Kinda ballsy in this climate — starting a new website. Anyway, I thought for a second. “How about an interracial foot job site? I don’t think there’s many of those around. Call it “WhiteFeetBlackMeat.com.”
“That would be kinda cheap to produce…I like it, but I want something dirtier. Really dirty.”
“How dirty?” I asked.
“Depraved. Completely wrong. Something that’s highly offensive and lacks any and all merit…beyond jerk-off material.”
I agreed. “That’s what it takes to sell nowadays,” I said.
So I went to my old stand by…one that I’ve voiced many times, but no ones ever really produced — to my knowledge. “Black dudes doing Asians. The teeniest, tiniest little Asian girls we can find. Call it SpooksonGooks.com.”
“I don’t think VISA will let that fly. Anything else?”
I was stumped.
“Tell me what you think about this,” he said. I winced as he blurted out, “Let’s have dads forced to watch their daughters bang negroes.”
“So we’ve got the dad in a cuckold role?” I said.
He answered, “In a sense, yea.”
I asked, “Are the negroes angry…like The BroBangers?”
“No. Make them smart. They’re the boss. They’re in charge.”
“How do we force the dads to stick around and watch as their daughters are getting plowed? I mean any did I know would pull out a gun and start shooting up the place.”
We went over a few scenarios; the best one was to put the daughter/father team in a “counseling session”. A session that would be started by a white guy, and after a few minutes the white doctor would call in his associate. The associate would be the black dude, and that’s when the fireworks would start.
“Give the doctor a smart name,” my boss said.
“How’s Dr. Harvard? That’s the smartest name I know.”
“Great. Go online and print out a diploma and put it on his desk. Make the girls barely-legal, and make sure they’re smart alecs. And no matter what dumb shit comes out of their mouth, have Dr. Harvard agree with them. The daughter is always right. Then, march in the associate, exit Dr. Harvard, and have her get railed.”
As I shot the scenes to start the site, the scenarios expanded, but the theme remained the same: pure, unadulterated filth; its sole function is masturbatory fodder.
And, as always, only the very best fodder at that.

love this interracial stuff,
Hmmm, I like SpooksonGooks. Tiny asians, big wangs. Sold!
Kudos on your concept, Billy. Barely legal and petite sounds
great. Emma Luvgood and Richard Mann was spot-on.
Is that Lexi Diamond? When did she start doing interracial? Perhaps I’m just ‘out-of-the-loop-‘.
Wonderful. Another site promoting racial demagoguery. I’m waiting for the website to launch called fieldniggers. Black guys speaking in a mid 18th century slave style and fucking white woman in a cotton field. “Yo sho do have a tight poontang miss. I hopes the massa don find out, oh lawdy. I jus a dum negro with a big dick”
Still waiting on Chinkswithtinydinks. It could be women insulting asian men and explaining to them why they are physically inferior to other races. There could be a mock gas chamber the asian guy enters to purge his races genes from humanity.
For white guys, well, cuckold porn has went there. I don’t need to make anything up.
I realize porn caters to racial steroetypes and ugly prejudices but come on. This is why I rarely watch interracial porn unless it’s a couple of actors I know who aren’t going to pop lines like “White Bitch, worship my big black cock!!!” I start giggling.
Keep racial bullshit out of porn instead of constantly promoting it.
lexi must have hated this scene because she stopped doing interracial as a one and done scene.
i like this site better than all these site that r dedicated to milfs. just dont allow flash brown to take ova this fuckin site to.
Most of the guys on blacksonblondes ive seen in gay porn
Ha Ha! After you make a bucket o money with spooksongooks.com then you have to promise to devote your time and talents to furthering racial harmony and tolerance Billy!
More ideas for why a dad has his daughter fuck a guy
1) They are behind on their rent and the landlord knows a way they can catch up.
2) The black man catches the father at work embezzling money, the price to not talk is his daughter.
the stuff writes itself!
I luv your new site! But still fuckin the codec you used MF! Please use the same codecs you use for the BlacksOnBlondes vids!
Another boring and cheap degrading site from the dog-fart network. LOL the dad’s all probably look the same? Not wasting my time on this shit. “TT” you’re probably right. Byron Long was in a few gay porn movies at the beginning of his career. He needed money for his “weed” habits. Byron should marry Kylee Reese, they could sit around and smoke bowls all day with Billy while listening to “Wilco” they wouldn’t even need a panda mask, they’d be so fucked up and seeing one anyways. the perfect “american couple living in this watered down generation. Hey Billy how about a nigger panda site?
lovely site and idea….. as a father of a spoiled teen I totally undestrand the “dads” anguish and also there are several more possible scenarios. some based more or less on real cases I’ve witnessed:
a) “affirmative action” – white dad gets double whammied–… the “negro” was promoted instead of him, and while daughter visits dad at office, she congratulates the black guy for his new job.
b) white prosecutor working on a case vs some black criminal (for this u would need a guy with some nice prison tattoos… daughter comes to visit dad’s office and hooks up with the interesting black guy despites dads protests 🙂
and u shuld expand the vision to latinos, since Ilive in Calif and I’ve seen a handful R/T pretty white girls dating mexicans who look like fresh out of jail….