VM writes:
Hi Mr. Watson. My name is “VM”. I am 18 years of age, my birthday is September 18, 1987, and I live in Magnolia, New Jersey.
I have taken the liberty of attaching pictures of my birth certificate, a photo ID, and social security card so you know that I’m both legal and telling the truth. Along with those are some pictures of me, so that you know what your “working” with, with the body pictures are two face pictures, I just wanted you to know what I looked like up close. I am Black and East Indian, 5″8 3/4, 181-182 pounds, Brown skin, I have Dark brown eyes and hair, 9 1/2-10 in shoes, I wear a 12-14T in jeans, I wear a large-Xlarge in shirts, and I wear a size 38DD in bra, in panties I wear a 10, I think, and a large-Xlarge in thongs.
P.S.- Thank You for reviewing this E-mail. Sincerely, VM
Hi VM!
What a great way to start my day. I mean that. Anytime I get nekkid pictures of girls that I didn’t even have to ask for, well, it’s almost better than my daily Satrbucks fix, which lately has been a venti iced coffee, unsweetened (they pump a few squirts of yucky corn syrup into everything they make) with a couple Splendas and an inch of soy milk tossed in. Then, I usually get the reduced-fat marble cake, just cause I’m watching my weight, so anything tagged with a “reduced fat” line has to be good for you, right?
Anways, if you can get yourself out to Los Angeles, there might be some work for you. I really don’t have any work for you, cause I really don’t shoot any sites with black girls in it, but I know there’s some work out here for you. I’d try and drop a few pounds before you get here, and I’m saying this in a very nice way. Also, please don’t ever send your social security card to anyone you don’t know; in fact, I’d never show your social security card to anyone, ever…it’s a good way to have some scurvy bastard steal your identity. Boy, if you think life is hard to get through in general, wait till someone robs your ID.
So, if you’re really serious, and think you can get yourself out to LA, I can hook ya up with an agent. I think Brian Pumper is shooting a big-booty black girl line, too, and Pumper’s always an interesting and fun guy to be around.
I can tell you this for certain.