begging me to give them a job. They usually say they’ll do “almost anything except gay porn”, which, to me, is such a pussy thing to say. Fuck man, if you wanna do something that everyone else on Earth wants to do, why not suck some dick or be a power bottom for a day or two?

Worse than the dudes who won’t go gay for pay are the grovelers who offer to “work for free” doing menial jobs around my studio for their shot at Porno Stardom. You get what you pay for, right? Besides, any dude who wants to work for free in order to bang some pussy is probably too creepy to be around for more than an hour, I bet.

Then I get the guys who have their own camera gear and want some advice. Or, they don’t have any gear yet, and they want to know what to buy. I pretty much ignore these guys too.

One day this dude started e-mailing me, and instead of asking how to get in, or what kind of camera gear to buy…he was sending shots of him doing the nasty with amateur girls where he lived. All he wanted was my advice…as in, “are these any good?”

They were OK, and I told him that. Next thing I know he’s moving to LA to try his hand in the porno biz. He had just lost his job, and that same exact day he caught his wife cheating on him. How about that for a double whammy? I told him something like, “that sucks bro” and “good luck!” and I figured that’s the last I’d ever hear from him.

I was wrong.

Soon after he was booking girls, shooting content, and selling it to whoever was buying. They weren’t bad, either. I was a partner in Spunkmouth then, we ended up buying some of his scenes: here’s a JOMG scene he shot with Cherry Poppins a few years back when he first got to LA. After I left Spunkmouth and starting shooting Manojob scenes, we bought more content. Then, we started The Dick Suckers and bought more from him.

One day we met up for a Starbucks, and he asked for his own site. I wasn’t too sure, but then he started rattling off some of the girls he had shot already; the content was just sitting in his apartment.

“Who ya got?” I asked.

“Bree Olson to start.”

I listened.

“What I wanna do is have a site that updates three times a week. On Mondays it’ll be a long interview with the girl and some hot solo stuff I shoot. On Wednesdays I bang them, and on Fridays I’ll have one of my buddies bang them. It’ll be bad ass! I’ll shoot it, and you help me with building the site and marketing it with your affiliate program. We’ll be partners! Fifty-fifty!”

“Partnerships are sinking ships,” I said.

He kept rambling on and on about all sorts of stuff. He wants his own blog, and he’d help promote it, and he wants to Twitter, and have a Facebook, and he already had a kick ass domain, and bladda bladda blah. But I admired his enthusiasm…and his ideas weren’t too bad, either. “What are you gonna call yourself?” I asked.

Mr. POV,” he said.

And so it came to be.

7 thoughts on “Introducing Mr POV.”

  1. Interesting story, I like it. Tell him to adjust the audio on his videos, the SFX track seems to have been mastered higher than the vocal track. That’s annoying.

  2. Yup gotta admire the guy for giving it a shot (no pun intended). So many wankers out there just set on complaining and groveling its refreshing to see somebody with some guts.

    BTW – long time lurker, first time poster: great blog billy. Not a huge porn guy myself but your writing is classic.

  3. Haha wow I had no idea where you were going with that, I thought it’d get super creepy or something, nice to know he’s got some success, right? Love your blog, Billy, awesome stuff man. Keep up the awesome work.

  4. Yo Billy, I bet its flattering to have “mini-mes” following in your foot steps – unless he becomes more successful.

    Anyway here’s a topic you might be able to shed some light on; the new HIV scare in pornoland. I know these things happen from time to time but hows it affecting you.

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