Vanessa Naughty: I did a gang bang cuckold scene, and Steve Driver was my cuckold.
ISP: You mean Steve Driver — The Murderin’ Mope?
VN: Yea.
ISP: I didn’t know Steve was taking cuckold roles. Then again, why would I know what kind of roles he’s been getting. I always thought he was just a bad mope.
VN: I thought he was strange, and a little too forward on set. Inappropriate. That’s why I requested he’d be my cuckold. I didn’t want him to bang me. Get this — he’s got stacks of pictures of him fucking girls in pornos, but they’re actually shots of a television playing pornos he’s in. They aren’t even clear shots; they’re totally random shots taken on a disposable camera and developed at, like, Walgreen’s.
ISP: That’s fucken creepy. So you couldn’t really tell who the girls are?
VN: You could, kinda, but all he talked about was himself. He basically freaked me out, so I told the producer at Ultima that I wouldn’t have sex with him. I went to Ultima a few days before the shoot and hung out with them. Steve Driver was very, very adamant about having my attention. He was also weird and quiet and thinking all the time. Then Steve asked me, “Do you want some pizza?” and I was like, “sure”, so he asked me for twenty bucks to pay for the pizza he just offered me. This is while I was going through his weird pictures. He also kept telling me about how much he loves anal, and how he wanted to do an anal scene with me. Isn’t that kinda weird? I mean there’s guys who’ll say “I really wanna work with you”, but to have some mope keep telling me “I wanna do anal with you” is really weird. If I ended up doing that scene with him, I’d be totally freaked.
ISP: So what was the vibe in the studio?
VN: All the dudes in that studio would tell Steve that he’s freaking the girls out. He got bent out of shape about that. Even after they told Steve that, he’d still try and get physical with the girls…even though he wasn’t part of the scene.
ISP: So the samurai sword was a studio prop?
VN: Yea, they had props laying around, and there were a few swords, but most of them were dull. There was a really sharp one everyone knew about.
ISP: They fired him right before he went haywire?
VN: Yea…for inappropriate behavior. They tried to explain to him that he wasn’t pulling his weight in the studio. From what I know, he got very, very angry, and a confrontation went down. Steve grabbed the sword and went after people. Tom (Dong) didn’t make it, and there’s two others who got severely injured. There was blood all over the studio. Steve hauled ass, and he hasn’t been seen since. I think he’s killed himself. I mean what else could be happening? He’s got no money, and no one I know would ever help that dude out.
ISP: Do you think the slow down in this industry is making the crazy porno people act crazier than they already are?
VN: I think it’s taking a toll on everyone — financially, emotionally and physically. I know I’ve had my nights that I wanna cry myself to sleep, but I just remind myself everything’s gonna be ok. But I’ve never been fired, and if someone tells you you’re being inappropriate on a porno set, then that’s pretty bad. Let me say this, too: Ultima DVD did everything they could for Steve Driver. They didn’t have to give him a place to live. They didn’t have to give him any favoritism, and he just abused the privileges they gave him. It’s that simple. In the end, this just gives the industry a bad name, and it shines a bad light on all of us. It’s just sad.
ISP: Tell me something good about this industry.
VN: Our industry is very professional — regardless of what people think. There are people in this industry who are professional, and who do treat it as a career and who are great to work with. You never know who you’re dealing with, whether it’s a doctor, or a baby sitter, or a postal worker…it could happen to anyone, anywhere. There’s people who aren’t in a good place, and they’re not just in the porno industry. Ultimately, what I’m trying to say is it’s not the industry to blame for this tragedy, it’s just a horrible thing that could have happened anywhere.
ISP: It would be like blaming the country of China — or the Chinese culture — for those weird, random knifings that have been going down in their schools.
VN: Everyone has an opinion of our industry, and it’s usually that it’s morally wrong, but who are those people to judge? They’ve got their own skeletons, too. Most of the people in this industry take care of themselves, they like what they’re doing, and they take it as seriously as they would any other business. We choose to be here. We’re not made to be here. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. What we do is legal, it’s safe, and that’s that.
ISP: How long have you been in the biz?
VN: A year and three months. I’m getting old. I’ll be 25 in July. Am I gonna be a MILF?
ISP: Kinda, yea…
VN: So when you become a MILF, is your career over?
ISP: No, not at all. It’s just like starting a new chapter in your porno career. You’re a singer, too?
VN: Yes, I’m a singer/song writer. I’ve been doing it my whole life. And yes, porn stars have other talents besides fucking. Can you put a link to my music?
ISP: Of course. Who are your influences?
VN: Etta James, Jefferson Airplane and Grace Slick, Joan Jett, Janis Joplin…pretty much every classic rock band.
ISP: I like Etta and Janis. I liked Joan when she was a Runaway. Are you playing live any time soon?
VN: Just going into the recording studio, but that’s all I’m gonna say right now. Except they said I can continue to be in porn.
ISP: Which, depending on who you’re talking to, is either a good thing…or a bad thing.

“Uhh no I wasn’t attacking nobody. I was just performing circumcisions that went horribly wrong.”
nice interview, she has a great voice. awesome to find I share the same b-day as this cool chick
fucksake.. she came so close to being tainted by Driver..
surely that would have been the kind of filth that could not easily be washed off…..cheers to her intuition.
This dude did end up killing himself.
heh..maybe the fact that she refused to do anal w/ him, it’s what made him go off nutzo…
it’s all her fault, dumb cunt 🙂
You are very beautiful.