I’ve been reader of your blog for nearly a year, but due to my computer illiteracy was unable to post a comment on your blog. I even signed up for wordpress, and tried to make a comment…but all for naught.
I was surfing wikipedia the other day, and looked up “O.G. Mudbone”. Although he didn’t have a page, it listed him as deceased: (1980-2009). I’m well aware of wikipedia’s frequent vandalism and inaccuracies, but am still intrigued. I was wondering if there was any truth to his death, if you have ever worked with Mr. Mudbone and that artificial penis he wields, or had any interesting stories about him.
I have no idea who O.G. Mudbone is. I know nothing about the “artificial penis” he wields (your words). I have no idea if he’s alive — or dead. I also don’t know about the surfers who buy into this stuff, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned now that I’ve been Porno for 8 years, it’s that there’s an audience for just about everything.
I do know all of the black cocks I hire for the world famous Blacks on Blondes are real. Every single one of them. I’ve captured some enormous ones, too. In fact, most of them are quite impressive.
I often wonder, though, about the surfer who comments on the cock…even more than the pussy. What’s up with that?
I once asked Über-Whore Ava Devine what the most requested, most secretive thing her Tricks ask of her. If you don’t already know, Ava Devine might be Queen of the Whores, and she’d be the first to take that as a compliment. I bet she’s turned thousands of tricks, and when you talk to her about them, she remembers a lot.
“Oh that’s easy!” Ava exclaimed. “A lot of men want to be cock suckers!”
Note the emphasis on a lot.
Note the Ü (U-umlaut) I used for “Über-Whore”.
From Wikipedia: “Letter Ü: The letter Ü occurs in the Hungarian, Karelian, Turkish, Uyghur latin Script, Estonian, Azeri, Turkmen, Crimean Tatar and Tatar Latin alphabets, where it represents a close front rounded vowel ([y]). It is a distinct letter, collated separately, and not considered a simple modification of [u] or [i]. It is distinct from “UE”.”
And, in case you didn’t know, “Über (sometimes spelled ueber, uber, the former being a correct form in German just like über) comes from the German language. It is a cognate of both Latin super and Greek ὑπέρ (hyper), as well as English over and above. It is also sometimes used as a hyphenated prefix in informal English, usually for emphasis. Both uses indicate a state or action involving increased elevation or quantity in the physical sense, or superiority or excess in the abstract.”
Ava Devine is, in fact, a whore of increased elevation or quantity in the physical sense, as well as a whore of superiority or excess in the abstract. Over and above the rest.
How ’bout them apples?
Back to your desire to suck cock.
Admit it. It’s ok. Secretly, deep in your subconscious mind, you want to drop to your knees, JMC, and open your mouth wide for O.G. Mudbone’s huge black cock…and when you heard of his passing, it made you so sad you felt the need to e-mail me and ask about any interesting stories featuring your favorite black cock. Right?
Let me reiterate: it’s OK to suck cock if you’re a dude. Really, it is. Sure, it’s a “gay” activity, but you’re only gay if you’re waking up next to the dude you call a “life partner”, right?
Did I ever tell you Barb Cummings stuck her finger up my butt?
Did I ever tell you Barb Cummings isn’t Barbie Cummings anymore cause a corporation that makes toys didn’t think it was in their best interest to allow Barb Cummings to be Barbie Cummings?
Anyway, for about a second and a half Barb and I were “close”, and one night she felt the need to invade my colon with her middle finger. To which I squealed like a little girl. And then, like a little girl, I spread my legs open so she could have her way with me. At first I felt a traumatic experience about to occur…but then, I noticed something.
Something I didn’t think I’d ever admit to admitting.
I liked it.
As Barb moved her finger around in my rectum and sucked my balls, it felt truly amazing.
No Way Am I Gay!
I blew a load quick…but looking down after I blew, I realized I didn’t even blow. It just felt like I did. Suddenly, I blew again…and again. But I didn’t really blow! And then, when I blew for real, I was Peter North!
So, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say unless you wake up next to your “partner”, you’re not really gay, even though you might do some sexy thangs that might be considered gay…like saying “thang” instead of “thing”.
No, wait. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say unless you make out with a dude, which, by my definition means french kissing a dude, you’re not really gay, even though you might do some sexy thangs that might be considered gay.
