I shit you not.
You know I don’t talk too much about my past, but a long time ago, I taught high school seniors how to write. No, I didn’t take perverted pictures of them, nor did I behave inappropritately around them – ever. And if someone would have told me then that I’d be shooting porn now…well, I wouldn’t have believed them.
Not for a second.
Think it’s weird an ex-teacher is shootin’ porn? Ron Jeremey used to teach…special kids, too. So there. Plus, I’ve told you no one really aspires to be a pornographer…it just sorta happens. But yea, it might be weird, but oh well. Take me for what I am, but let’s not digress.
There was one student who was a real pain in the ass. Actually, I had lots and lots of Pain In The Ass Students. Tons. This particular student was in my class for the two or three weeks he actually showed up one semester. If he didn’t ditch my class, I gave him the boot most of the time, mostly cause he was a discipline problem.
Then he dropped out forever.
Let’s fast forward about a decade. Eight and a half years to be exact. I’m now the main guy shooting for Blacks on Blondes, and Erin Moore calls me. She’s excited, cause she’s kinda seeing this new guy, and he’s down with watching her get plowed by a big-dicked brother.
I’m serious.
I book the scene with my main most man Boz The Animal. He’s been known to tear a white pussy to shreds, especially when Hubby is watching.
I’ll cut to the chase: Erin walks in with her boyfriend, and it’s that Pain In The Ass Kid. To reiterate, I shit you not. If that wasn’t weird enough, here’s where it gets weirder: I actually remembered him. I taught for a few years, which tallies up to hundreds and hundreds of students, most of which were a pain in the ass, and I don’t remember 98% of them. In fact, to this day, I remember less than a dozen of them.
But I remembered Erin Moore’s cuckold.
The second he walked into my studio.
Thank God, Allah, Jesus, Buddah, The Pope, Joseph Smith and George W Bush that he didn’t recognize me.
I shot the scene. I didn’t mention a thing. Not a word to anyone, except maybe Spring Thomas, and, I think, Erin…a few days later, when she broke up with the guy. The whole thing was so fucking weird it’s painful to talk about even now, years later – my ex-Pain In The Ass Student who gets off watching his chick fuck a big-dicked brother.
Nice, huh?
But I got the scene. And that’s all that counts.