Lizzie Tucker: I was graduating high school. I’m from Dallas, Texas.
ISP: I lived in Dallas for a while. Weird, weird town. I used to go to this weird flea market under I-35 that started at, like, 3 am. Right under the highway. Once this dude tried to sell me a handgun that was “untraceable, in case you ever needed to off somebody”. His words. I think it’s the only city in America a President could get whacked…and the killer could get away.
LT: Yea, it’s my home town. I like it.
ISP: How did you make your way into the adult biz?
LT: I came out with AJ Estrada. We’ve been room mates for two years. One night we were watching “Zack and Miri Make a Porno”, and we decided we were ready for our next adventure in life: porn. We went online and found our agent, but there was one problem. I was only 17. I had to wait another month to pursue my dream of becoming a porn star.
ISP: I was waiting for the first “Zack and Miri” girl!! Is that what you want? Porn Stardom?
LT: I don’t know to be honest. I just want to see how it goes, and so far it’s going pretty good.
ISP: Was there anyone famous you’d like to bang when you hit porno stardom? Like Jay or Seth Rogen?
LT: I wanna bang Owen Wilson. I’d bang Matthew McConaughey, too.
ISP: Any crazy sexual encounters you’d be willing to share before you jumped into adult?
LT: When I was 16 I fucked two dudes who were brothers. New Year’s Eve. They were my boyfriend’s best friends. My boyfriend was upstairs at the party, and I was having a different kind of party downstairs with his best pals. Happy New Years!
ISP: What’s your favorite fast food?
LT: I don’t eat fast food. Shit’s nasty.
ISP: Does dick size matter?
LT: Umm….yes. For me, it has to be at least…I like ’em big. If it’s any smaller than 8 inches, I won’t enjoy it.
ISP: Shit. That means we’re doomed. You’ll never like having sex with me.
LT: (Lizzie laughs. I didn’t).
ISP: How many scenes you got under your belt?
LT: About 25.
ISP: Any one scene you particularly didn’t like?
LT: I did a party scene one time, um, and my male talent was kinda cute. I stick my hands down to jack him off and get the scene going, and my first reaction was “Where is it?” It was seriously this big (she holds up her pinkie). I’m gonna feel so bad if the dude reads this interview. He’s gonna think I’m a bitch.
ISP: How often do you meet strangers off the internet and bang them?
LT: I may be porn star, but I’m not a slut.
ISP: How do you feel about being referred to as a whore?
LT: I would say haters can hate, but I know what I am.
ISP: Whores should be everyone’s favorite thing. Any hobbies?
LT: I play volleyball. I did in high school, and now I just play sand volleyball on the beach. I want to play in college…when I get there.
ISP: Why aren’t you in college now?
LT: I’m focusing on my porn career and saving money. I want to pay for college with my porn money…hopefully I’ll study photography and history.
ISP: That’s a great idea. I hope you actually follow through and do it.

“…and do it.”
It doesn’t bode well that she can’t get over the whore label. Good luck Lizzie.
Oh, and, next!
“I may be porn star, but I’m not a slut.” LOL what did she say? Haters can hate? She.. she.. she, she, knows better? LMAO at this white girl. Very naive she is. Next time she cashes a check for sucking a dick and letting dick inside her pussy LOL she needs to understand what she is. Lizzie “bogus name” Tucker from Dallas, Tx you’re a fucking WHORE! BTW that dude that she was talking about with the pinky sized dick, Well he might not feel too bad, she is indeed a bitch. w She proved that already . Billy, not an IR fan, however the fans would agree with me, this bitch should be in bro-bang, let 20 niggers trash her face and make her swallow some too. How about them Cowboys?
Any girl who watches “Zack and Miri Make a Porno” and decides to do porn is a dumb cunt anyways.
“I’m not a slut but… When I was 16 I fucked two dudes who were brothers. New Year’s Eve. They were my boyfriend’s best friends. My boyfriend was upstairs at the party, and I was having a different kind of party downstairs with his best pals. Happy New Years!”
I guess by today’s standards that’s not being a slut. If that’s just everyday normal behavior for a 16 year old girl I’m glad I don’t have any kids and wish I was 16 again for like a week.
I hope she pisses off the wrong girl and gets the fuck beat out of her. Now that I would pay to see.
Oh, one more thing, Lizzie. Get some blue or green contacts. I hate brown eyes. Dogs and black chicks have brown eyes and I wouldn’t fuck either of those. Happy new Year!
Some of these comments are kinda harsh. Great blog though! Would love to see you stop by my site sometime. Maybe we could do a link partnership. Either way, good luck with your site.
A girl can sometimes can get away with being a bitch when she’s a 10, but this girl is only a 6. The whole I’m not a whore(don’t fuck fans)/I don’t like cocks under 8 inches is a bit much for someone like her.
Chicks with her looks need to be more receptive than picky if they want a decent fan following. Lizzie’s jiggly booty says A2M, not contract girl and the sooner she realizes that the sooner she’ll be able to save up for college.
Christ, Billy. You wrote this in jest? “Photography and history”? I fucking peed my pants laughing.
This whore might be a fluff whore, or a back up for a load drop, but if she thinks she’s something I would waste a dollar on your site for she’s got another thing coming.