Here’s one last fun fact I’m gonna toss your way, just for fun: 90% of the dudes in Porn Valley are bisexual. Not gay. Just bi. In fact, I’d be willing to go far out on a limb and say over half the dudes walking the Earth are, at the very least, bi.
Except me.
No Way.
So what you’re really saying is OG Mugbone Thugs in Harmony is really teh ghey? As are all of the stereotype perpetuating mock thugs that you hire?
Are they down in West hollywood on the weekends, performing gay stunts for Little Richard? 🙂
The only decent scenes Barbie Cummings did were the non-Dogfart stuff, where she did anal. The Dogfart stuff she does is boring, and it’s ridiculous, I’ve seen her real life kid and it’s white as powder.
FYI “OG Mudbone” was a southern character Richard Pryor created in his standup comedy acts for his big dick jokes back in the 70s/80s.
You always film girls with fat moles by their vagina or barbie cum with a huge mole in her ass crack
so what did happen to Barbie C.?…..you havent mentioned her for a while on here….did Matel or someone like that go after her for the name??
Mark G is right…..her site stuff was pretty boring/unimpressive…..def. lacked anal….she should’ve had a site where all she did was gang bang anal stuff…
is she still in the biz?
I’m part of that 10%, but makes you think… what would a Chilean Miner do?
No Billy of course you’re not bi – you’d never admit to that, would you? Yeah, go ahead, label the entire male population, but conveniently excuse yourself. You’re probably a closet just like everyone else.
What was your point in stating that “I do know all of the black cocks I hire for the world famous Blacks on Blondes are real. Every single one of them” What was your point here? Bit of penis envy dude? Do you think about those “BLACK COCKS” a lot? I think we need to capitalize it from now on. We have bbc but it should be BBC with maybe a few exclamation points afterwards. BBC!!!!!!!!!!! or BLACK COCK!!!!!!
Does it make your crusty Anglo Saxon cock hard dude? Europeans invented the idea of racial supremacy. Is it easier for you to believe that “BLACK COCK!!!!!!” is righteous since you believe that european brains are even more righteous? You come off like the classic cuckold more and more. Fetishization of a skin color.
Are you playing to your audience Billy? Men who find black men fucking is way hotter is usually because they feel it’s more degrading to the women. The other part feel it’s hotter because they think “BLACK COCK!!!!” has a racial advantage and fucks better. Everything in America is raced based. Now sexuality is race based. We are also exporting this. How wonderful.
Did you attend Tom Dong’s funeral dude and maybe piss all over the coffin since he was a sexually inferior asian? I know that must have really pissed you off. I know you proably consider yourself sexually inferior since you are white so you must have been conflicted. But whites are above asians on the American racial construct of sex. So maybe it felt good.
Keep on being a racialist dude. After you just shot your load in into your panties, you can comfort yourself into believing that even though black dudes are sexually superior euro’s are superior in every thing else(right lol). Your work into keeping this country just as fucked up as it ever was along racial lines is admirable.?? Keep shoehorning black dudes into one role and purpose. Does the president blow your mind? Since he’s not ghetto how do you rationalize him? In conclusion, go fuck yourself.
Yeah, I’m pretty drunk and it’s 3 p.m. I’m sure you’re going to check my other posts with ip against this. I’m pretty consistant. I’m so fucking tired of people saying certain people are always certain things based on what they look like.
So once again, go fuck yourself you fucking racist pink bitch. I have a feeling you identify with the left since most pornographers do which is fucking funny as hell. You’re half a degree and one ass hair away from being a pedophile on the scoville scale. You are a pornographer. A pimp. You exploit drugged out, mentally ill, narcissistic whores to make a living. Since whites have been exploiting the rest of us for five hundred years, this probably feels pretty good. You traffic in misery. Aren’t you like fourty something and single and still jacking off while editing? Awesome.
Approve this you pot bellied mayonaise slurping bitch. In robert deniro style, BE A MAN!! You can get back to diddling yourself to BBC!!!!! later.
orca is right, not that it feels good to think he is.
but that nigga be right…
I mean spot fucking on.
Wow. I had no idea people took your blog that seriously. Maybe you better stick to the “My Ipod kicks your Ipod’s ass” type of posts.