I can’t wait to tell all my relatives at the Thanksgiving Day table!!
Here’s the top-rated girl — Jenni Lee — from the top-rated handjob site on the net.
Here’s some free Jenni Lee handjob videos from that scene.
My members liked her so much, we brought her back again; here’s some more free Jenni Lee handjob movies. So don’t say I never gave you anything.
Oh…we got such an overwhelming response to Jenni Lee’s handjob scenes, we hired her for The Dick Suckers. The scene made the rounds, too, namely cause of what happened: Jenni tried to cum dodge, but our stunt cock was on top of the situation, so, as Jenni tried (in vain) to dodge, Stunt Cock followed her, scoring hit after hit on Jenni’s cute face. Finally figuring she wasn’t dodging shit, Jenni relinquished and just laughed as she got hosed down.
Our members liked that one so much, we brought her back again.
Here’s some free Jenni Lee blowjob videos from that first scene — the famous one; and here’s some free Jenni Lee blowjob videos from her second appearance at The Dick Suckers.
Wait a sec — this is a blog about Manojob being the best…not Jenni Lee. But the site’s only as good as its models, right? That’s your first lesson.
Lesson. Lesson?
Let’s change shit around. I hate braggarts, so I’ll stop.
Let’s start this blog over and call it Porno 101.
I get tons of e-mails asking “how do I start a porno site?” so I’m gonna answer that now, and I’m gonna use Manojob as a real-life example.
First, buy two cameras — a video camera and a camera to take your pictures. I won’t tell you want to buy, but I will say I’m a Canon guy. There’s Nikon guys, too. And just like Ford and Chevy guys, no one’s really right — right?
Then figure out what you’re gonna shoot. I chose handjobs cause it’s the cheapest content to produce that features boys and girls doing naughty things to each other. Oh…and I like handjobs, too. (I never really watched handjob porn before I started Manojob).
Come up with a good name. Try and brand your smut.
Hire models.
See just how easy this all is?
I won’t bore you with post-production details…I’ll save that for another blog.
Why bother giving this advice if the Porn industry is drying up as you mentioned in a previous post. I must confess to being one of the countless millions getting off for free on Tubesites. However, I do occasionally pay for a site if I am really into the porn whore of the moment.
A quick question…Are a lot of the porn whore’s you know turning to straight up prostituition to make ends meet? I can think of one or two I would actually pay to fuck…Jenni Lee might be one…Gianna Michaels is another…
Jenni Lee is the fucking best. She doesn’t do much but what she does is quality to me.
Is Jenni Lee still working in the biz? Isn’t she a bitch anyway?
Porn will not die out, it just needs to be MORE offensive (in a non Beastie way and non derogatory to women way) to gain more attention and make $$$$$$$.
Yeah porn aint gonna die. As long as the chicks need money, they will get naked and fucked on camera. If anything the amount of content should increase cause producers can get girls to anything for less money. One of them should shoot a vid of a hot chick just getting fucked for whatever people can a afford…ya know $5 blowjobs…fucked up the ass for $1…that would be her paycheck. Yeah I am a sick perv and I like the offensive stuff (not the beastie though) like degrading the porn whore’s especially if she really isnt in to that in real life.
Rick, good questions. Hopefully Billy comments on these here.
Also, I completely agree that now is the time to make porn. Shooting the content is cheaper than ever and the tubes will change at some point to pay the producers submitting content…they’re not going to be getting any new content if they run all the producers out of business, and living off advertising is not all that easy, especially when nobody but brazzers or adult friend finder wants to buy advertising from you.
Also, I think the only way to make money right now is to shoot one really hot porn whore who has her own site that people will still pay for. Ideally this porn whore would be your girlfriend/partner, ala naughty allie.