Billy, don’t know what it is about your sites that attracts these open racists, especially since most of the content is IR. But anyway, I like Lizzie. I mainly like her booty. Seen her in a few scenes so far (by a competitor).
Not really sure why people celebrate these porn girls so much but at the same time look so far down on them. Yeah she contradicted herself a little but why the hatred on someone you don’t even know? Anyway, book her while she lasts. 25 scenes in, probably only 100 more to go before she bails.
She’s “girl-next-door”/ waitress cute.That’s a good place to be in the business.Work should be steady.God luck kid.Get your degree.
Oh my gosh! I loved that “I fucked my best boyfriend’s friends! Who where brothers while my boyfriend was upstairs”: What kind of friends are they and what kind of girlfriend is she?! SHE IS A FUCKIN HERO! I love you girl! Unfortunately, both of the participants were as caucasian as she is… So Billy, you need to shoot that girl in a cuckold session with that scenario: she fucks her white boyfriend’s 2 black friends!
@ Seal Klum
Not in Texas son.
Some of these comments are well over the top, so she’s not the sharpest crayon in the box and she has a problem being called a slut, despite acting like one long before she was in porn… so what.
She has a plan, all be it one that will probably be swallowed up by the porn industry.
At the end of it all she looks cute and performs well so I don’t don’t give a fuck about anything else.
Good luck Lizzie.
Well to those of you who decided to “hate” so be it. I’m going somewhere in life and despite what dumb bullshit you have to say I have a good, excelling career. So what if that qualifies me to society’s standards as a slut. If you don’t like my eyes don’t watch me, if you don’t like big booty then go watch skinny girls get fucked. Seriously though grow some balls and use some manners assholes. I’m lizzie tucker the fucker and you can suck it! How’s that for being a bitch 🙂
For the rest of you thank you so much for the support 🙂 It’s my absolute pleasure to entertain you. I don’t plan on bailing soon, I love what I do! i’ve been keeping busy;) and More good stuff to come soon! Mwwahhh!
<3 Lizzie Tucker!
I got Sable. I don’t need her.
The haters here are a bunch of dorks. She’s 18 years old and just getting started with life. I shudder to think how stupid I woulda sounded at that age. Thank god no one ever stuck a microphone in my face.
The jagoffs here should think twice before spouting off. Hell, even thinking once would be progress.
I don’t know who posted acting as if they were me but this is the real Lizzie Tucker and fact is I love black dick
first of all , I am from East Europe so sorry about my bad english :))
Well, I saw a movie with this girl yesterday , and wow, she’s so amaizing, she’s so beautiful. :X I love her , too bad she’s a porn star , she deserves to be alot more than that.
I hope she will go to college and will fallow a difrent career or maybe become a serious actress at hollywood or something.
And to all the jerks talking trash about her, I just wish you where in front of me so I could knock some of your teeth out .
lizzie the fact is your a FOOL..its not an insecurity issue on the side of ‘the haters’ its a public safety issue on the part of a clean society.Check the CDC for the black male hiv incidence rate clueless one.Good luck ever finding a white man who would ever want you silly tainted twat.
I hope she reads this because I am not going to pick on her as much as say that I think it really is sad that someone of her looks resorted to porn. I hope she doesn’t plan on having kids because how do you explain shit like that to your kids? or your family? Good grief….
I do or did know Lizzie personally and all you “haters” nailed it on the head she is a bitch and a whore and likes to pretend she’s not but cmon she saw a movie and just decided to suck dick for a living. Tell Ana I said hi. You should think about how all your old friends see you now I’ll tell you how with a dick in your mouth.
FYI there’s no degree in slutology
I used to know “Lizzie” quite well (from RHS) and all I gotta say is….. Thats one dumb ho.
Stay in porn sweetie because you’re not getting anywhere else in life at this point!
I’m sorry for being harsh but come on, porn? I thought you had SOME goals.
Does any one know the “party scene” she’s referring to with the small dick?
all those who hate on that cutie a little word of advice if you hate porn and pornstars keep off porn sites.
Go ASIAN fellas-best pussy on planet earth!
Hi Lizzie, I love watching you. Come visit Chicago and do a scene with this down to earth horny black guy. I’d love meet you. Nothing wrong with porn: It’s been around for a long time. I’d rather see more porn stars than prostitutes on the street. Hell, I actually thought of getting into the business ( I love pussy). Seriously, Lizzie I’m trying to meet you but, I cant find you and your FB profile is just a fan page. Come to Chicago.
im a blk guy n i like u lizzie,ahys thinkin’ bout gittin into pono muhself…but ahys only gots a 4 in hard penis.Did muh bruthas gib u any std or hib ?
eres preciosa
duuuude it was my bro and I who nailed her..she is trash like, scum of the earth..she is so stupid! her ‘bf’ was getting blown by some other chick upstairs while she was with us.. we planned it all out..and she’s talkin on there like she’s some bad ass bitch. she is fowl CUNT. everybody back home is like HAHAHA SLUUUUUUUUUUUUT.
people thought that of her b4 word spread she was in porn..we knew she’d never amount to anything…except a dick…… hahahahaha!!!
She is so cute. wife materials. i want to marry her…
Lizzie is a cute girl next door with a great ass for a wholesome white girl. I wish she could tell us what AJ Estrada is up to. AJ Estrada just exudes sex appeal and her amazing lips were born to be on a cock.