I fought back tears and bit my lip and starting clicking all over the place: first, to Cherry’s profile; and sure enough, the RIP’s were already being posted; second, to her parents’ profiles, where I read frantically, trying to find a cause; third, back to Cherry’s profile, scrolling up from the RIP’s for clues to her demise. Nothing. All seemed well (posts of animals, which Cherry loved dearly…no weird drama or anything that would indicate any reason why she wouldn’t be with us anymore.)
A few days later, one of her friends reached out to me; at first, it seemed like foul play might be cause. Later, toxicology reports cited an accidental overdose.
I couldn’t make Cherry’s memorial service, but I think about her almost every day. She was a kind, peaceful soul who loved her friends and family and her bunnies and turtles…all animals, really.
She will be terribly missed.
One of the earliest blogs centered on my “Cherry crush”, and rereading it now just reminds me not only of how much I liked Cherry…but how difficult it is for any sex worker to maintain happy, healthy relationships. It also reminds me that I need to up my writing game — that’s for sure.
This blog’s original air date: September 17, 2005
Lately I’ve been crushing on Cherry Poppens.
And not just a crush like oh there’s Cherry Poppens on a website doing this or that and boy I’d sure like to meet her crush
I’m single and I shoot porn and I’m feeling like I wanna have a girlfriend who’s in the biz and Cherry’s a porn star so that helps and we’re friendly and that helps and maybe she might like me so I should ask her out kind of crush.
Cherry’s super cool. I’ve worked with her a ton of times. In fact, I’ve hired her for everything I can, and given her multiple scenes on some of the sites I shoot — more than once or twice.
From a marketing angle, Cherry’s awesome: she’s a true redhead (rare), has great natural body, she’s super cute, puts on a great scene…and does just about anything you can ask for…in other words, she sells.
On a personal note, she’s solid: drug and drama free, great personality, true redhead (really rare), is super cute, has great natural body…and can carry an intelligent conversation on anything from punk rock (which I love) to politics (which I love to hate).
Which brings me back to why I even started writing this: I’ve been crushing on Cherry Poppens. I took the top picture at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood a long time ago, right after we wrapped one of her first scenes. The bottom shot is from a couple years later, I took her to a Dylan show at the Hollywood Palladium.
But she’s got a dude. And he’s probably this young, cool stud with cheek bones and washboard abs and tattoos and smokes unfiltered cigarettes while he hangs out on Venice Beach all day, skateboarding or surfing and not giving a shit about anything.
Which means I don’t have a chance.

You already know my feeling about Cherry. You lucky dog!
Judging from her myspace page, Cherry is still kinda in the business isn’t she? Or did she spin that off to somebody else?
99% of those myspace pages are spam and bullshit.
I tried to get her to acknowledge me as a “friend” on her facebook page but she deleted me. No trust I suppose. I get it. Glad she’s doing well outside the biz. She always had a screen presence.
you never kno what your future holds
Billy, met Cherry at her new place of work on tuesday 10/20/09, recognized her, politely and quietly asked her if she was Cherry Poppens, she got very embarassed and distant after I said that.
But all the trademarks are there. Gorgeous red hair, amazing body, symbolic necklace, bangle bracelets, deep brown eyes. First she denied it, then she admitted nobody had brought it up outside of Facebook for like 10 years.
I can totally understand if it’s A: Not wanting to let her employers know of her former work. B: If she wants to put that life behind her in every way. I wish I could have told her how long I’ve been a fan of hers and always wanted to meet her at a con, but she was not having it that day.
I just hope the next time I roll to her store, that she’s
not wigged out by me or anything. Oh well, if you see her, tell her I meant no harm. Love your blog too bro.
I’ve been a big fan of Cherry’s for some time – mainly because she reminds me of a friend of my wife’s who happens to be from Wisconsin. Actually, Cherry always reminded me of a lot of Wisconsin girls – a little chunkier but cute nontheless and very willing to please. I’m glad to hear she’s doing well outside the biz.
A bunch of straight-up creeps around here.
Jesus Christ loves you all. He never came into this world to condemn but the world (thats us) may be saved from hell and damnation! Jesus Chris loves you, He doesnt love what you’re doing but if you would take the time today to repeat after me. . . .Lord forgive me for all my sins. Lord come into my life, Save me and fill me with your holyspirit. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. Ask God to give you the holyspirit and the the evidence of tounges (showing His arrival). After all this has taken place, you live for Christ now. No more lusting after men and/or women, money, glory or fame. We live for Christ now. Get you a good king james bible and you study it. When you dont understand it, ask the Holyspirit for help and allow the Lord (if you dont already have a church home) guide you to a church where they teach Holiness. Choose this way of Salvation than sin and hell. Make the best decision, you wont regret it!
i lived with u hope u well mark miss ya momma its pappa
hey momma its pappa hope u well..lov m
What’s with the epidemic of dead porn whores lately? Sounds like a Mel Gibson joke. Hey, maybe Damien in the comments above is onto something. “Damien”….lol.
What’s with the epidemic of dead porn whores lately? Sounds like the start of a Mel Gibson joke. Hey, maybe Damien in the comments above is onto something. “Damien”….lol.
Sofia Dee that U.K. sexy slut loves cum splattered all over her face..
RIP Cherry….
I knew her outside of porn. Funny, charming, take no shit kinda girl. Sadly missed, she deserved better. Hadn’t talked in a couple years. I moved away and didn’t keep in touch. She was a sweetheart, it’s a big loss for the world. Doing a SKOL chant for you M. Go Vikes 😭
One luv Cherry! R.I.P
Hey Billy got a question for you do you know what happened to Cherry Poppens?
shes not dead her name is anya davenport now lol
I thought she was gorgeous, one of the few natural redheads in adult movies. Only just found out she’s deceased. Sorry to hear she died 🙁 from a fan in New Zealand.
Dead drug addict whore. Whoopty shit, go to any porn site and there’s thousands more like her. I have more of a emotional reaction stepping on an ant
Fuck off and die asshole, she was person. Don’t fucking judge you shit stain…..she’s at piece now away from fucks like you.
Her name was Heather and she was from Sacramento, where we ran in some of the same circles. Where do people come up with this stuff? Just want to sound like you knew her? Sad. Lol
I loved cherry. I love all redheads, there aren’t enough redheads in porn.
“Dead drug addict whore”
She’s thousands time better than repulsive maggot like you do a world a favor kill yourself fucking oxygen thief.
era una buena nalguita güerita pelirroja me gusto mucho cuando se fornico dos veces a el horroroso enano negro LIL PIMP HAND y cuando él la insemino la segunda ves que se encontraron sus SEXOS ella con pelos púbicos pelirrojos y el enano con pelos púbicos negros. que bella combinación INTERRACAL. hubiera estado chido que ella se hubiera quedado embarazada de LIL PIMP HAND. al menos hubiera dejado la semilla del horroroso enano negro para ver como seria su hijita ó hijito no creen AMIGOS??…
¿Qué sucede contigo?
Had you done your research before being accusatory, you would have noticed the over 100 pages of blog posts leading back to 2005, all describing his employment in the industry. Unless he made those up for attention, too. It seems to me that over a decade’s employment in the same field says it’s incredibly more likely that he knew her rather than some rando cunt (which is you). Just sayin’.