I Shoot Porn: You’re new to the biz. How many scenes have you shot?
Barbie Cummings: 14 or 15.
ISP: How do you like the porno world so far?
BC: It’s great! Good money! You get paid to fuck!
ISP: Do you watch porno in your private life?
BC: Yes! I think anyone that is a porn star should watch porn, or has watched it. My legs are smooth. Wanna feel?
ISP: Yes. (I feel her smooth legs). What’s your favorite porn to watch?
BC: Any porn that has tan, blonde girls in it. I like to watch them get fucked. I also like watching DP’s.
ISP: Do you do DPs?
BC: Yep. It was my first shoot.
ISP: Hold on. Your very first shoot in this business was a DP?
BC: Yes sir. I do that in my personal life. Like with my boyfriend and a dildo.
ISP: Does your boyfriend DP you with another guy?
BC: Ow! These panties are too tight. They really are. (She’s adjusting her panties.) No I don’t do other guys. Just my boyfriend.
ISP: How’s he feel about you doing porn?
BC: It goes unspoken. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
ISP: What would you do if he did a porn?
BC: I think that would be great! He could, too! He’s packing. He’s girthy. Maybe 7 fat inches. A good dick, in the real world. Enough for me. Shit, 4 inches and I’m good!
ISP: So you love dick is what you’re saying?
BC: Hmmm, yea. Yea. You gotta love dick to be in porn.
ISP: Can I show my readers your website?
BC: (Singing loudly) DO IT DO IT DO IT – SUCK FUCKIN’ COCK!!!
(Editor’s note: This interview was conducted WAY before Barbie Cummings had a website…we’re just trying to keep things current. The original question asked to see her myspace, but she deleted it).
ISP: What’s the dumbest thing a director’s ever asked you to do?
BC: Oh man! I had to fuck a stuffed animal. A turtle. And I had to give his tail a blow job on camera. For Freaky First Timers.
ISP: Did that cute, fluffy turtle give you a good facial?
BC: Nope. I had to go back to my anal probing from James Deen. Man that was a rough scene. One of my roughest.
ISP: What did Mr. Deen do to you?
BC: You know. Choking. Spitting. Slapping. Pulling of hair. Degrading names. More like SM than a fuck scene. I did whatever he wanted. Basically, I was James Deen’s bitch.
ISP: Did you like it?
BC: Of course.
ISP: Can I spit and choke you now?
BC: Sure.
ISP: Can I call you some really bad names?
BC: Only if they’re “whore” or “slut” or “skank” or “bitch” or “cunt”.
ISP: How about I call you a filthy little piggy?
BC: (Laughing) Is that an insult?
ISP: Not at all, my love. Not at all.

Oh Barbie what a girl… Would really like to do porno with her, especially some a2m scenes and rimjobs;p
Give me her msn, please!