Amy Brooke: I feel special. I remember the scene, you know what I mean? I was excited cause I got to work with Shane Diesel, cause I never had before. It was a challenge for me. Maybe not. I mean I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t done that much IR, but I like the fact that Shane and Rico Strong are on my level as far as freakishness goes. And the whole scene felt good…not that it felt good sexually, but that we were putting on a great show. I didn’t really have to “think” — it just happened. I hate having to carry a scene by myself. I also like being surprised when I’m working, and Shane surprised me for sure. I wasn’t choreographed.
ISP: Hey! I spelled “choreographed” correctly — the first time!
AB: Nice!
ISP: So you’re talking about Shane Diesel’s enormous “pre-cum” cum shot?
AB: Yea, it definitely surprised me, which turns me on even more. How about when I squirted in his mouth, and then he spit it back in mine?
ISP: That was hot. Have you been a freak your whole life?
AB: I was always down to do everything, and very open sexually, but I never started doing freaky stuff til I was, like….16.
ISP: Tell me a freaky story from your teen years.
AB: When I just starting having sex one of my boyfriends loved watching me fuck his friends. He’d bring like 3 friends over, so with him included that would be 4. His three friends would fill me up with cum, and he’d take sloppy fourths. Crazy, huh? Isn’t that weird?
ISP: Actually, no. There’s whole sites built around that fetish. But it is weird that he was a teen into that sort of depraved, perverted shit.
AB: You know what’s funny, these gang bangs didn’t go down at a house, or a “normal” settings. We’d sneak out at like 2 am and go to a park and they’d pull a train on me in the baseball bleachers. Isn’t that weird? It’s a true story! Is that considered freaky?
ISP: That’s a freak show.
AB: I think I’ve taken more dudes’ virginity that any other girl I know.
ISP: Do you have any idea how many dudes you’ve banged off camera?
AB: More than 100 for sure. But I don’t know at all. I used to keep a list. When I was 16, my list was up to about 90.
Gia Paloma, Make-up artist: Did you have your list sectioned off, like a BJ section and a sex section…or if they went down on you?
AB: I didn’t have a “Down On You” part, but I had a BJ section. I don’t like getting eaten out. I rather get fingered.
ISP: If I wandered into your apartment and looked into your fridge right now, what would I find?
AB: Jenny Craig. Hummus and pita bread. And lots of energy drinks.
ISP: So how crazy is it that we went to the same high school…and the same middle school? I am class of ’82, and you’re class of 2005!
AB: I wasn’t even born in ’82! That’s just insane, though! Our high school is deranged! Did you know that? We weren’t even allowed to ride in the same bus with the football players cause we’d blow them, so they made the cheerleaders take a separate bus to games! Oh yea, and I fucked a dude in the ass who went to our school, too! For Joe over at AMA! We’re just freaks! Don’t you think??
ISP: Super freaks! You were a cheerleader?
AB: Cheer just freshman year, then I did Pom my last three years. I like dancing better than doing stunts. Plus, I am afraid of heights, and in cheer they always wanted me to go to the top of pyramid cause I’m so tiny.
ISP: Do you hang out with anyone in the biz?
AB: I do! Sindee Jennings, Sadie West, and McKenzee Miles. Sindee’s my best friend. Ashli Orion, too. And Claire Dames. Those are like my main chicks.
ISP: Talk about a Freak Squad! I mean that only as the highest compliment, too.
AB: That’s good. I like my dirty girls.
ISP: Does dick size really matter?
AB: Um…(thinking)….it depends. I’ve had really big dicks that also happened to be the worst sex in my life.
ISP: What’s on your iPod?
AB: Um…a lot of Bon Jovi.
ISP: SHUT UP. That’s borderline criminal behavior.
AB: Oh yea. And my ring tone is Bon Jovi.
ISP: What Bon Jovi song is your ring tone?
AB: It’s a classic! (She grabs her phone and plays it for me — “It’s My Life”). I also have a lot of country…Allan Jackson, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Willie Nelson. Um…I have my workout songs, MIA, Brittney Spears, Lady Gaga, Madonna. Then, like…I have everything.
Gia Paloma, Make-up artist: What’s your guilty pleasure? Like, when you’re in your car and you’re listening to something that’s kinda embarrassing to be listening to? Mine’s Lady Gaga or Jay-Z’s “New York New York”…I dunno what that song is even called.
AB: Justin Bieber. He’s so hot. I totally want to bang him. Is that against the law?
ISP: Isn’t he like 12 or something? So, yea…it’s against the law. Anyways, who do you love to work for?
AB: Evil Angel. And you, of course. And Immoral Productions, which is always a fun day. I love working for Porno Dan.
ISP: What can’t I book you for?
AB: Nothing. There’s nothing I won’t do.
ISP: If Beastie Porn was legal, could I book you to bang a Doberman?
AB: Definitely.
ISP: 50 man bukakke?
AB: Well, I’ve done 20, but yea…50 would work. They tried to book me for a 50 man anal cream pie, but my agent said no. Oh! I won’t do a vag cream pie.
ISP: Why won’t let a dude blast in your cunt?
AB: I’m not on birth control, which I know is crazy. But you know what? The only time I’ve ever been pregnant is when I’m on birth control. Plus I’m a crazy bitch on birth control. I don’t even know who I am on that shit.
