I Shoot Porn: Before your illustrious career as a porn whore, what did you do?
Phoenix Marie: Finance for Yamaha, Honda, Polaris, Harley Davidson, and Kawasaki. I was a finance manager, actually.
ISP: Wow! That means you can add and subtract. You know, most Porno Stars can’t.
PM: Hey, I’m a high school and college grad!
ISP: Yipee! Where from?
PM: Riverside, CA. I went to UCR.
ISP: Isn’t Riverside where all the meth in California is made?
PM: No, that’s actually Hemet.
ISP: Do you have a drug problem?
PM: Nope. Never even had a single cigarette even.
ISP: Were you molested as a child?
PM: Nope.
ISP: Does your suitcase pimp show his love with a strong backhand?
PM: Not thus far! I’m a good whore!! Really, I don’t have a pimp, except my agent, LA Direct!
ISP: Do you ever feel exploited after walking off a porno set?
PM: Nope. I always feel respected and I have a lot of fun at my job. There’s never a 9 to 5 day here.
ISP: So how many scenes have you done so far?
PM: Our trip to the Gloryhole was my 8th scene ever.
ISP: What did you think about the dirty filthy gloryhole?
PM: Very, very naughty. I can’t believe I actually did it.
ISP: Oh, it gets better! Now you’re going to experience Ruth Blackwell and her black best pal. Any feelings on black cock?
PM: Um, the bigger the better.
ISP: Were you a super slut before you got into porno?
PM: I’ve only been with 6 guys in my life before porn.
ISP: That’s crazy. What up with that?
PM: I’ve always been in a monogamous, serious relationship.
ISP: What was the craziest thing you ever did sexually, off camera??
PM: Do you wanna hear about the Harley or the jet ski…or both?
ISP: Water and sex always make for fun.
PM: I’m with my dude, we’re at the river in Laughlin, families all around us — his and mine — middle of the afternoon. It’s a stand up jet ski. So we started playing around…you know, typical grabbing my boobs, bending me over like he was gonna bang me, and finally he turned me so I was facing him, laying down on the jet ski, then he pulled my bikini bottoms to the side, and he inserted his big dick in my pussy, and then started the jet ski and we drove around in the open water while he was fucking me.
ISP: Wait a sec. Your family was watching?
PM: We were trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. But they got a show, yea. His mom and step dad more so, and when we came back they gave him a bunch of shit! Step dad said, “Not only does she have air bags, your jet ski does too, now!”
ISP: May I see your beautiful air bags?

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How do u become a pornstar