From time to time I have guests blog whatever it is they feel like blogging. I will not tell them what to blog; I won’t edit it; I won’t influence the Guest Blogger in any way.
Since I’m still holding strong with my Brethren on Strike, I’m having Doron Pepperscone take over the blog for a while. He used to be The Minion, but, like Jekyll and Hyde, Doron goes back and forth between alter-egos. He’s now calling himself Doron Pepperscone, cause that’s what Adrianna Nicole calls him.
Today, Doron’s lookin’ for luv…ladies, here’s your chance.
“Tha Mad Scientist”, Billy Watson, is still on strike.
In fact, last I heard he was applying for government assistance in order to weather the storm of his latest financial woes. The studio is as empty as my refrigerator the night before Yom Kippur. The last few days I’ve been going through the landfill of tapes Billy has shot on. Fuck it, I’ll cut to the chase…………I’m depressed.
Why am I in a saddened state? Well, the holiday season is drawing near and for some odd reason I’m still single when those around me are dating, mating, and spilling their DNA all over the place. Don’t get me wrong, I’m WAS working for Billy Watson editing such sites as : Manojob.com, TheDickSuckers.com, ChelciFox.com, and others I can’t speak of at the moment. That experience working for Mr.Watson (get back to work, junior) has been beneficial. I got to see the freshest pussies getting fucked on a daily basis. Handjobs and Blowjobs were the norm. However, I’m still single and my testicles are ready to explode with a force not seen since Hiroshima.
Basically I’m saying that I’m on the market and any woman can have the pleasure of wining and dining me at a location of my choice. Ladies, why wouldn’t you want this? Did your last boyfriend know every single line to Robocop? Did your last man cry at the end of the comic book where Superman dies? Let me ask you this: Did your last lover lose sleep over the Mac vs PC debate? I think not!
Ladies, hit me up at DoronPepperScone (at) yahoo (dot) com or fuck it, call me at 818-300-9637.
Tell them Large Marge sent ya!