Things have changed a bit since I wrote this. Work has slowed in Porn Valley. DVD’s are dead. Tube sites are giving the porn consumers everything for free in hopes that you’ll sign up for one of the dating sites they promote. I still get e-mails all the time for this info, so I’m running it once more.
This blog’s original air date: October 19th, 2005.
You wanna start a website, right? Maybe you want to produce dirty DVD’s? So you went out, bought all the equipment, and you’re ready to start working. Time to book talent!
Or maybe you’re sitting at your desk, making your 40 or 50K a year, and you’re bored, and you’re thinking Wonder if I could be a porn star? And if so…wonder how much money I could make?
Maybe you have no desire to earn a living as a porn star…but you’re curious?
Wanna book a porn girl for nudie pics? That’s gonna run you about $100 bucks an hour. She should also play with herself a little bit for that kind of dough. But don’t expect her to ram a giant dildo up her snatch. That’s gonna cost you a tad more.
Blowjob scene more your speed? That’s $250 – $300, depending on the girl. If you want her to gag, or drool, or do a “rough” BJ, add $50 or so.
I know. I know. You like lesbians. Who doesn’t? That’s a $400 – $800 deal, per girl. It just depends on the girl, and what it is you exactly want them to do.
Personally, jerking off to lesbos got boring when I was still in high school. I really like to watch people fuck. That’s gonna be $700 to $1000 per girl. Expect to pay the dude anywhere from $100 bucks all the way up to $1000…again, it really depends on the dude – specifically, how big is the pee-pee? And can Homey keep it hard when those hot lights are on him? With strangers around, watching it all?
If you’re really naughty, you like to see a girl take it up the butt. Figure $1100 – $1400.
And you like more than one guy, of course! That’s an extra $200 per dick for whatever it is you’re talking about…BJ’s, sex, buttsex. Whatever. Unless he’s just dropping a load…then it’s only a hundie more.
Don’t ask me about weirdo fetish type shit. I can’t help.
Now here’s the fun part – let’s do the math! If you’re a dude, and you’re at, say, $400 a scene, and you manage to get work 3 days out of the week, you’re at $1200 a week! 62K a year to fuck porn stars!! Uh huh!
Let’s say you’re a chick, and you’re a heet. (Heet=hot) You’re getting booked for sex scenes every day of the week! That’s almost $5000 a week! WOW! And you can do that as long as your poonanny holds up. And when she gives, start doing anal! (By the way, don’t worry about your period…that’s what make-up sponges are for, silly.)
If you’re going to let an agent work for you, expect to pay your pimp 10 – 20%, depending how much work you expect your pimp to do…like, if he’s driving you around town, that’s good for 15-20%. If you can get yourself around, why pay more than 15%?
Now get to work!
(And if you’re wondering about the girl in the pic I shot here, it’s Judy Starr; she did what’s known as a b/b/b/g (boy-boy-boy-girl) and made about $1300 for the scene. Each dude got $500 or so. I was working second camera back then. That’s Dogfart standing in the foreground, and Justin Timberlake-Feels-Your-Pain on his knee, getting the insertion shot. You can see the scene at the one and only Blacks On Blondes.)
Weird, all this time I thought Dogfart was a black guy. I had a picture of Bishop in my head.
Interesting tidbit on the tube sites. Do you think it’s sustainable?
if you’re a whore, double anal seems to be the way to go. make some good cash real fast.
yeah, I thought dogfart was black too….seems like an old white pervo 🙂
yeah, I really do wonder how you, and many like you w/ paid site are still in biz/able to make money….w/ all the tube-porn sites out there, as well as all the porn ripping/hacking forums out there trading user/pass combos for just about any porn site out there……let alone all the content on rapidshare…….it’s amazing you’re still making any cash, let alone affort to actually pay that kinda cash for talent….hell they should be paying you for shooting them! ” 🙂
There is no money to be made in Porno anymore. The future of porno will be cheaply-made, gonzo-type films made by “amateurs,” and most of this content will be free. Maybe they will made money off add revenue for “penis pills” or something else, but porno (at least the way it used to be) is finished.
Why anyone would buy a porno is beyond me? With a little looking you can find tons of sites that offer long or full length videos for free.
I don’t think that there’s no money in porno anymore. For sure, the business model is changing. DVDs are dying off, but the same could be said of mainstream DVD movies. Innovation at this juncture is key and have no doubt, the movie and music industry is going to be watching the moves made by the successful pornographers very carefully.
No money in porn hahahah… maybe you niggas don’t know what you’re doing or you are too busy trying to film and copycat the same shit. Niche amateur films are where its at. If you have something unique, people will pay for it, and it doesn’t take a large audience to be successful. But so far as just filming regular people (ie: white people) fuck that is just so vanilla that nobody will buy it, its a hard sell thats why dogfart spins the racial niche so well. And for a white dude he does a pretty good fucking job and this is coming from a black guy. If you think sites like his Cumbang was racist I can make some shit 10 times worse than that, but the billing companies may not approve of it 🙂 This country, media-wise was built on films like birth of a nation and gone with the wind, so-called “classic films” are racist as fuck, and this is just a modern interpretation of them if you ask me. Anyhow, good job dogfart and good job Billy. On a strange twist of fate I met up with the other guy with the billy watson shirt at exotica miami, and I know there is only 3 in existence… small fucking world man. peaceout – shimmy
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how can i be a male porn star???
I am 21 years old looking for a fun job and would love to be a pornstar. I am good looking and I live in KY and need help on becomin a pornstar I dont like dudes just hot girls I am good at fucking girls My phone number is [deleted…what’s wrong with people?]
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need that job
I’m a Men living in baltimore.I’m looking to brake into the adult movies.I have a 9 1/2 in. dick,I can go for 9 to 10 hours fucking,I like eating pussy, and love to cum all over a lady, and in there mouth to.I like to have threesomes and one on one sex and more, so if can help me here is my e mail:
We are married, and could someone please give us some info about how to be in the porn videos or industry, or even how to start doing our own website, at home online and get paid, please we don’t know where to look, if you all can help me I will appreciate that. We don’t know where to look or even what names to look under so i know someone out there knows what we can do, to get started so we can make some cash. Any info provided will help: my husbands dick is a great size between 9 1/2 – 10″ and we look good he is 42 yrs old, and I am 29 yrs old. We both are a sexy couple- and need help finding our way to porn world or: our business number is : 859-248-7399 to give any info nothing more will be advised. Thanks I hope I listed this in the right place if not please someone lead me in right direction???I am young and need some help…
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Hi. My question is similar to the couples above. I am married and me and my husband are looking into making our own pornos and selling them to websites or even making our own website. The problem is we dont know where to start! My husband is good looking and has a huge penis. I too am good looking and have a nice tight body. basically we are not at all worried about being able to “sell ourselves”, but we just dont now how to do so. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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Hey I got a few questions . Do they take any guy who shows up who is qualified and do they film guys from oversees and how long would it take for a guy who just got into porn to fuck a well known porn star or that just ain’t happening if your no good ? Can also a newbie choose who too fuck or ask for or is it all systamatic ?
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I want to be a porno star I am 19 I have had sex before and I love it but I want to make money
There is so much money to be made from porn. You have to know business and marketing. You can’t just go into the industry without being educated about what needs to done. It’s about building a brand. Some girls think they will be famous just because. No. You have to build your brand. Some people start porn companies thinking a miracle will happen. No. You have to build your brand. When you are successful at that, you will see money.
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