ISP: Describe your worst day on a set.
AB: Features. I’m a gonzo chick. I mean sometimes features are fun. I hate showing up on a feature set and I don’t know it’s a feature set. I also hate showing up at 8 am and sitting around until 6 pm when I start work. If I’m booked for a feature, I wanna know ahead of time. And the diva girls drive me crazy. I just can’t do it. Well, I can do it, but it’s not easy. I mean really — who do you think you are? Maybe that’s rude, but whatever.
ISP: Gotta boyfriend right now?
AB: I don’t date. I barely have time for myself, let alone another human being. Plus, I get bored easily…and I don’t like to be controlled. Maybe I haven’t met the right person. I have seven fuck buddies that I rotate though.
ISP: Any way I can get in that rotation?
AB: Of course. You just gotta call me more.

great blog. what’s your opinion on this PSA video the “adult industry ” did?
Sans the Bon Jovi, that was incredibly hot. Count me a new fan.
Jesus Christ what a trooper!
I love these interviews. MORE. More interviews!
funny…..I was gonna post that wired vid/article about the pornhoors apealing to people on to pirate porn
….I have to say, I had a great laugh at that vid….esp. the used up hoors on there.
with all the desperate fresh whores and dudes pushing to get into the biz everyday, I seriously doubt there will be a shortage of good porn being made…..and the skanks in that vid are simply getting to old/used up to even be in the biz, let alone lobby for it.
Amy Brooke is staright up filthy.I loved her scene.. hope you got her for a few other DogFart sites…
BTW Billy I here Samantha Sin Is Back Please call her and get her on film again.. Shes at FoxxxModeling..
Best interview in a while…she is such a slut…LOVE IT!
here ya go….it’s all your fault Billy 🙂
Billy, I canceled my subscription BOB!
I was subscriber over five years, and never made any request,
Just ask you now, please, can a scene with misti love (blonde) …
cucksessions and BOB in more than three black guys??
and only if it is possible to say that I have already made back the signature and I’ll be waiting for this moment, Billy please answer!
Billy did you shoot that bitch for brobang? yes or no? and Amy’s scene for devils film “gangland” #74 was good too. Shocked who she’s friend’s with. jmo that Ashli Orion’s brobang scene was the best on the brobang network. She swallowed all their cum and wanted to be the mother of the next Obama.. priceless
I would REALLY love to see a prom night cuckold scene on BOB!!! Like the white guy doesn’t know she likes blacks and they get back to the hotel room after the festivities and Flash is there!!
I would LOVE to see a prom night cuckold scene on BOB!! Like the white guy and white girl partake in the regular festivities and then when they get back to the hotel room, there’s Flash ready to bang the blondie into oblivion since the white guy didn’t know he had a BBC lover in the first place!!
“backstabber” the porn industry being pirated upon isn’t too bad. The porn industry isn’t losing a nickel on websites like youjizz, tube8, EMPflix, TNAflix or tubetrooper. The industry is mad that they’re not getting nickels from those sites. Jules Jordan is the backstabber since he’s been pirating porn and making money off them sites behind the scenes over the past few years. I’ve scanned the tube channels and in all honesty the videos are the same ones reposted from the 2003-2008 era of porn or current samples from sites like BOB. Most of the scenes posted on “tube channels” are outdated and not even for sale anymore. I still do pick up good DVD’s from time to time. I think that porn has went down the “tubes” due to the economy taking it’s toll on the directors and companies money and spending habits and it shows at times with a lousy thrown together product.
The “milf” era is lame. Too many old women in porn who look crusty and not really seeming to be into it, excluding Janet Mason and a few others, i hate milf porn.
FOR BOB and brobang, Billy tell your boss to quit using/hiring the same women over and over. i know it’s not your fault.
I’d say this
Not enough young white girls being used for BOB and brobang and if they are it’s gloryhole and a one on one BOB scene.
Scene concepts, how about a handcuffed interracial blowbang, white girl handcuffed on her knees blowing 5-6 black men as they cum in a bowl and make her swallow the cum
White girl cheerleader taking on the black basketball team. Interracial gangbang with cum swallowing. Tommie Ryden was a good idea with a “cheerleader” outfit and all but a one on one scene not so much.
over all i like your directing Billy, keep up the good work
funny…..I was gonna post that wired vid/article about the pornhoors apealing to people on to pirate porn
….I have to say, I had a great laugh at that vid….esp. the used up hoors on there.
with all the desperate fresh whores and dudes pushing to get into the biz everyday, I seriously doubt there will be a shortage of good porn being made…..and the skanks in that vid are simply getting to old/used up to even be in the biz, let alone lobby for it.
brobang is a good website. i’m a member of that site but i do think it can be a bit more contoversial, how about adding a couple of black chicks dressed in black panther uniforms and getting mad at the black men for being with a white woman, you know something more contraversal and entertaining like if it was a episode of jerry springer
para mi las mejores ecenas de shane diesel es con tommie ryden esa chica es muy flexible ademas parece que shane
diesel siempre le hace llegar al orgasmo
si alguien sabe noticas de tomie ryden comuniquenlo
creo que ya hace muy pocos videos porno.
country girl, love it….wish i was in that rotation, you are so gorgeous
Is there a link anywhere to that pre cum scene she was talking about?