From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.
Makenzie Wilson has been a guest blogger here more than once, but it’s been a long time. She always has interesting things to say, and she’s out of the porno game now. She’s outspoken and brash and liberal and she gives awesome massages and that’s why I like her so!
As I am writing this, McLAME is making his speech to what I presume mostly consists of the dumbest, most illogical people on the planet. Because, OH! If he isn’t voted in there will SURELY be another 9/11! And why YOU….should be scared! I swear, watching him and that whore Sarah Palin, makes me wanna puke (which is why I don’t own a television). As I was talking with another Dem friend, I said, “It’s too bad the American people have no logic. They vote with their emotions, not their heads.” And she says, “Yeah, ’cause Jesus don’t need no logic!” Fucktards. OK…off the political rant……
You’ve mentioned that some blog readers have asked about me. Specifically, about if there is going to be any more content on me, or just a general, “Where is she? What’s she up to?! She disappeared from porn!” I laughed as I read your most recent post on social networking sites. I occasionally receive messages on my mySpace page asking if so-and-so can be my friend because they know about me from porn. I hate to do it, but I block all such requests because I have come across disturbing posts on numerous forums/message boards made by fans. One even went so far as to report where I grocery shop, and what I wear when I do! Most of them violate copyright laws and post, and post, and REPOST all the shit they can find on me. This would not bother any other porn whore, but for me, it does. I seldom ever regret anything I’ve done in porn (with the exception of one scene), but I honestly would rather have some of it just go away. One of my wishes actually came true this year. The owner of my original porn name’s URL unlinked it from another porn name I had. He wanted to sell me the URL for $500, for which I promptly replied, “Go fuck yourself!”
I have ventured into a new career choice in life, and while it does not particularly matter in this field what I have done in the past, I am much, much happier with it. I make more money, and am required to do about 70% less. I travel with it and I can write off about 60% of my basic living expenses under my newly formed company’s name! It’s great! But I have to tell you, more than a few people have recognized me. These moments were almost surreal. When I get the whole, “Um, you look vaguely familiar….” or “Hey, are you _____?” I giggle inside and am tickled pink because I was SO low radar in porn, and people still recognize me! But I’m also reminded that it’s out there, it will be out there, and I can’t change that-probably NEVER. I woke up to a message on my phone from Ron Jeremy last week in Vegas, “Hey honey! It’s me Ron! Come to the Hard Rock and party with us….sorry I haven’t called in so long!” Now, who wakes up to a message like that?!” I love Ron, and I would really like to insert my foot in anyone’s piehole whom continually asks me, “How can you like him? He’s so gross!”
I guess this is really a blog to your readers and less to you (though you know my undying adoration for you!), to say that, well, there is a better chance than not that I will never appear in another porno again. There is an off-chance that I will do low-key magazine work, since I get really tickled pink by seeing myself in a major publication and have always truly loved really, really good photography. I miss the business a lot, and I have fleeting thoughts of trying to co-produce something with a favorite producer like Brandon Iron. But I know just how hard it is to make it big in the business now, and I’m not sure I’d be ready for those hurdles.
My last scene was published last month, Brandon’s Perverted Planet, volume two. Indeed, a very good scene. I was more my “self” than I am in any other porn, and it is clear how much more comfortable I am in that spotlight. Too bad it’s too late! I hope to catch you next week when I fly to Cali to start my road trip with momsies. I would really, really love to see you and maybe introduce you to one among the plethora of good vegan/vegetarian joints around there!! One last thing: DO NOT watch politics from now until after the election (unless the one we DON’T want gets in office….then NEVER watch). Since it drives both of us batty to watch or listen to hypocritical Republicunts, it will only raise your blood pressure-which vegetarian food is good for!
Your best bud,
P.S. Remember how we were discussing infidelity? ONE day later, a girl at work confessed to me that she cheated on her husband…not even THREE months after marriage! SICK!
Happy Birthday ISP!